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The sky was already beginning to darken as the two left, Youngjae storming out of school grounds and walking back along the road to his house.

The elder chased after him, "Youngjae!".

The latter refused to turn back to look at the elder, his eyes already too close to spilling more tears.

Jaebeom stooped in his tracks and yelled even louder than before, "YOUNGJAE!".

This time he got a reaction. Youngjae stopped, but still couldn't bring himself to look at the voice who was calling his name.

Jaebeom was out of breath, he sighed loudly and ran his fingers through his hair.

"What did I ever do to you?!" Jaebeom yelled bitterly, "How come you hate me so much when you care about everyone else!!"

A few people on the street turned to look at the unfortunate duo. They were walking along the main road as cars passed by quickly, the sound of their engines adding haze to both boys' minds.

Youngjae felt his stomach churning and his eyes overflowing once more. He refused to give an answer and instead grabbed his headphones from his bag and put them on, looking down at the ground and he continued walking.

Jaebeom scoffed, and continued walking slowly before he noticed something. He began running, his legs straining at the sudden change in speed, his eyes fixed on the younger.

"Youngjae wait!"

He tried to gain the other's attention again, already knowing that he wouldn't be able to hear. He ran faster. He screamed louder.


Hearing his name Youngjae looked up from the ground, only then realizing his feet walking him into a road where a car was speeding through with no sign of slowing down. The headlights flashed and the horn blared loudly. The boy looked up in horror, his feet frozen to the ground and feeling truly like a deer caught in the headlights. The sounds became overwhelming and the lights became blazing as the car got closer and closer--

Suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around him from behind, pulling him to the other side of the road where they both crashed onto the pavement. The car raced by them both and into the distance.

The boys were shaking, Youngae had landed on his side while Jaebeom had caught himself with his hands from falling face first into the concrete. Their bags had been throw around to the side and Youngjae's headphones had crashed off, some of the plastic casing breaking off in the process. 

Youngjae looked up slowly again, his eyes being squeezed shut as he previously prepared for the impact that never came, or, a different impact entirely.

The latter winced as he picked his left hand up from the ground, his wrist aching from falling onto it poorly. He tried to twist it but another searing spike of pain ran through him. He gipped it tightly in his other hand.

"Your wrist. . I should take you to the hospital--" Youngjae quickly tried to say.

Jaebeom, still holding his wrist, brought his left hand up to Youngjae's face. His fingers placed gently onto his cheeks as his thumb wiped away the younger boy's tears that by this point, he had forgotten were still pouring.

Their eyes met for a moment.

"Aishhh!" Jaebeom winced again. Quickly turning away and bending over from the pain.

Silence filled the small space between them, being pierced by Jaebeom's pants and groans and winces as he tried to regain his composure. After a few more moments the silence was broken.

"Go home Youngjae," Jaebeom said coldly without looking him in the eye.


Jaebeom turned his head in suprised, Youngjae too seemingly surprised by what he had said. The boy gulped awkwardly.

Jaebeom tried to smile but with heavy feeling in his heart, "Just because you're calling me hyung now doesn't mean we have to like eachother."

The familiar words stung the reciever more than Jaebeom had intended, but nonetheless, Youngjae knew he had that coming. He had no reply and let the other continue talking.

"You don't have to like me just because I stopped you getting run over.."

"But hyung-- Jaebeom!"

"Go home Youngjae," he interrupted once more, "Just ignore this, keep hating me without feeling guilty," and with that he stood up, walking over to grab his bag and headed away. The shadow of his shoulders being the last thing Youngjae could keep his focus on.

Once he had the resistance to peel his eyes away, he scurried the groud to pick up his things, a disappointed sigh escaping his lips as he picked up his the pieces of what once were his headphones. His eyes drew back into the road where only seconds ago he was walking and his hands cupped his cheek in the same place the elder had previously touched it. Holding onto that feeling, Youngjae tried once more to pinpoint the elder.

By this point Jaebeom was fully and utterly out of sight.




Author's note
I changed the cover to this story! I made it myself so I hope you like it, let me know your thoughts too.
I couldn't decide between a standard aesthetic cover or a story specific cover so we're going with this. I also made a new cover for my other story 'sticky notes' so check that out too if you get the chance.
Bye for now!

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