t w e n t y - s i x

64 12 2

Youngjae was searching through the cupboards, undecided on what he wanted to eat. In one of the cupboards he noticed a few boxes of cereal and out of the selection he chose a random off brand granola. After some more searching he found a bowl and began to pour his cereal in.

The night before felt like a blur compared to now; waking up in someone else's house, wearing someone else's clothes- he replayed the feeling of being in Jaebeom's arms.

Breaking his train of thought, the bathroom door began to open and Youngjae looked over at the sound. Out came the infamous Jaebeom with wet hair and wearing only a towel around his waist.

Youngjae dropped the box of cereal, the contents spilling onto the floor.

His eyes wandered to admire the other, his toned body and his perfect skin. He began to think about things he probably shouldn't have been thinking about. Finally Youngjae remembered that he shouldn't be staring and crouched onto the floor to try clean up his mess.

Jaebeom seemed just as flustered that he had just exposed himself like that, most of all to Youngjae.

"Sorry- I wasn't sure if you were still in the bedroom or not."

Jaebeom quickly shut the door.
Youngjae wished he hadn't.

He emerged back out a minute or two later drying his hair with a towel. This time he was fully clothed wearing a black t-shirt and some ripped jeans.

"I can make pancakes for breakfast if you want?"

Youngjae was still thinking about the post-shower Jaebeom with water dripping down his body and his abs exposed, his heart and mind and everything being shaken all over again.

"S-sure!" he replied, red as a tomato.

Jaebeom walked up to Youngjae causing the latter's heart to race. He tried his best to hide this. The pair became close for a second before Jaebeom began to search for ingredients.

"Can I go shower too.." Youngjae asked trying to get out of the situation and regain composure.

Jaebeom nodded at this, "There's a towel inside already."

The sunshine hurried away and shut the door behind him. Jaebeom was amused seeing how Youngjae had reacted. He hadn't intended to shock him like that, but maybe he was happy he did. He continued to prepare their breakfast.



Jaebeom laid the table with a warm feeling growing in him. It was strange to see the table fit for two people eating at once, because usually he would eat alone.


A small voice came from the direction of the bathroom, Jaebeom hummed in responded as he plated the pancakes and put a bottle of maple syrup in the centre.

"I don't have any clean clothes..."

Jaebeom immediately stopped in his tracks.

"Ahh.. Hold on Youngjae!" he called out, rushing into his room and grabbing some clothes of his own that he thought would fit the younger.

He came back out and stood awkwardly at the door. He took a few deep breaths and knocked. The door opened ever so slightly, just enough for Youngjae's head to peer out from behind.

"Don't look.." Youngjae muttered quietly.

The elder nodded and turned his face away. Jaebeom covered his eyes with one hand and held out the clothes with his other. He felt the younger take them, their hands brushing together momentarily.

A small "Thank you" was heard before the door carefully shut again.

Jaebeom let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

The elder was already sitting at the table when Youngjae finally emerged wearing his own jeans and Jaebeom's hoodie which was slightly too big for his frame.

"The food smells good," he said with a smile.

The boys tucked into their food and enjoyed the peaceful morning. Since it was the weekend there was no rush to get ready. Jaebeom drizzled more maple syrup onto his pancakes. He had already topped both plates with cream and fruits--

It was sweet, but not as sweet as Youngjae.

"Youngjae ah.. " the elder said. Youngjae looked up with a smile.

That smile.. The smile that made Jaebeom weak every time.

"We should go out today."

Youngjae's eyes widened at the suggestion, "Really?" his voice raising an octave higher as he spoke.

"You can choose."

Youngjae pondered this for a moment.

"We should go to the arcade," he decided finally, taking another big bite of the pancakes.

Liking this idea, Jaebeom agreed. He wanted to spend the day doing something that would make Youngjae feel better after having such a rough night before, and the idea of going out with Youngjae itself was enough to give the elder butterflies. They continued to enjoy their breakfast and soon got ready to leave.




The bus journey to the arcade was a cramped one. Passengers were pushed up against each other leaving the remaining pair to be squished into a corner. Youngjae was leaning up against one of walls while Jaebeom held onto a handrail above him.

"If we go to the claw machines we can get those big prizes," Youngjae said as the boys talked about what they could go to first.

"Hm. But those are pretty hard to win."

"You're saying you can't do it?" Youngjae said teasingly.

Jaebeom scoffed in response, "Maybe you can't, but I'm really good actually."

"Hah.. as if.."

Jaebeom widened his eyes at the instant disbelief, "You don't believe me?"

Youngjae pouted and shrugged his shoulders.
Everything about Youngjae was cute to the elder, whether he was pouting or teasing or doing nothing at all. Wanting to impress him, Jaebeom made one last remark.

"Fine. I'll win you a prize and you'll see--"

As the bus swerved, shuffling all the passengers inside of it, Jaebeom got shoved from behind and had to catch his balance by slamming his hands either side of Youngjae in true kabedon fashion. The boys looked up at each other and smiled awkwardly, both feeling the embarrassment at the intimate pose and both painted with a delicate shade of pink. Jaebeom's hair had been tossed at the sudden movement, covering his eyes in the process.

Trying his best to act cool, and not show that in reality his heart was going crazy, Youngjae gently brushed the hair from the elder's eyes. This action alone made Jaebeom hold his breath.

"You better win me something good. Like a massive Pikachu plushie or something."

Slightly taken aback, Jaebeom smirked at the sudden demand.


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