t h i r t y - s e v e n

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A few days had passed and unfortunately for the younger, Jaebeom had kept to his word of 'going back to when they didn't know each other'. He continued to ignore Youngjae at school and continued to leave all his messages on read.

Currently, Youngjae was walking alone past the school blocks to make up for the empty time he had left between now and his next lesson. Out of nowhere Youngjae felt his bag being pulled from behind him. He tripped in the process and managed to catch his fall with his hands. When he looked up he noticed 2 tall guys before him, one holding his bag up as if it were some sort of trophy. The first boy had angular features and eyes that seemed to be filled with smoke. The second next to him was taller with bleached hair that during any other instance, Youngjae would have complimented and thought looked cool-- but right now he couldn't think at all.

"What are you doing?" Youngjae asked innocently.

He wanted to think that it was just a misunderstanding.
That they had caught his bag by accident.
That something bad wasn't about to happen.

Youngjae felt his stomach drop as the pair towered over him, it was then that Youngjae realised that there was hardly anybody else around.

Nobody would see them if something was going to happen.

The boy with the burning eyes ripped open the bag and spilled its contents messily onto the floor, one sheet in particular that was filled with Youngjae's handwriting catching their attention.

It was the song. That song.
Youngjae didn't know why he always carried it on him. He never planned on showing Jaebeom the song that was written about him-- because surely Jaebeom would think it was embarrassing. But nonetheless Youngjae kept it close by so that nobody else could get their hands on it; nobody at home could find it by accident and none of his friends could find it if he knew exactly where it was at all times.

That had been working-- until now.

The boys read the sheet of paper out loud, mocking each line with cruel smiles covering their faces. All the colour drained from Youngjae's skin and his eyes began to dull into a sad grey.

"I think we're the perfect two, what the hell even is this?"

Why is this happening to me?

"Listen to this.. Everyday my eyes on you.."

I'm nice to everyone.

"Come to me and kiss me. You've got to be kidding me.."

Why are they doing this?

They continued to humiliate the light haired boy at their feet at a painfully slow rate, each second feeling like a rope was being tied around Youngjae's neck, the friction and the tightness even more suffocating by the second. The one holding the paper turned back to look at Youngjae, his stare aggressive and overwhelming.

"You wrote this huh?" he asked sarcastically, drawing out the anxiety rippling through the latter, "Wow.. You really are lame Choi Youngjae."

Without warning he ripped the song in half, the sound tearing through the air and the crumpled pages falling to the ground before Youngjae's eyes.



Jaebeom stood from afar and watched Youngjae flinch as the tall looking boy pretended to kick him, the bullies laughing at the reaction they had created. Youngjae rushed to grab his belongings from the floor and escape, leaving in the opposite direction to where the elder was standing.

"It's his fault really, I always thought he would be better than that."

"I never knew Youngjae was into guys. It's really messed up."

Jaebeom felt the rage fuelling his body and pulsing through his veins at the comments. He stormed over towards the menacing two, his eyes darkened further and his voice gripping and angry.

"Stop talking about Youngjae like that. Get his name out of your fucking mouth."

Jaebeom grabbed the first boy by his shirt collar, pulling harshly with his fist tightly clenched around the fabric. He recognised them both. The one with the sharp eyes was Minjun while the second standing behind him was Daewon, both being from the grade above. The only reason he could name them was from the numerous detentions he had gotten over the years, these two in particular also being regulars.

It made his stomach sink knowing that the rumours had been spreading to the other grades.

Minjun scoffed, "What's it to you Jaebeom, we'll say we want about Youngjae-"

"Did you not hear me? I said. Leave. Youngjae. Alone."

Although his grip was strong and tensed, Jaebeom's arm and whole frame was shaking as he spoke. He felt too disgusted with what was in front of him, these things.. not even worth being called people.

"Fucking psycho bastard.." the boy muttered, his death like stare not phasing the brown haired boy one bit.

Jaebeom yanked him closer and tightened his grip, feeling all ounces of composure slipping away.

"This is the last time I warn you," he muttered with gritted teeth before releasing Minjun from his grasp. The second year stumbled back slightly and took a moment to regain balance.

Jaebeom sighed loudly, trying to get over his build up of anger and tension. He shoved past them both as he attempted to walk away. Noticing still how riled up he was, Minjun laughed mockingly and made another aggravating remark.

"Run off to your boyfriend. I heard that you hit him, you should keep doing that. You both deserve it. Lim Jaebeom! I hope you both get the shit you deserve."

Jaebeom stopped in his tracks, feeling his blood running cold and his vision blurring from the anger alone. Suddenly his demeanour changed. He rolled his shoulders back and rubbed the back of his neck in what looked like preparation.

"The nerve of this guy.. He's laughing," Daewon said, taken aback by the strange reaction.

Jaebeom stormed back over, curling his hand into a fist and landing a strong punch on Minjun's face. The attacked stumbled back, clutching his cheek with his hand while Daewon ran over to catch his fall. Without anymore hesitation Jaebeom left before he really lost control.

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