t w e n t y

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As lunch time rolled around Jaebeom was already seated on the lone bench in the quite area. The thought of Youngjae only made his heart speed up. Youngjae had come late to the first lesson and didn't even show up to the others. This only made the latter worry that he had already left– especially when seeing how desperate he was to avoid his teachers.

Remembering this, Jaebeom thought that he wouldn't mind being Youngjae's human shield. And that he wouldn't mind protecting him more often.

From afar he just about recognised a familiar face in the distance. Jaebeom squinted at the sight. Dark brown hair and wearing his jacket smartly, the figure soon registered in the elder's memory.

"Jinyoung!" he called out instinctively.

The mentioned turned, a small smile appearing on his face at seeing his hyung through the bushes and shrubbery.

"Hi Jaebeom, do you want to eat lunch with us?"




The 2 young and rich maknaes were messing about stealing each others' lunch and running in circles around the flower bed. Meanwhile Markson were busy on their toes roasting them at every chance they got.

"Wow.. Whenever I look at Bambam I sigh.." Mark said.

Bambam stopped mid run and laughed, "Are you sure it's not because I take your breath away? I eat handsome for dinner."

"No! It's because you talk as much as you speak!" Jackson sighed with a pained but humorous look.

Jinyoung and Jaebeom sat next to each other watching the chaos unfold. This was the first time he ever sat with people at lunch—

Well, unless you count the study date with Youngjae..

Study date..

Jaebeom thought closely about the word date in particular.

He had already told Jinyoung that Youngjae was also supposed to be meeting him here, but by that point Jinyoung had already taken a seat next to him, bringing in the swarm of the others as he came. The whole group was happy at the idea Youngjae would join them since it had already been too long since they had all been together, although Jaebeom felt a little selfish for wanting Youngjae to himself.

Because after all, these were Youngjae's friends too.
And perhaps, Jaebeom also enjoyed feeling like a part of the group.

"This area is really nice," Jinyoung said, admiring the quaint surroundings himself, "It feels like we're not even at a school anymore."

Time was passing with no sign of the younger's arrival, the wait creating a sinking feeling in Jaebeom's stomach. 

"Jaebeom hyung, the other day, you know what Bambam said?" Jinyoung asked, breaking the elder's train of thought.


Jinyoung placed his hands on his knees as if to get ready to let the story unfold.

"Bambam was getting ready for a date—"

"Hey hey!" Yugyeom interrupted with a whine, "Since when are you going on dates?"

Bambam shrugged and Jinyoung waved his arm about to regain attention and continue.

"He was asking me to work out with him and get ready before because they were going to meet. And you know, his arms got super pumped up."

Jackson eyes lit up as something came to his mind.

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