t w e n t y - e i g h t

68 11 6

"Ya, you again! Isn't that your boyfriend?"

Youngjae whipped towards the direction of the familiar voice and shook his head aggressively in embarrassment. Jaebeom watched, confused but amused. By this point the pair had wondered along the road to find an ice cream spot, encountering the familiar shop vendor from before.

"Boyfriend?" Jaebeom asked questioningly, his eyes meeting with the younger.

Youngjae turned around and blushed harder, "I walked by earlier.." he began to whisper, "And this guy was trying to sell me roses to give to my boyfriend or to confess to somebody."

"Ahh.." Jaebeom realised, soon an idea forming in his mind.

Conveniently, the ice cream shop was right across from the flower store, as both made their way across the road Jaebeom tapped his pockets and let out a big disappointed sigh. Youngjae turned around, concerned at the sudden change in tone.

"Aishh~ I used up all my coins on the claw machine.."

"Seriously.. You used up all your money and you didn't even win.." Youngjae said with a teasing smile that made the elder feel like jelly.

He scoffed in response and tried to hide his embarrassment. Youngjae saw right through this attempt but still thought it was cute nonetheless.

"I'll buy then, what do want?"

"Mint chocolate chip."

Youngjae nodded slowly, "Oh. I don't think it's that tasty-"

"People always complain that it tastes like toothpaste," Jaebeom began to ramble, obviously the topic of mint chop chip very dear to his heart, "But I don't understand why people would go to hate on something that other people like to eat-"

"Hey.. Is it really that serious?" Youngjae interrupted with a laugh, causing the other to laugh himself.

"I'll wait out here for you," Jaebeom said still with a smile.

He watched the younger walk in and wait in line. Meanwhile, Jaebeom turned back towards the flower store.



"Thank you," Jaebeom said as he took the ice cream cone from Youngjae's hand.

They made their way back towards the bus stop to go home and both indulged in their sweet treat. Jaebeom looked over and admired how cute Youngjae looked.

Was this a date? It felt like one to Jaebeom at least. Jaebeom really wished it was a date.

"Wanna see something?" the other asked, breaking Jaebeom from his thoughts.

Youngjae opened his mouth wide and fit the whole ice cream scoop inside without a problem. He made sure to lock eyes with the elder for full effect, before lowering the ice cream again. Jaebeom looked with an amused expression and wide eyes.

"I can do it with microphones too, just to see how big my mouth is."

"Wah.. You surprise me Youngjae ah."

Youngjae laughed, "Then you try!"

Jaebeom made a feeble attempt at it, but only opened his mouth partly.

"You're faking! You can definitely do it," Youngjae sulked.

"But my.. Image..."

"Hah.. Image. You're funny hyung."

"You're one to talk. You can shove a whole ice cream in your mouth but- you got it on your mouth too."

Jaebeom stopped them in their tracks and held Youngjae by the shoulders to face him. He carefully brushed his thumb against Youngjae's lip, his hand lingering in that position as their eyes both looked up to meet each other. For a pair that technically weren't a couple, they were for sure acting like they were. Time seemed to slow down and both seemed to be coated with the same shade of crimson.

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