o n e - y e a r - l a t e r

15 2 1

It was often said that time sped up when you were in the presence of those you loved. A year had passed already in the blink of an eye and the fateful pair couldn't be happier.

"Happy anniversary sunshine, we finally made it to a year. But I hope we spend even more years together," Jaebeom said sweetly as he presented a bouquet of roses to Youngjae.

Jaebeom called it a bouquet but in fact it was just a handful of individually wrapped roses, tied together hastily with thick ribbons and string.

To celebrate the momentus occasion of their 1 year anniversary the duo were going on a fancy date. Ideally, they'd have their date at a dimly lit restaurant, dressed up in clothes that could only be dry cleaned, and with food that would make anything else bland and boring. (But both had bank accounts that would faint at the idea of the bills associated with such a fancy surrounding.)

Instead, they were having a home date, Jaebeom playing chef and preparing a 3 course candle lit dinner for the two of them to share. Both of them were happy with that alternative, they didn't need fancy restaurants or expensive meals to make their date a success. It was also too cold and rainy to comfortably leave the house, and despite the romantic symbolism that rain had for their relationship, both were happy to be indoors and dry.

Youngjae grasped the roses lovingly to his chest, "I love them Jaebeommie. I love you so much."

He brought the bouquet close and sniffed the roses eagerly, cellophane brushing against his cheek. Youngjae furrowed his brows suddenly.

"Why are they individually wrapped?"

"Why do you ask?" Jaebeom questioned with a sly smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Youngjae, seemingly oblivious, continued his train of thought.

"I've seen them before... Wait... They're the same!!"

"The same as what sunshine?" Jaebeom said as inconspicuously as possible.

"Don't play dumb Jaebeommie.." Youngjae scolded playfully, "It's the same as the rose you got me from store near the arcade for our first date."

Youngjae and Jaebeom had officially started dating that night in the rain. The night planned by their friends and filled with teary confessions and warm embraces. The arcade was a bit of an exception. It was a day where they both felt lost and yet neither felt alone. The day where both were falling without realising their feelings started. And for them, it was the day that they called their unofficial first date.

Jaebeom smiled after watching Youngjae finally get the resemblance, "It's the same person running the store, and the individual roses were still on sale. I couldn't tell if it's a yearly sale or if they never stopped having it."

Dinner was already ready and simmering on the stove to keep the heat. Jaebeom prepared soup for starter, steak and eggs for main, and ice cream for dessert. A bit of a strange mix between formal and informal– Youngjae had decided the menu to cater to his very specific cravings, and Jaebeom was happy to serve.

Youngjae placed the bouquet on the dining table as he sat down, patting his feet eagerly as he awaited the first course to be served.

"What would my love like to drink on this very special dinner date?" Jaebeom asked sweetly as he played waiter.

Youngjae pretended to ponder, "Hmmmm.."

"Strawberry milk?" Jaebeom interjected. In return Youngjae rolled his eyes.

"Don't be silly Jaebeommie. You can't drink strawberry milk on a dinner date. That would be stupid. And it wouldn't even go with the very professional menu that I chose.."

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