𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗥𝗲𝘅 𝗟𝗮𝗽𝗶𝘀 || 𝖥𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋! 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂

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- 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


causing you to stir awake from your blissful sleep. Next to you was your husband, Zhongli. His brunette locks tousled over his eyes and his arms were wrapped around your waist, his gentle breaths tickling your skin as he lay on your chest.

It was yet another morning in Liyue but now that you were a family with not two but four children - two boys and two girls, (easy now-) the house was a lot more louder than it would usually be.

Now, with Zhongli as the Geo archon and you as an adepti, aging physically was never a problem and so as your children got older, your family looked quite intimidating and was a force to be reckoned with. Especially since your eldest son and daughter now had visions of their own.

With a quiet groan, you embraced your husband tighter. Relishing in the warmth his body gave off from the cool morning air, but your tranquility was cut short when a loud squeal emitted from the doorway.

The sound of your daughter, Liena's squeals pierced both yours and Zhongli's ears, seeing as both your brows furrowed and eyes squeezed shut.

"Mama!! Papa!!!" She screamed through her giggles, struggling the get up on your bed and climbing in between you and Zhongli. You let out a loud oof when she plopped her full weight upon you both, waking you from your once quiet morning.

"Liena, what's going on-" you slurred, rubbing your eye until another loud voice erupted. "You can't hide forever, Liena!!" It was your second son and third eldest, Zhen.

The young boy climbed the bed and laughed loudly when he began to tickle his sister, causing her to writhe on the bed.

The loud yelling and sudden impact on your bodies got you and Zhongli to sit up tiredly with exasperated expressions. "Liena! Zhen!" You spoke, quickly snapping the two's attention towards you. "H-hi mama!" Zhen greeted with a toothy grin and already it caused your heart to melt. You just couldn't yell at them.

You sighed deeply and you grew a little more relaxed. Before you and Zhongli could utter a word, another pair of footsteps came running toward your door. The two eldest siblings, Genji and Yanyu appeared. "Mother! Father!" The two panted. "Apologies, but Zhen and Liena just couldn't stop chasing each other. And when we noticed they were heading towards your room, well... we had to go after them."

Genji grinned bashfully, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Y-yes, we didn't mean to disturb you both." Yanyu added.

"Oh it's alright, we were just surprised by the sudden screaming." Zhongli replied with a tiny smile. Though he was quite upset he didn't stay in bed a little longer, he didn't want to get angry at them for a trivial thing.

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