Final Note From The Author

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We did it!

The story is finally finished!

The final chapter has just been published and it's called "one year later", which I originally thought would be funny if I actually published it one year later but turns out it took me a lot longer..

If you're reading this then I hope you have enjoyed this story. I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am that anyone would read a single chapter of what I wrote, let alone a whole book like this. Again, thank you to everyone who read, voted, commented, even acknowledged this story. I'm sorry for not finishing it sooner and I'm sorry to the people who might not read the final chapter too because of how long it took to complete. But thank you all so much for spending your time reading. I'm so eternally grateful. And I hope you have had just as much fun reading as I have had writing.

Some random facts about this story.

Some point in the middle of the story I published a chapter that was written in a chat room style. I think this was sometime after the arcade date after Youngjae had texted the Just Jaebeommie thing. I published it for less than a day before getting rid of it because it was too cringe. The chat messages were just Youngjae and Jaebeom talking about classes. I'm glad that I didn't turn this story into a messager style book.

The chapter with Youngjae, Jackson, and Jinyoung in a classroom after Youngjae got his song ripped up by the 2 bullies wasn't meant to be a full chapter. It was meant to be a small section straight after the bully section, but I kept writing and decided to give it it's own chapter.

The original cover of this story was a picture of ramen that either Youngjae or Jaebeom posted to their Instagram. I can't remember exactly since it was so long ago, but that's the ramen that I envisioned them eating for the first time when Youngjae runs away and stays at Jaebeom's house.

I'm not sure if anyone would care about these random facts, but they're also just for me to think about too.

This is the first time I have ever finished a fanfic before and I can't believe it took me this long, but I'm glad it's done.

Thank you everyone, I'm really not sure how many people will see this if any. But thank you so much.


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