t h i r t y - t w o

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That afternoon after school had finished the boys had decided to go back to Jaebeom's house to get a head start on their English report.

As expected, Youngjae was excited to be productive.
Jaebeom really didn't have the motivation.

"C'mon Jaebeommie!!"

Jaebeom let out a small laugh at how whiney the other was.

"English isn't that fun," he reiterated, getting up from his place on the sofa and heading to the fridge to get them both drinks.

"I know.. But we need to at least try."

The elder looked back at Youngjae who was currently sitting on the sofa, his fingers tapping aimlessly on the delete key of his laptop. Youngjae's rimmed glasses were back on which only emphasised how much his eyes twinkled, and this time he was wearing an oversized hoodie which gave him cute sweater paws.

"One idea! Give me one idea!"

Youngjae's sudden demand broke the adoring elder out of his thoughts. He pondered the suggestion for a moment before making a quite comment to himself.

"We should talk about the weather.."

"Weather?" Youngjae asked, intrigued. No matter how quietly Jaebeom spoke Youngjae would always hear- because he could never forget a voice like his.

"It's raining a lot of the time but the main guy doesn't really mind. But the day that it's actually sunny he gets into this slump and everything," Jaebeom said, letting the idea linger in the air before he continued.

"Maybe it represents how he feels better with things that are familiar even if to everyone else it's the opposite. Since everyone else obviously loves the sun."

Youngjae was in deep thought, thinking about the idea that Jaebeom had planted and piecing together the puzzle of the book plot. Jaebeom bent down and glared into the fridge, taking 2 cans of Pepsi with him as he got up.

"I guess it could represent how at home he knows his family isn't great and abusive but since that's all he knows he'd rather stay with things that are familiar. And then that would be why he keeps going back to that toxic girlfriend even when everyone else tells him not too."

Jaebeom walked back from the fridge and handed Youngjae one of the drinks, meanwhile the recipient only had an astonished look plastered on his face.

"What? What's with that look?" Jaebeom asked at the reaction, his arm still extended.

Youngjae grabbed the can and opened it up, the Pepsi fizzing as he took a sip.

"You told me you didn't even read this book and you came up with a great idea like that."

"I mean I didn't really.. I looked online and I asked Jinyoung about it."

Youngjae rolled his eyes after seeing the smug smile on the elder.

"It's a good idea though. Because it's so obvious, why would you go for the rain, when you could go for the sun?"

The line struck a chord in Jaebeom.


"Hmm?" the younger responded after typing the rest of his sentence. He looked up with at Jaebeom with eyes that made the whole world seem to slow.

You're my sun..

"Nothing," Jaebeom said, ashamed at just how quickly he had chickened out.

The elder took a sip of his own drink, the Pepsi fizzing up and spilling as Jaebeom did his best not to get it on himself. Youngjae laughed at his meesly attempt to which Jaebeom quirked an eyebrow and gave him a teasing glare.

"Well. Since my idea is just so good I think we deserve a break–"

"Hyung! We haven't even done anything!" Youngjae whined once more.

The elder wasn't listening, he shuffled up closer to Youngjae and took control of the laptop, earning a small cry of protest from the owner.

Jaebeom smirked, "What? You have nothing to hide on here right?"

The younger blushed brightly at the implied suggestion and playfully shoved Jaebeom's shoulder.

"We should watch something. I'll show you a good anime."

Before Youngjae could deter him Jaebeom was already loading up the first episode on a website that was looking.. less than trustworthy.

"Just don't get any viruses on my laptop.." Youngjae said stubbornly. Jaebeom laughed in response.

The boys watched the show for who knows how long, auto-play currently being their best friend. Jaebeom was too engrossed in his favourite show to noticed what the other was doing, and it was only when he felt a weight fall onto his side that he snapped out of his binge watching haze.


As he turned he noticed a newly asleep Youngjae who's head had fallen onto his shoulder. This wouldn't have been the first time this had happened- they even slept in the same bed once too, but still the sight made Jaebeom's heart pound loudly within his chest.

Without looking away from the sleeping beauty on his shoulder he lowered the volume of the anime and gazed at how peaceful and beautiful the boy next to him was.

They didn't get much else done that day. Youngjae typed up the ideas into a Google Doc once he had woken up, flushed with pink once he realised he had fallen asleep on the elder's shoulder. Jaebeom teased him a bit for it, but mostly to stop Youngjae figuring out that it had made Jaebeom just as flustered. Overall, they enjoyed their time together; eating lots of snacks, watching some anime, and feeling close to one another.

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