A Long Overdue Author's Note

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To whom it may concern...

I'm not sure if anyone will read this. I haven't updated in a long time and it's probably over 2 years since the last chapter I published.

I think before when I was in the middle of writing this story I actually uploaded semi regularly. And there were some people that read and voted and commented. Part of me doubts that those same people would be reading this Author's note since it's been so long. But to every person who read, voted, commented, even acknowledged this story, I am truly grateful.

I know that this story was never as popular like my past self wished it would be, and I know that the story itself is kind of cheesy, and poorly written. I reread the whole thing over the past few days and it's made me want to go back and edit things. I never was a skilled writer and I never will be, but I appreciate everyone who read through all the way to chapter 51. Writing this story gave me a lot of enjoyment.

Even though I left it at chapter 51 my original plan was never to end the story there. I always had 1 final chapter planned before I was ready to compete it. But life got busy, and I ended up half writing the final chapter and forgetting about it. Life is even more busy now.

I'm going to try and finish the final chapter and publish it hopefully within the next week. At least before the end of the month. Again, I'm not sure if anyone will actually read it. But if even 1 person ends up remembering this story and reads the last chapter, that's more than enough. I'm also just excited to actually mark this story status as complete. (But to that 1 person that might read it, don't have high expectations. My writing hasn't improved at all over the past 2 years. I don't write day to day so it will be just as cheesy as it was before.)

I think that's all from me for now. If anybody is seeing this, take care of yourself.

Thank you again.

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