𝗧𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗲 || 𝖡𝖺𝗂𝗓𝗁𝗎

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- 𝖡𝖺𝗂𝗓𝗁𝗎 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


after a troublesome fight against three ruin gaurds, which caused your leg to have a large gash across your thigh and rather than going to find a doctor, you decided to find Baizhu who thankfully wasn't too far from where you were.

You kept hissing and grunting at the bleeding open wound as you climbed up the stairs into the pharmacy of Liyue Harbor.

With your remaining strength, you reached for the little bell before collapsing onto the floor. "B-Baizhu.." you sighed and then everything went black.

Not long after, you could hear muffled voices along with a bright light washing over you. Your eyes slowly opened and revealed to see Baizhu and Qiqi doing something on your leg.
Finally Baizhu's worry full eyes met yours, "your awake!" He praised, "goodness what happened to you?"

You lifted your head up only to be too weak and lay back down. With a groan you replied, "I had to deal with three ruin gaurds and they blasted their rocket thingies toward me and I crashed into the rocks, until suddenly one of them started spinning and gashed my leg pretty bad.."

"So you ran away?" Qiqi asked, standing on her tiptoes to reach you on the bed. "Yeah.. I'll come back for them later." You replied with a tired smile but Baizhu suddenly stopped applying antibiotics on your wound.

"You need to be more careful.." he shook his head before taking a needle and string. "I got ambushed.. I thought they weren't functioning."

Baizhu didn't look too happy at the state you were in. Seeing you hurt was one of the last things on his mind but you being an adventurer, he couldn't control what would happen while you were away.

"(Y/n), please, I'm serious." He said, inserting the thread into the needle to begin stitching your wound. "You lost a lot of blood today and need rest. I won't let you go out on any missions unless you're completely healed." He ordered, taking a cotton swab and placing more antibiotics on your wound.

You looked into his eyes weakly, and nodded. "Okay.." and suddenly you felt a pinch, "OW!" You hissed, sitting up. "Relax, my darling, I need to stitch this up."

Your eyes trailed over to your leg which was dirtied with dried blood and antiseptic. "How long will it take?" You croaked, staring at the large scar. Baizhu then took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb over your palm. "It won't take too long, but if you like I can give you anesthesia and you'll wake up when it's over."

He had a gentle and reassuring smile on his face as he looked at you and you nodded sheepishly. "O-okay, let's do that.."
Baizhu then kissed the top of your hand before opening the nearby cupboard to get the injection and anesthetic.

When he prepared to insert the needle into your arm, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes and felt the tiny bit of pain when the medicine was pushed through your skin. Not long after, you had fallen asleep.

An hour and a half later, you grew awake. You were no longer on the medical bed but instead your own bedroom. You groaned, slowly sitting up and rubbing your tired eyes. "Hello?" You piped up, voice still groggy but no one answered. "Oh right, I got stitched.." you took the blanket over your body and tore it away, unveiling your bandaged thigh.

You bit your bottom lip as you continued to stare at the bandage until the door creaked open. "Ah, good to see you, my darling." It was Baizhu, holding a tray of Matsutake rolls and a glass of water. "I had Xiangling make these for you since you love it so much." He finished with a chuckle before sitting on the empty space of the bed.

"Thank you." You blushed, cupping your cheeks. "Well, how are you feeling?" He asked, propping up the small wooden foldable table over your abdomen to set the tray of food down. "Well, I'm still kind of tired but otherwise, good thanks to you."

After Baizhu placed your food on the table, he got up and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. "I'm going to take care of you until you get better, okay?"

You smiled sheepishly, "thank you for everything, Baizhu.. for real."
He shook his head with a smirk "it's no problem, my darling. I'm just glad we get to spend more time together."

"Now eat up, I'll be back with some pain killers." He waved before exiting the room and you couldn't wait to dig into your food.

It had been like that for a week now, Baizhu taking care of you like he said he would by changing your bandage, cleaning the dried blood from the cut, giving you three meals a day and helping you get to the bathroom to shower.

You were extremely thankful for him being able to manage handling the pharmacy while also taking care of you. And two weeks later, your wound had been healed and your recovery had been nothing but smooth sailing thanks to Baizhu and his tender loving care.

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