t w e n t y - n i n e

61 11 1

Youngjae stepped out the door the next morning and was surprised to see a familiar figure with broad shoulders waiting at the front for him. The figure in question looked up from his phone, a smile instantly covering his face as he saw Youngjae. Like a chain reaction Youngjae smiled back.

"You waited for me?" he said with an excited tone.

"Mmm, I wasn't sure how things would be with your mum so I wanted to make sure you were feeling okay."

"Thanks Jaebeommie~~" 

Jaebeom's jaw dropped slightly, quickly turning into an embarrassed smile, "Ya.. You're really going to call me Jaebeommie?!"

This time, it was Youngjae's turn to look smug and wink. Doing this only made Jaebeom's jaw drop even more.

His sweet like a rose Jaebeommie..

The night before Youngjae had taken the rose and placed it in a tall glass by his window. He would glance at it occasionally and felt butterflies rising in him every single time without fail.
Youngjae enjoyed having something to tease Jaebeom with, but deep down he wanted to imagine that the rose really was a confession– and that Jaebeom really was his Jaebeommie.

As the pair walked along the road they continued to talk, Youngjae letting out more of what was bothering him whilst the other listened thoughtfully. Soon within the midst of his rambling Youngjae frowned a familiar frown that made the elder's heart ache a little.

"Our teachers already think I'm a lost cause. It's too embarrassing to try go back to being perfect again--"

"Youngjae ah.. You don't have to be perfect, it doesn't matter what the teachers think or what anybody else thinks. You're enough Youngjae," Jaebeom inturrupted trying to reassure the other. 

They both paused for a moment, taking in the serious topic at hand.

"All you have to do is come to the lesson and that'll be enough--"

"But then the others. I feel like I should tell them too."

"Do you want them to know?" Jaebeom asked, curious himself considering he was the first person Youngjae had ever confided in.

"I do.. but I'm too bad at confrontation like that. And I feel bad for ignoring them but I feel worse burdening them with my problems."

Jaebeom stopped in his tracks making Youngjae do the same. With a firm grasp he took Youngjae by the shoulders and pulled them close together, their eyes lining up and gazing into each other.

"Listen to me. You're not a burden Youngjae. Nothing you ever do could ever be a burden to anybody and nothing would ever stop your friends caring about you."

Jaebeom had a serious look on his face, it was a definite contrast to the sweet looking 'Jaebeommie' that Youngjae had met that weekend but despite that Youngjae still felt the same warmth rising in him. Breaking into a smile himself Youngjae felt the tension in his body releasing.

"Thank you Jaebeom hyung, that means a lot."

Seeing that bright shining smile Jaebeom let the seriousness wear away. He rubbed the latter's sides with his hands before dropping them and continuing their walk onwards. 

It wasn't long before they came across the familiar convenience store. After a quick talk they entered, the bell ringing as the door opened. A few students were already in there getting small snacks or something for breakfast.

Jaebeom and Youngjae picked out some drinks and headed back to the counter being conscious of the time they had left before school. The elder reached into his pocket for his wallet but soon was met with a whiney protest.

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