f o r t y - t h r e e

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Youngjae was terrible at dressing weather appropriate. He looked cute, really cute, wearing blue light wash jeans and a baby pink sweater with a cool graphic on the front- but despite every weather forecast he could have checked saying how cold it would be later on, Youngjae neglected to layer up or even bring a jacket with him on his outing.

Jackson scolded him a little on this, his protective nature as a hyung shining through, but Youngjae repeatedly insisted he would be okay- even if he did shiver ever so ofter after a strong gust of wind.

"Lead the way," Youngjae had encouraged to his hyung on their way out of his quaint neighbourhood.

The duo headed out to the shopping centre and ended up passing by all the street food. Immediately both their noses turned towards the mouth watering scent, they glared at eachother with knowing looks and rushed over to the source.

"Look at all of this.. Wow.. I just had breakfast but I'm already so hungry again."

Jackson would eat anything as long as it wasn't too spicy. In times like this he often ate with his eyes rather than his stomach, buying as much food as possible and only realising halfway through that he was too full to eat the rest- being with Youngjae only emphasised that hungry instinct.

Youngjae pulled on Jackson's sleeve to draw his attention to one stand in particular.

"Wow.." Youngjae exhaled, his eyes seemingly entranced by it all.

"Get what you want Youngjae, I'll pay."

"No way! I can pay for myself—"

Jackson silenced him by ordering for them both and handing the cash towards the stall vendor.

They got a mix of deep fried vegetables, fried hot dogs and a giant cream puff to balance out all of the greasy, savory goodness. The boys ate like wild animals, enjoying the taste and savouring every bite of food that was delicious and so cheap at the same time.

After licking his fingers clean of any crumbs or residue Youngjae got hit with a small realisation that make him frown a little.

"Jaebeom would like the food here.." Youngjae said to himself not really meaning for Jackson to hear. The older did, and he patted Youngjae supportingly on the shoulder.

"It's not fair.." Youngjae whined again.

Jackson hummed in response but quickly managed to change the mood by pointing over to the next shop they should visit.

"A plant shop? I didn't know you were interested in plants hyung."

Jackson took the used paper towels from Youngjae's hand and threw them in a nearby bin for him.

"I only just got intrested. C'mon Youngjae!" Jackson called as he made his way over, Youngjae quickly followed.

Although not exactly what they had planned, Jackson did really want a new plant.

They emerged 10 minutes later, Youngjae seemily amused by Jackson who was now cradling a small plant pot under his arm like his prized possession.

"I'll name you.. Bob."

"Bob?" Youngjae asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Bob. This my my son," Jackson reiterated again.

Youngjae laughed loudly at Jackson's deadpanned expression.

"Nice to meet you Bob," Youngjae said sarcastically, shaking one of the leaves as if it were a hand.

"This is Uncle Youngjae, he's nice but kinda clumsy so make sure he doesn't drop you-"

"I wouldn't drop him! I'd be a great uncle! I wouldn't let anything bad happen to Bob!"

The latter rolled his eyes and lead them onwards, letting the conversation go on hold as they went into the main shopping centre. The boys spent their time weaving in and out of multiple stores and apart from Bob, neither of them actually bought anything- but it was always nice to look at the latest albums out or see what games were available.

They finally came out a few hours later feeling more refreshed and with Youngjae almost forgetting about his heartache.


The sky began to darken and the air began to chill; suddenly Youngjae regretted not bringing an umbrella, and for choosing to wear the thinnest sweater he owned.

Small flecks of rain fell onto Youngjae's forehead and he wiped them off with the back of his hand. Luckily for him Jackson pulled out his own umbrella, sheltering them both as they huddled together to conserve warmth. They began to make their way back when Jackson abruptly halted their movements, trying his best to text one handed as his other was holding both the umbrella and Bob.

"I can hold Bob-" Youngjae got thrown a deathly glared from the other, he chucked at this and rephrased his statement.

"I can hold the umbrella, who're you texting?"

They switched positions and Youngjae took ahold of the handle, holding it higher up than Jackson was able to before.

"Jinyoung. He said we can come over to get away from the rain."

A breath of relief escaped the younger's lips, he could already see small whisps of air floating out of his mouth at the cold.

"Let's go quickly."

Jackson nodded, and soon they were off.

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