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Jaebeom sprinted past students lingering behind in the corridors, his hair messy and his shoelaces undone. Finally he reached the door and pushed hard against it.

The maths class all looked towards him in sync for a few seconds before turning their attention back to Mr Alesto.

"Lim Jaebeom, you're late. Sit down."

Jaebeom bowed in apology towards the teacher and made his way to his seat.
Youngjae was already there in his seat, in the same black swamp of an outfit as yesterday. The elder sat down reluctantly and did his best to try catch his breath again.

"And detention on Friday," Mr Alesto scolded.

After Jaebeom has woken up late, he rushed to put together an outfit, the first things he could find was a red sweatshirt and the same jeans that he had tossed on the ground the night before. His stomach growled, angry that he had skipped breakfast.

The awkward duo did their best to not make eye contact or any form of acknowledgment towards eachother. Youngjae felt sick and guilty for lying to the other.

Maybe he doesn't care about me so he won't be angry at me.

Jaebeom doesn't care about studying anyway. So he probably didn't even show up to the study date-- study thing.

Their lesson today was on binomial expansion. After leaving the class with a worksheet of tasks Mr Alesto remained at his desk, seemingly doing whatever tasks that teachers do when they aren't teaching.

Jaebeom was stuck.

Utterly stuck.

He knew that he probably could do this, but the fact that he hadn't been paying attention for the entirely of the year up until this point greatly disadvantaged him.

Meanwhile Youngjae could absorb the content like a sponge. But he hated how much he cared. His fingers busy writing whatever equation he was doing, he sighed and tried to block everything out to get this lesson over with as fast as possible. He just wished that he didn't care so much about school, because caring gave him so much stress, but trying not to care was even more stressful.

They both spent the rest of the lesson uncomfortable in every way.



"Youngjae!" Jackson called.

A trio of Mark, Jackson and Jinyoung were waiting outside the maths class.

They all swarmed to Youngjae when he finally came out. There was always a 5 break period between each lesson where to give students time to get to their next class.

Not long after that Bambam emerged from the room and headed to the end of the corridor where the tallest out of all the students waited.


The YG in mention looked up with a bright expression, "Double B!"
The boys did a handshake and headed off in their own direction to their next class.

Jaebeom left the classroom last. He wanted to wait until the clearing had passed, feeling uncomfortable at the idea of so many people waiting in one area for their friends- because nobody ever waited for him.


"How was maths?" Jinyoung asked Youngjae with a smile and a calming tone.

"It was okay I guess," the questioned replied solemnly.

The group walked towards the courtyard.
The school was made up of a large square plaza in the centre of the school, with different buildings surrounding it corresponding to different subject blocks.

Jackson had his arm around Mark as he walked and Jinyoung walked close to Youngjae.

Mark frowned at the response, "You weren't online yesterday when I was asking you to play."

Youngjae shrugged, "'I'm sorry--"

"It's okay you don't have to be sorry, but is everything good?"

The boys slowed their walk and turned to him. Youngjae's stomach was churning again.

"I'm gonna go to english now, but I'll see you around ok?"

The others nodded slowly.

"Are you coming to lunch?" Jackson asked before Youngjae could leave.

"Go ahead without me. I'll catch up at some point," and with that he was away.

Jackson stood between the remaining pair and sighed, "Ahhh I don't know what's up with him."

"He left me on read for the whole of yesterday too," Mark added, "Did we do something?--"

"Me too!"

They both turned to Jinyoung. He pondered the situation for a moment trying to remember anything of use for this situation.

"We should head to lessons," he said after a while.

Both agreed, and they began to walk through the courtyard towards the science block.

Jinyoung made one last remark before they entered their class, "He'd tell us if anything was wrong... right?"

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