t h i r t y - e i g h t

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"You can't be serious.. They did that?!"

Youngjae nodded, rubbing his eyes as tears continued falling from them. Jackson handed him a box of tissues and Youngjae took a deep breath and blew his nose. 

"It's fine I guess.. They didn't hurt me or anything so it's okay."

"It's not ok! I really wanna give those guys a taste of their own medicine!" Jackson yelled in response.

After what had happened with the two bullies Youngjae ran into one of the spare classrooms and cried his eyes out. He called Jackson first since he knew Jackson was one of his few friends either not in class or not at home. Unsurprisingly, Jackson had come rushing in to his aid.

And to say he was furious was an understatement. 

"You know, people like them are really worse than anything else. They think they're better than everyone when really they're going to grow up and fail in life."

Youngjae took a sip of the water that Jackson had gotten him as he listened to his rant. 

"Next time you even see a hair of them near you I'm not going to hold back."

Youngjae could almost see the smoke coming out from his ears. Once Jackson had finished he turned back to his friend who now was covered with a look that seemed like it was hiding something.


"Something else happened.." the younger admitted, already sensing the curiosity at hand. Jackson shuffled closer in his seat to listen.

"Jaebeom was there. He.. He grabbed the guy and yelled at him and punched him.. I don't think he realised I was watching.."

Jackson's jaw dropped and his eyes covered over in a haze, "Jaebeom!?"

Youngjae nodded. He could recognise his voice anywhere– especially when it was yelling at full volume.

With shame in his eyes Youngjae broke away from his hyung and mumbled quietly, "I have to tell him."

"Tell him?" Jackson asked, not entirely sure where this train of thought was going. 

"That I like him. I like Jaebeom."

It took a moment for the words to register in meaning. Jackson slammed his fists on the table and stood up.

"Are you crazy!?"

At that moment the door opened and Jinyoung rushed in, holding his phone up in front of him with a concerned look on his face.

"Jack, I got your message. What happened?"

After seeing Youngjae with wet cheeks and puffy eyes Jinyoung's own eyes widened. He ran and crouched over next to the youngest, cupping his face with his hands and scanning the boy for any visible damage.

"Youngjae, god what happened?!"

"I'm fine Jinyoung.. These guys were just—"

"Those assholes shoved him over and messed with his stuff," Jackson interrupted, slowly coming down from his spike of disbelief at Youngjae's previous statement. 

Jinyoung's eyes darkened, not being able to believe the story being told.

Youngjae was still clutching the torn pieces of paper in his fists, crumpled beyond compare. He dropped the paper onto the desk in front of him, drawing the attention of both boys at the table. Silenced filled the space between them until the Youngjae explained himself.

"They ripped it up. It was a song I wrote about.. About Jaebeom.."

Small Ohs escaped the lips of the onlookers, knowing where this tale was going. 

"They read it out loud and laughed at me and ripped it up," Youngjae shivered as he spoke, the harsh memory hurting his head.

Jinyoung's face coated with more worry. He opened his mouth to try and console Youngjae based on the flood of new information he was getting, but was interrupted before a sound could even leave his mouth. 

"But I have to tell him.. I have to tell Jaebeom that I like him."

The listeners had blank expressions, not sure how to feel about this abrupt confession from their friend.

"I know.." Youngjae said sensing their immediate doubt, "It's going to ruin things between us but—"

"Youngjae. We all know you like Jaebeom. But are you seriously thinking about telling him when the situation is like this? Jaebeom refuses to speak to you and people are already giving you a hard time because they think you are dating," Jackson replied harshly, more concern for his friend's safely over his feelings.

His words cut deep, but Youngjae knew he was right. Despite this he was determined on his next course of action.

"I know it doesn't make sense. I don't know how I feel anymore about anything."

His eyes pleaded with this hyungs, weak and wanting to be trusted, "But I know that I like Jaebeom."

Jackson threw his friend another dissatisfied look, only making Youngjae more set on convincing, confessing. 

"Please, just let me do this--"

Jackson cut him off harshly.



The hyung in question stood up again, a serious expression over him, "I just don't want you to get hurt again. What happens if Jaebeom says no? What happens if people find out you confessed?"

The younger wasn't having it. They continued arguing, Youngjae pleaded more in a back and forth debate with Jackson turning down his every request. All attempts were futile and both were left at a bitter stalemate.

"Jinyoung?" Jackson asked, hoping to get a little backup.

Both eyes drew to him, making Jinyoung feel even more torn between having to choosing sides. It hurt him seeing his friends argue. Since Jaebeom had seeming left, the elder strayed away from the rest of the group in a greater attempt to avoid Youngjae. He would still text them all occasionally and individually, but Jinyoung liked to think that Jaebeom texted him the most.

"I still think he should do it.." he decided after a while, feeling like he knew something that Jackson otherwise wouldn't. 

Youngjae smiled brightly through his tears at the response, by contrast the eldest of the three could only stare blankly, disappointed. Jackson always trusted Jinyoung's advice, he saw him as a mentor of sorts. But he couldn't trust this.
Without saying anything Jackson grabbed his bag and walked away.

"Jackson ah.." Jinyoung tried to say, but Jackson was already out of the room.

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