𝗦𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 || 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝖾

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*sits on a bench* Here you go, Childe simps, have some Childe fic crumbs for you.
*throws crumbs on the floor* enjoy your food.


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- 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝖾 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


on the night of your birthday and you couldn't be more happy to spend it with your friends. Everything was perfect - the food, the music, and the atmosphere of the home was filled with chatter and laughter. But just when it couldn't get any better, Beidou had surprised you with a visit.

"B-Beidou?! What are you doing here!?" You asked, eyes growing wide as she held that proud smile of hers. "Why of course I'm here to celebrate your birthday!" She beamed, her arm hooking over your shoulder in a light hug. "I'm so glad to see you!" You chuckled, allowing her inside. "Same with you, (Y/n). I haven't seen you in about seven months now!"

You and Beidou sat on the couch, sharing wild stories and how she was at sea and how things were going between you and Childe.

"We're doing great, actually. Our four year anniversary is next week." You spoke, voice lowering to a quiet whisper at the end while leaning closer to Beidou to which she replied with a soft smile. "That's fantastic to know, but still, be mindful of him (Y/n)." She knew of Childe being Fatui and couldn't find herself just trusting him yet but she trusted you so you hoped that was enough to somehow convince her that Childe deep down was a caring person.

As the night continued, you had spent most of it chatting and joking with your friends that it seemed as though time had quickened its pace, five minutes feeling like an hour because of how much fun you were having.

Eventually the clock chimed to ten o' clock and most of your friends had already decided to leave. "I'm so happy you came." You smiled, as Xinyan and Xiangling both caged you in a hug. "Of course, (Y/n). Who else would take care of the music?" Xinyan grinned whilst the two girls released you.

Beidou was the last to leave, considering she was your number one best friend in all of the world. "You take care okay? I'm not often here to watch over you," she joked, that loud and prideful voice of hers ringing in your ears. "Of course I will." You rolled your eyes playfully as she gave you one last hug.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning to continue on our voyage, I promise to bring you a little something for a late birthday gift."

You grinned with a light nod. "Thanks, Beidou. Please stay safe out there."

Beidou shot you a smile before jogging down your wooden stairs. "And remember, be careful around that Tartaglia." She finished and you nodded "aye, aye captain." You waved, feeling tired because of the fact she'd tell you this time and time again whenever she wasn't at sea.

When you closed the door to the entrance of your home, you spun around to see Childe standing by the fireplace, his usual smile tugged on his lips. "Hey, Princess" he cooed once you made your way over to him. "Hey, handsome, where've you been?"

"I was just talking with Zhongli." He answered "I wanted to give you time with your friends and didn't wanna get in the middle of that because the both of us are going to have some fun on our own tonight~"

You blushed, eyes tearing away from his because of what he was implying. Before he even mentioned your nighttime activities for this evening, you wanted to thank him and call him sweet but of course whenever you were around Childe, you couldn't help but become and easily flustered mess.

"But," he paused, his hand taking yours to rest on his shoulder while the other held onto your waist. "Before we get into that, I wanted... to dance with you."

Your eyes sparkled in awe when his smirk formed into a genuinely soft smile, already swaying to the slow music being played on the record player. "You wanted to dance? How come?" You giggled whilst he lifted your hand to his lips for a chivalrous kiss upon it. "Dunno, I guess I figured tonight being extra romantic just for you."

It was definitely romantic. The two of you swaying in small circles to the music, eyes locked together and the warm light emitting from the fireplace couldn't make it anymore perfect than it already was.

"Oh, and I forgot to give this to you." Childe spoke suddenly as he briefly pulled away from you to grab the velvet box that sat by the table next to the couch. Your eyes grew wide, eyeing the mysterious box in his slender fingers before getting down on one knee.

"Childe?" You let out a gasp,trying to hold yourself together for about what was going to happen.

"(Y/n), you are perfect, too perfect." He started, head shaking in the process with a smile. "You're too perfect for someone like me, but that's why I'm lucky, lucky to have you stay by my side for the longest time and it surprises me every day that you've chosen to accept and love me."

"Thank you for being there for me through thick and thin, for being the light of my dark and dreary, battle thirsty world and for accepting who I am." Childe nearly choked up over how emotional he was getting over this, he was just so happy that you were his and he was yours.

"You're beautiful, smart, strong, and brave. You're my world, princess.."

"And that being said, I love you (Y/n), I always will and I swear to protect you and be there for you when you need me, so princess, I ask you now..." he paused, causing your tears to spill out of your (e/c) orbs.

"Will you marry me?"

You didn't even hesitate to say yes, throwing yourself onto Childe once he stood up, to smash your lips into his in a loving and passionate kiss. Tears had spilled out of your eyes as he wrapped his slender arms around your waist before you cupped his cheeks to deepen the kiss.

His hand then went up to rest on your neck gently, his fingers briefly running through your hair while his thumb caressed your cheek.
When you both separated, he happily inserted the intricately designed golden ring before pressing your lips to his in a short peck.

"Happy birthday, (Y/n)." He chuckled before holding you in his arms. You rested your head on his chest, arms wrapped around his waist. "Childe, I'm so happy..." you muttered, tightening your embrace. Everything almost felt unreal to you because of your rapid heart beating and your shaking frame. Like Childe proposed? Unreal.

"I just knew you'd say yes." He smirked as he started to sway with the music once more, returning to his usual charismatic self.
"Of course I would." You giggled, enjoying the tender moment you both shared. It was perfect, and your love for one another was perfect and finally, the ring sealed the deal, taking another big step forward to this beautiful relationship.

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