f o r t y - o n e

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Jackson switched off the shower and quickly got dressed. Right now his parents were out somewhere and it felt freeying to have the whole house to himself. Out of the multitude of things Jackson could have done, he decided to pace around the living room simply because his whole body felt agitated.

He'd been feeling that way for a while now.

Midway through towel drying his hair there was knock on the door. He let the towel rest on his shoulders, wet strands of hair still sticking to his face, and he pulled open the door to see a worried looking member on the other side.

Jackson felt a familiar swirling feeling in his stomach, knowing where this conversation was leading to but not entirely sure if he was ready for it.

"Can we talk?"

Without words Jackson stepped to the side, gesturing for Jinyoung to come in. The boy followed suit, standing awkwardly as he shuffled his shoes against the doormat. Jackson shut the door slowly, drying his ear with the towel as he did so.

Since their argument just last week the trio in question hadn't really talked; Yugyeom and Bambam were uncomfortable with the sudden distaste in the air and Mark had been watching them all intently trying to figure out what the issue was. For the sake of their friends, and for themselves, they needed to all make up.

That was Jinyoung's train of thought anyway, Jackson was always one to pout a lot.

"Jackson. I didn't mean for it to seem like I was choosing sides."

The recipient looked on blankly, Jinyoung noticed he was barely dressed and only in grey tracksuit bottoms and a black tank top. He felt guilty for intruding on him if he was only just out of the shower.

"It didn't work anyway," Jinyoung continued, "Youngjae called me and said he gave up before he even tried to confess, so you have nothing to worry about anymore. He threw away his song too."

His voiced trailed off as he said the last sentence, a heart wrenching feeling pulling at him remembering how distraught Youngjae sounded. His heart twisted again seeing the even more upset look on Jackson's face.

"I'm sorry Jackson," Jinyoung said meekly.

To Jinyoung's surprise, Jackson walked away and towards his fridge. He returned a few moments later with a bottle of water in his hand, outstretched towards the latter. Jinyoung took it, not breaking eye contact as he removed the cap and took some sips.

He didn't understand.
As if reading his mind, Jackson explained himself.

"I took it too personally. And I didn't want to believe you because I thought I knew best. But really I was just over worried."

"But it's not bad to worry," Jinyoung said, "I'm worried too. And you were the one that saw Youngjae immediately after what happened so it makes sense."

"Well, either way you don't need to apologise."

Jackson seemed to still in his thoughts before another question came to mind. The elder gestured for Jinyoung to sit on the sofa and make himself at home. Taking this cue Jinyoung took off his shoes, taking a seat and placing his hands on his knees.

"Youngjae.. How is he?" Jackson finally asked. His own stubborness had prevented him from checking up on the younger or talking to him at all about anything. Right now he was beginning to regret it.

"Not good. Really not good."

Jackson began to regret it even more.
With a sinking feeling in his chest, he sat next to Jinyoung, sealing away the physical distance between them. They looked at eachother with small flecks of wondering in their eyes. The act alone, despite the situation at hand, was making the agitated feeling in Jackson's body dissipate.

And so Jinyoung continued to explain the situation, the latter listening thoughtfully.

The whole ordeal took Jackson by reckoning, the harsh reality of the words were left to settle in the air for a while before they could be truly understood. Almost instinctively he reverted back to his doubtful thoughts.

Why would Jinyoung let this happen?
Didn't he see this coming?

Although this time instead of jumping to conclusions, Jackson made his doubts heard.

"Do you really think Jaebeom likes him like that?" Jackson asked after having to take a deep breath. He still couldn't comprehend what would have caused Jinyoung to ever feel this way, but there was no doubt that this time he was willing to listen.

Jinyoung shrugged with a sheltered look on his face, but for Jackson that was enough of an answer. The pair knew eachother too well to not pick up on all the unsaid thoughts that lingered between them. Jackson regretted not trusting Jinyoung for even a second longer, because if he did he would have noticed the signs right away.

"They should still talk either way," Jinyoung broke out, trying to lighten the mood, "Even if he doesn't have feelings for Youngjae, Youngjae's going crazy being ignored like this."

Jackson nodded to himself at the sentiment.

"Have you spoken to Youngjae?" Jinyoung asked again. Jackson shook his head in reply.

"I should call later today and apologise."

"Seunie.. You're not busy tomorrow right?"

"I was gonna work out some more but nothing in particular."

Jackson noticed the sly smile toying on the lips of the other. He laughed softly with his own amusement, glad to see the change in mood from the person who hurt him too much to see sad.

"You're scheming Jinyoung."

Jinyoung feigned a shocked expression, grasping his chest with his hand and his eyes glazing over with fake disbelief.

"What? Me? Never."

"I can see it in your eyes."

Jinyoung laughed at this.
Of course, these two were always ones to make up quickly, returning back to as if they never even had an argument in the first place. Jackson smiled back at him fondly.

"It's alright, I trust you Jinyoung ah. I'll always trust you, I learnt from my mistake already."

There was softness in his voice. It created a warm and fuzzy feeling in Jinyoung's heart which only intensified at Jackson's next statement.

"Whatever it is you're thinking of, I'm in."

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