e l e v e n

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For the rest of the weekend Jaebeom did everything he could to avoid going to the hospital. He'd ice his wrist, attempt to wrap it in spare bandage and did his best not to use his left hand despite the fact he was left handed.

Finally he accepted his loss, grabbing his keys and wallet and heading to the nearest emergency room. The waiting room was already filled as he walked up to the front desk and got his information noted down.
The nurse gestured for him to take a seat. He walked over to a spare space in the corner and was about to sit when--


The questioned turned around at the mention of his name. A tall boy with brown hair was looking back at him from a few seats away.


Yugyeom stood up from his seat and walked over to where the elder was, clutching a bag of peas onto his forehead as he did so, "What are you doing here?"

Jaebeom raised his wrist in defeat, feeling more sore than ever.

"Ahhhhh.." Yugyeom realised, "That's bad.. when did that happen?"


"And you didn't come here until now?!"

Jaebeom shook his head, "What's with the peas?" He said tilting his head towards the younger.

"I have this really bad headache that keeps coming and going," after saying that the automatic doors slid open again and to Jaebeom's suprise, Bambam walked through the doors without a care in the world.

Yugyeom noticed this and sighed, with a small smile on his face.

"Wahh there it comes again!"

"Hey!!" Bambam said playfully shoving Yugyeom in the arm after hearing this. They both laughed for a moment before Bambam noticed the presence of one more person.

"I'm the one who drove you here-- Eh?! Jaebeom??"

He explained himself once more, surprised to see that the pair of maknaes stayed standing with him as they all waited.


Double B
Me and YG are at the hospital

What? Why??

Double B
Damnnn that's the first time you've replied all weekend

Double B
Yugyeom has this killer headache so I drove him

You can't drive though..

Double B
Skrr skrr

Double B
Got an uber

Double B
Guess who else is here

I dont know? Jackson?

Double B

Double B
You never would have guessed

Double B


Youngjae froze. Was Jaebeom okay?
He felt so guilty after what happened on Friday. And he felt even worse that the relationship between them was more uneasy than ever.

Hate him without feeling guilty?
That's the last thing he could think about doing. He rubbed his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh, disappointed at himself. He hadn't been able to bring himself to get out of bed for most of the weekend. Every so often his parents would check on him but he would refuse to make contact. All he could think about was Jaebeom. He thought about how much pain he seemed to be in, how he had risked himself just for Youngjae's sake, how his touch felt warm when his tears rained down his face. Youngjae physically shook himself to try get himself out of his haze.
And for the first time that weekend, he got ready and left the house.



"Who're you texting?" Yugyeom asked after noticing Bambam busy on his phone. 


Lots of time had past, the waiting times drawing longer and longer as more people piled in and more people were called up to an examination room. The door opened once more and all three turned to look. All three were surprised when they discovered who it was.

Youngjae ran through the doors and scanned the area, finally noticing the current trio standing at the other side of the waiting room.

"Youngjae hey!"

Youngjae nodded at Bambam, but his eyes still fixed on Jaebeom. Seeing this, Jaebeom quickly tried to hide his sore wrist behind him-- but before he could Youngjae grabbed his arm.
Yugyeom gave wide eyes at Bambam, the recipient could only shrug. 

"How come you didn't come here on Friday!" Youngjae scolded, turning Jaebeom's wrist in his hand to examine the severity, "I knew I should have taken you--"

"Lim Jaebeom," the nurse called out. The unlucky duo both turned their heads at the name, Youngjae still holding onto the other. 

"You've got to be kidding.." Yugyeom grimaced, "Not that you shouldn't be seen, I just hope someone calls my name soon," he added after noticing Jaebeom's stare.

The nurse walked up to the group, "Who's with who? You can't all be standing around."

Bambam and Yugyeom sat down a few seats over after hearing this, Yugyeom's face beginning to pale at the sudden movement. 

"I'm with Jaebeom," Youngjae said, surprising the rest greatly.

"This way," the nurse gestured, leading the pair into an examination room.

The youngest pair looked at each other, both with confusion and surprise.
Yugyeom hunched over again as another wave of pain ran through him.

Bambam rubbed his back gently, hurt by seeing his best friend in so much pain, "Don't worry man someone will be here soon."

He stood up from his seat and threw Yugyeom a thumbs up, "I'm gonna talk to the nurse up front."

Yugyeom gave a weak thumbs up in return, a warm smile covering his face as he watched Bambam turn away.

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