f o r t y - s i x

63 8 20

It was still a little awkward, uncomfortable just to the extent of two boys hopelessly in love and not knowing where to go from here.

The pair had walked back to Jaebeom's house and Youngjae had already texted his parents to say he would be sleeping over. They had showered and changed and just like before Youngjae was dressed head to toe in the elder's oversized pyjamas.

Unlike before they had both decided to sleep in Jaebeom's bed.

They laid under the covers, both facing each other but neither making much eye contact. Youngjae couldn't help but feel a lump in his throat and a burning question at the tip of his tongue.

"Jaebeommie... What are we?" he asked with a small sounding voice.

Jaebeom looked up and their eyes locked at the question; the younger felt his cheeks tinting with crimson. He rushed to clarify his statement.

"I mean.. Are we dating now?"

"Are we.. dating?" Jaebeom repeated back seemingly in his own thought.

Youngjae gulped down the lump in his throat and waited patiently for a response.

There were no words at first. Instead the elder supported the back of Youngjae's head and drew their bodies closer. He ran his fingers through Youngjae's hair, satisfied to feel the other approve of this position by wrapping his own arms around Jaebeom's torso.

"Of course we are. I left you on your own for too long already, I'm making sure I never make that mistake again."

Seemingly happy with this response Youngjae looked up with a sheepish expression and quickly planted a kiss onto Jaebeom's cheek. Just as he scurried to hide his face the elder took ahold of his jaw and connected them into another direct kiss. His tongue brushed against Youngjae's bottom lip and Jaebeom smiled ever so slightly after seeing how increasingly red his new boyfriend was getting.

All awkwardness seemed to disappear in an instance. They were back to being a pair that felt more comfortable with each other than anybody else, who wanted to depend on each other and support each other and love each other- only this time they could love each other out loud.

"Don't do that again Jaebeommie.. Never leave me like that again. I never want to go back to when we didn't know eachother. It hurt so much," Youngjae scolded after they finally pulled away.

"I know. I'm sorry, I promise I won't Youngjae."

There was still a flecker of doubt in the hypnotising eyes of the younger. Jaebeom paused before trying to erase all doubt from the latter's mind.

"I promise. I promise I won't do that again sunshine."

That evening they had a lot to talk about. They talked about how they felt, how Youngjae had seen what Jaebeom did to those bullies and how Jaebeom had held onto that song like it was the only thing he knew how to do. They talked about the pressed flower, the date at the arcade and dates they should go on in the future. They talked about the rumours and about how they just wanted the other to be happy. They talked until the sky faded from amber to black and the moonlit rain shone through Jaebeom's window.

Somewhere during their talk they fell asleep, neither entirely sure who succumbed to their exhaustion first. Either way they were together, wrapped up in their blankets and huddled in the warmth that the other was emitting. Before they had fallen asleep they made sure to say those 3 words that neither felt they could ever say enough.

"I love you.."


Jaebeom's mum worked late into the night and didn't get home until an hour of so after the two had fallen asleep. She opened the door expecting to see Jaebeom but not expecting to see the light-haired boy curled up next to him.

She smiled softly, relieved that Jaebeom could finally be happy- and she closed the door.




The newly established couple were woken up by the sound of Youngjae's phone ringing. Youngjae groaned, shielding his eyes with his arm as he tried to pull his attention away. Eventually, as the ringing persisted and the light of day finally registered, his curiosity got the better of him and he lunged over the end of the bed, picking up the phone that was thrown half-hazardly onto the floor the night before. The glass was cold against his ear.

"Youngjae? Are you there?"

The younger emitted some sort of groan to suggest discomfort for being awoken so suddenly. Jackson was the one on the other end, although he could hear a few other voices muffled in the background.

"What happened last night? Did you talk to Jaebeom?"

Jaebeom was finally coming to his own senses. He rolled over and a light groan escaped his lips; without context it must have sounded much more suggestive to the boy listening in closely on the other end.

"Wait.. Was that Jaebeom now? Don't tell me you--"

"Youngjae ah~" Jaebeom yearned after noticing his arms were no longer wrapped around the younger, his voice lower than usual since he hadn't adjusted to being fully awake.

There was silence on the other end. Youngjae hadn't said anything yet and in all honesty he wasn't sure he had the energy to.

"You two did it didn't you?"

The words finally registered and Youngjae felt a surge of energy more powerful than any sort of caffeine.

"What!? Of course not! Don't be so perverted.." Youngjae exclaimed in reply, not believing the wild conclusion Jackson had jumped to. He couldn't deny that the suggestion alone left his cheeks feeling warmer than before.

"Whatever you two did you guys are really late for school. We tried to call Jaebeom and we tried to call you like 5 times already."

"We can't be that late. Its so early-"

"It's 11:20 Youngjae."




"You're not responding so I'm guessing you get the picture. See you later Youngjae- make sure to get here at least some time today."


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