f i f t y

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The moment Bambam and Yugyeom caught up on everything that had happened they demanded a re-do of the group hug. Once again, Jinyoung was left squashed in the middle fighting for breath. Once again, he didn't mind, and they hugged for a very long time following that.

The group had become very cautious now, making sure to always stay as a group wherever possible and to keep a look out for those two nasty second-years. Mark and Jackson usually walked at the front with the rest following closely behind. They noticed that the news about what had happened spread quickly around the school— and they noticed people had become surprisingly nice about it.

"Youngjae! I'm sorry you had to go through that.. I'm sorry about judging you before too. I didn't really mean any of it. I was just going off what everyone else was doing."

"It was Minjun and Daewon right? That's really messed up they did that to you."

"You probably won't get a scar from it Jaebeom, but if you do you'll look really badass. I'm really sorry about everything that happened and I'm glad that you and Youngjae are okay.

It seemed that the public opinion was not so stuck in stone as they first thought, and for the first time in a long time, the whole bad rumors situation was finally over. The pair got a lot of apologies that week, even more the week after that. Jaebeom finally felt like things would go back to normal. He was relieved, and Youngjae was relieved with him.




"You haven't checked your email yet right? I have good news!" Youngjae exclaimed, immediately grasping his boyfriend's hand in his own.

"So do I," Jaebeom replied quietly. Although he waited for Youngjae to finish his train of speech first.

"We got an A on our English report!"

Another week later and the pair finally adjusted to not being the centre of attention. They lived their lives like any normal high school students and all the issues they struggled through before were covered in a haze. Now they planned to have a group study session at Jaebeom's house. What more could they ask for?

Immediately a surprised looked appeared on the elder— he had never gotten an A in anything before. And now it was all thanks to Youngjae. It was just another reason to add to the multiple that Youngjae was beyond his greatest dreams.

"I wanted to be the one to tell you," Youngjae beamed, "What's your news?"

Jaebeom's voice wasn't nearly as bright as the latter's, but the words that came out seemed to spread even more joy.

"Those two people that harassed us before.. They got expelled."

Youngjae had a muted look on his face before a sweet smile broke through. He didn't say anything, but squeezed Jaebeom's hand tighter in his own and pulled them excitedly towards the front gate.



The study session went off to pretty good start: Mark had headphones in seemingly absorbed in his own world, Jinyoung was turotiring Jackson and Bambam and Yugyeom were doing who knows what. The remaining pair were sat closely together but keeping their work to themselves. The group had been studying for no more than 20 minutes when Jackson finally started to complain.

"This is too much work."

"I'm too tired."

"Can we go get food? I'm so hungry."

And with that everyone decided to abandon house and go out and get some snacks. Everyone, that is, except Jaebeom and Youngjae— because Youngjae didn't want to go and Jaebeom didn't want to go without him. Thus they were left with the door unlocked and stationary engulfing the dining table before them. And for the next 15 minutes Youngjae had been looking at his notes diligently; Jaebeom had been spinning a pen between his fingers.

"Youngjae ah~" Jaebeom said sweetly. No response.

"My sunshine Youngjae?"

No response.

"Ya. Don't ignore me Youngjae ah.."

The latter finally looked up and saw Jaebeom puckering his lips waiting patiently for a kiss. He laughed at this cute gesture, while simultaneously denying him of the kisses he was desperate for.

"Kisses are off bounds until we finish studying!" Youngjae lectured in a cute voice to dismay of his needy boyfriend. He turned back to his work and tapped his pen against the table.


"I told you this already Jaebeommie! I'll make sure to give you all the kisses you want afterwards."

The elder still wasn't satisfied. He tugged at Youngjae's shirt as he competed for more attention.

"Youngjae ah.." Jaebeom again yearned with a pouty expression.

Their eyes locked and for a moment everything became still. It didn't take much more than that for Youngjae to give in and closed the space between them like it was nothing.

Their lips met delicately, the sensation making Youngjae's whole body tingle and feel lighter. Jaebeom held onto the other's waist and tugged him closer, Youngjae taking this cue to move and sit on the elder's lap. He pulled their bodies even closer and wrapped his arms around Jaebeom's neck. It happened so suddenly, and heavy breaths pierced the air once they finally pulled away.

"Youngjae ah.. Just this once," Jaebeom began to say, his voice deeper than usual.

"Let's do something else."

Youngjae could only reply by crashing their lips back together.

The elder picked him up and walked him to the sofa before gently resting him back down. Youngjae let out a heavy breath as his back made contact. He propped himself up slightly with some cushions and quickly returned to pulling Jaebeom in and kissing him rougher than before. Jaebeom straddled the other with his legs either side of Youngjae's body, trailing kisses down to the other's neck and causing him to gasp slightly at the sensation.

Jaebeom looked up in surprise. A big smirk covering his face seeing how red his boyfriend had gotten. He continued, the sound of heavy breaths and sloppy kisses filling the air.

Suddenly the door opened, both boys looked towards the direction in surprise, soon mixed with shock horror.

"I think we might have intrruped something.." Jinyoung said slowly, the rest of the members following being him.

Bambam shoved past to see what the commotion was about and a teasing grin covered his face.

"Ya Lim Jaebeom! You're so dirty!"

"Ahhh Bambam.." the elder muttered as he suddenly realised he was still ontop of Youngjae. He gave the boy a quick kiss on the nose before getting up.

"We weren't even gone for that long!" Yugyeom added, the maknaes enjoying the chance at poking fun at the hyungs.

The rest of the members slowly filled into the room with more teasing expressions and the group settled down as they continued to get their notes together. They could have easily left, but knowing this group of friends they unanimously decided that teasing the couple would be much more fun. Despite the embarrassing scene just moments ago the pair enjoyed the remainder of the afternoon hanging out and attempting to study.

While the rest seemed to be absorbed in their own work, Youngjae shuffled his chair to the elder's side and soflty whispered into his ear.

"Jaebummie.. I'm sorry we got inturrupted."

"It wasn't your fault," the elder replied in a normal volume, this however was still too loud for Youngjae's comfort and Jaebeom earned a small smack on the shoulder and a sudden hushing.

Youngjae was still pouting and, even though he thought it was cute, Jaebeom wanted to change. He leaned in close to Youngjae's ear,  sensing the pink spread across the latter's face and a careful smirk appear on his own.

"We can just continue later."

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