f i f t y - o n e

55 4 1

"Youngjae ah?"

"I'm nearly ready!" the latter called out, scurrying about his room to shove the remainder of his things into a bag.

They were having another special outing day. Between school and adjusting to their new founded relationship the pair still managed to plan out cute dates. Sometimes it was to a museum, sometimes just a picnic. The plan for today was still out in the open and both were getting ready to leave.

The door opened and Youngjae turned. Jaebeom leant against the doorframe with a gentle smile, eyes drawn to a particular place on Youngjae's wall. The younger followed his gaze.

Youngjae had ended up framing the pressed rose on his wall, along with a small sticky note with the words "arcade with jaebeommie" next to it.

"I have something for you," Jaebeom said, a knowing look on his face.

"A kiss?" Youngjae said cutely, "I like kisses."

Jaebeom shook his head but still leant over to plant a forehead kiss onto the younger after seeing his sudden pouty expression. He pulled something out from behind his back and extended his arm out strongly. In his grasp was a brightly coloured yellow and red tulip, its petals covered with a beautiful gradient.

"Tulip?" Youngjae asked with an intrigued expression.

"You can add it to your wall. I want to make it so whenever you look at it it's filled with flowers."

Instead of a verbal thanks Youngjae jumped onto the elder, holding him tight in a hug whilst ensuring he didn't squish the flower in the process. Jaebeom wrapped his arms warmly around the smaller's frame.

"Ready sunshine?"

Youngjae nodded as his smile brightened.



Being the broke students that they were the couple weren't able to afford anything extravagant. This time they had gone to a newly opened cafe where they sat themselves down in the corner next to a hanging planter and small cat figurines.

"What does my sweeter than frosting Youngjae want to eat?" Jaebeom said as he tilted his head in adoration.

Youngjae blushed. Dating Jaebeom opened up a whole portal of cheesy lines that never in a million years could he imagine coming out his mouth.

"Maybe the match crepe cake? What are you getting Jaebeommie?"

"Something with mochi."

Following more 'ooos' and 'ahhs' looking at the menu, Jaebeom was the one to place their orders. When their desserts arrived they made an effort to take photos of both the food and also each other. Youngjae was still looking through his camera roll as Jaebeom was portioning some of the crepe cake onto his fork.

"Ahh~~" he cooed, reaching the utensil out towards the younger. Youngjae opened his mouth and excitedly took a bite.

"Mmm! Delicious! Try some too Jaebeommie."

Youngjae did the same and hand fed Jaebeom part of his cake.

"It's like an indirect kiss," he continued, watching Jaebeom's reaction to the sweet remark.

"Why would I need indirect kisses when I can give you all the kisses I need?"

Youngjae smiled and puckered his lips playfully. Jaebeom reacted by smearing whipped cream onto them.

"Hey!" the light haired boy cried, licking up the remains quickly, "Eat your own dessert now! No more kisses for you!"

Jaebeom frowned, already feeling a withdrawal at just a mention of no kisses.

"I'm sorry my sweeter than whipped cream Youngjae ah.."

Youngjae wasn't really mad, he smiled his sunshine smile once more and swiped quickly whipped cream onto Jaebeom's cheek when he wasn't paying attention.



The sky was dark despite it not feeling that late. Time always seemed to pass quickly when the pair were together and tonight was no exception. Jaebeom was walking Youngjae back home after their day of exploring new cafes and walking around the city.

"Jaebeommie, we should spend every day like this."

The elder looked over at his boyfriend, the charm and glow of this sunshine he called his own was stronger than ever- especially in the night sky, Youngjae was the brightest thing of all.

"I agree."

"Is it too early for promise rings?" Youngjae began to babble, high on the excitement of the day, "Let's promise anyway. I promise to spend more days like this with you Jaebeommie."

The dark haired boy chuckled and tightened his arms around the latter's shoulders.

"On our next date I'll give you a flower with a promise ring inside—"

"You can't tell me! It has to be a surprise!"

"Then.. I.. Totally won't.. Do that.." Jaebeom replied, watching the cogs turn in Youngjae's brain.

"I'm not saying you can't do that.. but if you do do that then don't tell me you'll do that. I'll just assume you won't do that."

Youngjae didn't really know what he was saying. Jaebeom didn't mind. Jaebeom could listen to Youngjae reading a dictionary and still find it interesting. The elder watched with an inquisitive look.

"Hypothetically if I were to do that, do you have any flower preference?"

"Not really, hypothetically I have no flower preference if you do do that. That's if you do that at all."

Jaebeom did in fact do that.
It was a sunflower.

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