n i n e t e e n

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Despite being back at school Youngjae was hardly to be seen. He skipped most of his lessons and the times where he did come in he barely payed attention. Teachers worried he was becoming too much like Jaebeom—

At least, Jaebeom before Jaebeom started acting like Youngjae.

Days passed by in quick succession. Jaebeom wasn't sure what he could do to make Youngjae stay, and all Youngjae wanted to do was be alone, alone and alway from school and everyone else.

It was a Thursday morning when Jaebeom caught sight of Youngjae by his locker. After having a sudden flashback at their first ever encounter, Jaebeom plucked up the courage to head over. Throughout the week the pair had made small contact, talking to each other in lessons given that Youngjae actually attended. But it was only ever small talk since Jaebeom didn't want to push Youngjae too far into talking to him, and Youngjae felt too confused with his own feelings and didn't want to act a burden.

Nevertheless Jaebeom kept walking, deciding that this was the time he wanted to be with Youngjae.

"Youngjae.." he said quietly, although his voice was distinctive enough for Youngjae to turn around immediately.

He felt his heart jump a little at seeing the elder. Jaebeom always created this reaction in him. Something of surprise and relief.

"Are you still sick? You're never in lessons anymore," Jaebeom said sternly.

Youngjae turned back to his locker uncomfortably and put his jacket away.

"I still feel a little embarrassed over what happened before," he mumbled.

Youngjae paused, the memory slowly sinking in once more.

"Aishh.. I really did that in front of everyone.." he whispered to himself, scratching his head in anxiousness.

"They'll forget eventually."

Yoyngjae swivelled his head back around after hearing the elder's voice once more.

"And everyone was being way too overboard over it anyway. I still think you did good."

Hearing even this small praise struck Youngjae deeply. With a weak attempt at a smile, he broke eye contact and began staring at the ground with his hands fidgeting on their own.

"I guess I wish I was just away from everybody else though."

"Ah.. I know that feeling," Jaebeom said, soon an idea appeared in his mind.

"Outside school there's like a secret hideout. Nobody ever goes in so if you want you can go there."

"Hmm. I didn't know the school had that," Youngjae replied.

"It's away from everybody else too, so it's really quiet."

Jaebeom took a few steps back. He pulled his own bag onto his shoulder and gestured as if he was about to leave– but before he did he made sure to watch Youngjae, who currently was waiting in anticipation.

Their eyes met deeply once more.

"Let's go."



Youngjae followed along whilst noticing a few students had turned to give the pair strange looks. He avoided their gaze and made sure to only focus on Jaebeom. Finally they arrived at the outskirts of said destination, still standing on the main pavement and looking in. Youngjae let out a small gasp at the sight before him.

"Wow. . It's so nice. How come I've never seen this before?"

Jaebeom was happy to see Youngjae in amazement, "You probably don't realise if you're not actively looking for it. I guess if you're with lots of people you don't really notice things around you as much."

Youngjae hummed in agreement. What was previously an overwhelming sound of students and teachers had now become a light muffle. The air felt refreshing and the most predominant sounds were birds shuffling through the trees.

"Let's have lunch here," Jaebeom said after a few moments.

"To study?"

Jaebeom shook his head, "Let's just eat lunch together."

Youngjae's looked up at Jaebeom with a hopeful expression and light twinge of pink staining his cheeks at the request.
Jaebeom looked calm and at peace, it was a side Youngjae hadn't noticed before.

He turned quickly causing Youngjae to avert his adoring gaze. Youngjae made a mental note to stop staring at Jaebeom so much– but that wasn't proving to be much success.

"Is that a yes?" Jaebeom asked for confirmation.

Youngjae began to nod, but his expression quickly changed once he turned to his right and noticed a large group of teachers heading their way.

Without thinking Youngjae pulled Jaebeom into the quite area and away from view, holding onto Jaebeom's wide shoulders and using him as a human shield. He buried his face into the latter's back as he hid.

"Y-youngjae?!" Jaebeom asked feeling flustered and confused himself.

"All those teachers.. I've been skipping all their classes.." Youngjae murmererd, his voice still muffled by the elder's back.

Jaebeom watched and waited until the teachers had gone, making sure to duck his head behind the greenery and out of view as the faculty made their way past. He turned around slowly to see a very cute looking Youngjae with his head facing the floor trying to look inconspicuous.

They were facing each other now but Youngjae still had his hands on Jaebeom's shoulders. Youngjae gulped after noticing how close they were, how easy it would be for him to pull Jaebeom even closer. Quickly he moved his hands away from the awkward position they were in and kept them straight to his sides.

"You're welcome," Jaebeom said almost smugly.

A shy look covered Youngjae in response, "You make a good human shield," he said quietly, but just enough for Jaebeom to hear and to feel satisfied with himself, "If I ever get into a fight I'm using you as my defense."

Jaebeom scoffed slightly, but with a smile on his face and slight laughter in his tone. Youngjae's heart pumped harder.

"I guess we should go to lessons now, unless you're gonna keep hiding from the teachers."

Even after Jaebeom had said it sarcascally, Youngjae knew that skipping lessons was probably what he was going to do.

"I'll see you around hyung," Youngjae responded, his tone falling in comparision to before.

Jaebeom felt disappointed realising Youngjae wasn't coming with him, because even in this short span of time he enjoyed his company more than anything else.

The boys said their goodbyes and headed in opposite directions.

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