t w e n t y - s e v e n

68 12 3

On arrival into the arcade the boys had gotten excited playing all sorts of games together. From shooting games and bike games, to fighting games and air hockey. Youngjae was dominating the leader board. Soon as they ran through the arcade they noticed some karaoke rooms off to the side, and after a small conversation they both decided on that as their next activity. 

Jaebeom entered the room first and put some coins into the karaoke machine whilst Youngjae followed behind, closing the door and noticing how cramped the space was. It was just enough for two people, but if they even stood up to dance their bodies would have to be up close against each other. This thought whirled in Youngjae's mind. 

"They only have old songs or songs by JYP," Jaebeom said in a slightly disappointed tone. 


"Yeah. But I already paid so we might as well sing."

"I'll go first," Jaebeom said, sensing that Youngjae was getting nervous.

Youngjae let out a sigh of relied and took a seat at the booth that was against the wall, "What song did you pick?"

"I'm so... s e x y," Jaebeom said in a seductive voice, his tone changing specifically at the word sexy.

Youngjae laughed and the music began to play.

Jaebeom took a breath and made sure to lock eyes with the other. His voice was deep and smooth and hearing it gave Youngjae goose bumps. He never knew a voice could sound so addictive before. Seeing the response he was getting Jaebeom smirked and continued singing. 

As the chorus came Jaebeom let loose and started body rolling, pushing his hair back seductively and winking back at the younger. Not only was he good at singing, but he was good at getting Youngjae's heart racing. Although embarrassed himself, Youngjae gained his own confidence and started singing along, dancing around and getting hyped up as he joined in with the rap part. As the first song finished both boys were now standing up and ready to pick one for Youngjae to sing. 

Youngjae was crouched over at the screen scrolling through the different songs available until one caught his eye.



Youngjae looked up surprised at the elder's response, "The song Honey."

"Oh.. Yeah of course."

Jaebeom mentally facepalmed and felt the embarrassment seep throughout him. 

"My dad listens to this song a lot," the light haired boy said trying to distract from the previous misunderstanding. He pressed some buttons and the speakers grew active once more. 

Youngjae's voice resonated in Jaebeom's ears. His ears felt blessed by the bold and angelic voice, and seeing how comfortable Youngjae was as he hit all the notes effortlessly made Jaebeom even more amazed. It was especially when Youngjae would growl on certain words as he sung them that really made the elder feel his breath get taken away. 

Jaebeom began doing the dance and joined in with the adlibs. The duo grooved along for the remaining duration of the song and felt the heat in the room rising more and more. Both slightly out of breath, they gazed at each other with knowing smiles before finally exiting to get some fresh air. 



"Oh! Youngjae ah!" the elder hit Youngjae on the shoulder to get his attention, then pointing to a large row of claw machines lined up next to each other. 

The light haired boy expressed a gasp in amazement at just how many there were. 

"Which one do you want?" Jaebeom asked as he began to walked over.

Youngjae pointed towards a machine filled with large dog plushies. Following this cue Jaebeom felt around his pockets for coins and inserted some into the machine of choice. The lights began to blink and the claw sprung into action.

It wasn't long before a disappointing sound effect came emerged from the speakers. 

"Go away."

Youngjae was shocked momentarily, "Huh?"

Jaebeom let out another frustrated sigh as the claw came back up holding nothing in its grasp. He reloaded the machine with coins and the start up music played again.

"Come back in 5 minutes, I'll definitely have something for you by then" he spoke, his eyes fixated on the machine.

Finding it amusing how overly confident the latter previously was, and how badly his attempts were failing now, Youngjae shrugged and turned around. 

"Make that 10!" Jaebeom yelled, but by that point Youngjae had already wondered away.



Youngjae took this time to leave the arcade centre and explore the surroundings. The road where the arcade was located also had numerous shops down and after passing some other random stores, Youngjae stumbled across a flower shop where the owner was busy arranging some roses in a vase. The man looked up once he noticed Youngjae's appearance.

"Ya, you! Do you have a girlfriend?"

Youngjae turned to see who the owner could be talking to, soon realising he was the only one there. He shook his head. 

"Boyfriend?" The owner asked again with an inquisitive look. 

Hearing this a flush of pink instantly covered Youngjae's cheeks, "No no I don't a boyfriend.."

"Then maybe someone you like? The roses are on sale today so you should buy one to confess."

"No it's ok! No roses.." 

Youngjae quickly hurried back before any more of the conversation could unfold. His whole face felt red and hot and bothered as he sped walked back towards the arcade.
Out of nowhere he noticed a large shadow standing in his way. Jaebeom appeared with a smug look on his face and seemingly holding something behind his back. 

"I got you something," he said with a proud smile.

"You actually won?!"

"Close your eyes."

Doing what he was told Youngjae shut his eyes tightly and held out his hands. He felt Jaebeom's hand brush against his own as something dropped into his palms. Immediately he opened his eyes again, a wave of confusion quickly covering his face. 

"Jaebeom ah.."

"It's good no?" Jaebeom said again, probably thinking he was on top of the world.

"This is tiny," Youngjae said in a confused tone, turning the plastic capsule in his hand.

"I couldn't win anything on the actual claw machines so I went to a the toy dispensers instead."

Youngjae rolled his eyes and began to open up the capsule. Inside was a keychain seemingly with a small toy attached on the end. He took it out of the packaging, looping the ring though his finger to examine it better. A soft white dog was dangling on the end.

"It's a dog! See! I practically did win you a dog plushie."

Youngjae reached out his arm and whacked Jaebeom on the head with the plastic sphere. 

"Ya!!" Jaebeom cried in response, "At least pretend to be grateful.. chamm~~"

Youngjae couldn't contain his own laughter at seeing the look on the latter's face. Noticing this Jaebeom grabbed the latter by the wrist and began leading him away. 

"Let's go get ice cream so we can celebrate how great I am for getting you that gift."

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