f o r t y - t w o

58 8 7

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Youngjae lunged for his phone and managed to answer it just before the call went to voicemail, almost falling off of his bed in the proceed.

"Hey Youngjae."

Jacksons voice seemed more tone down than his usual, energetic persona- and much more serious.

"Hi Hyung.." Youngjae replied cautiously, not entirely sure on what terms they stood on.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry we got into an argument like that. Jinyoung came and told me what happened. I'm sorry. I hope you're okay."

This statement was a surprise to the younger, he sat up in bed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Jinyoungie told you? Did you two make up?"

"We did. And I'm really sorry Youngjae about what happened. I was just worried about you but I know it wasn't fair for me to tell you what to do or not do-"

"I'm sorry too hyung.. I was really upset with myself and I took it out on you. You were right anyway."

"That doesn't matter. Do you forgive me?"

"Of course, forgive me too?"

"Always youngjae."

Youngjae smiled to himself, feeling slightly more relieved of the mountain of thoughts rummaging through his mind. Like most people, it was hard for Youngjae to sit still whilst on the phone. He trailed his eyes across the mess of his room and decided that sooner or later he should start cleaning up.

"Are you free tomorrow? I feel bad that we haven't been together for a long time."

"Oh, yeah I am," Youngjae replied as he got our of bed and began picking things up from the floor, "Where are we going?"

"We can get some food and hang out. But up to you really."

"That sounds nice, I'll get back to you about what time."

"Sure thing. I'll come round and pick you up from yours."





Jaebeom hyung

How are things?


The elder bit the side of his cheek as he debated whether or not to answer Jinyoung's message.

Jaebeom sat at his desk, feet tapping against the ground with growing anticipation flowing through him.

Would they be about Youngjae?
Did Jinyoung know about Youngjae?

Jaebeom knocked his head a few times as if physically trying to knock the sense back into him. All he could bare to think about was Youngjae, but unlike what his thoughts were telling him, not every single small action in the world around him was about Youngjae.

At least, not this one.


ok i guess



I might be crazy but I don't think I believe you

hmm. sounds like a you problem to me


Fine. I totally believe you.

But hypothetically, if you weren't doing okay and wanted to talk you could come to my house tomorrow and I'd be here

sounds fun but like you agreed

im ok

Youngjae won't be there

If that's what you're worried about



"Jaebeom! Can you go out and buy some things for dinner?" Ms Lim's voice called out from the kitchen, muffled by the walls separating them.

"OK!" Jaebeom yelled in return. He began to scavange his room for his keys and jacket, eyes glazing over the text messages popping up on the screen and one hand tapping out a response.


If you don't want to admit that you're not okay you can tell yourself we'll just be getting some food and eating together

now that sounds like something i can get with

but only because of the food.

im fine

And I totally believe you

You have to buy the food though


Jaebeom said goodbye to his mother as he carefully shut the door behind him. The sky looked cloudy, as if a dull filter had been put onto the world before him. As he began his journey to the supermarket he debated which snacks to bring with him when he went to Jinyoung's.

Maybe he would get pizza, or burgers, or maybe they would get takeaway. Maybe dessert too.

Despite all of Jaebeom's debate and confliction, Jaebeom did want to convince himself that he was going over purely for the food alone.

And of course. Nothing else.


thank you Jinyoung

For believing you?

for the food

and maybe for letting me talk with you

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