t w e l v e

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"This looks pretty bad. Have you been putting ice on it?"

Jaebeom nodded. The room they had been put in was small. Jaebeom sat upright on the bed while Youngjae was sitting in a spare chair next to the doctor's desk. A blue curtain separated them from the rest of the ward.

"Remind me how this happened?"

The boys looked eachother in the eye knowingly for a moment before Jaebeom cut their staring contest short.

"I just fell down some stairs.. Ow!" He winced as the doctor finished up his examination.

Youngjae felt guilty knowing the truth.

The swelling had gotten a lot worse over the past few days and Jaebeom wasn't sure how to deal with it. It ached whenever he tried to bandage it and the bruising had only gotten darker and darker.

"The ligaments seem more torn than we would have liked, but luckily not torn completely," the doctor turned back to his desk and began typing up a review of treatment onto the computer. A loud beep started as a small machine off to the side printed out the prescription.

"I'll prescribe you some anti inflammatories and I'm going to give you a splint to wear for the next 10 days or so."

"Splint?" Youngjae's voice interrupted, sounding slightly shaken.

The doctor turned to Youngjae, noticing a worried look on his face, "Don't worry, your friend will be fine after and this sprain isn't the worst we've seen."

"A splint acts like a cast but it's not as permanent. Like I said it should heal on it's own but if after 2 weeks you're still having issues come back to see me."

"Thank you Doctor," Jaebeom read the name badge he was wearing, "Doctor Nam."

Doctor Nam handed him the prescription and stood up, "Let me go see what we have for splints. I'll be right back".

He pulled back the curtain enough for him to leave, closing it fully again and leaving the duo to sit in silence.

"Youngjae ah.." Jaebeom's deep voice rung out.


"Why are you here?"

Youngjae looked up from where previously he was staring at his shoes.

"Bambam said you were here.."

"But how come you came with me into here and not with Yugyeom?"

"Well.." Youngjae started, not really sure himself, "Yugyeom has Bambam and I. . I felt really guilty."

"It's my fault you're hurt like this."

"Youngjae ah.. it's fine. I told you it's fine."

The curtain pulled open again and Doctor Nam held out the splint to the injured boy.

After informing the pair that they could leave Doctor Nam remained Youngjae, "Take good care of him. Make sure he doesn't do anything with his wrist and make sure he rests."

"I will.." Youngjae replied, feeling strange at his assumed responsibility.

As they pulled back the curtain and left the area they noticed an area on the other side of the ward where Yugyeom and Bambam were. They both sat closely on the bed as they seem in busy conversation with their own doctor.

Yugyeom noticed that they had left and he turned to smile at them both. Bambam noticed this soon after and waved widely. Youngjae walked over to the pair.

"Yugyeom.. are you doing okay?"

The maknae nodded, "I get an excuse to not come to school tomorrow so it's all good."

"Yugyeom!" Jaebeom called from behind Youngjae.

"Get well soon.. and take it easy."

Yugyeom was a little suprised by this but appreciated it nonetheless, "Thank's Jaebeom. I hope your wrist gets better too."

Their doctor called for their attention again and the boys said their goodbyes.

Youngjae waited as Jaebeom signed out fully, then walking out of the hospital together and standing awkwardly at the entrance. Some fallen leaves shifted and scuttled in the wind, the breeze making the hairs on Jabebeom's neck stand up.

They couldn't muster up the courage to say anything more, and not wanting to be the last one, Jaebeom turned and tried to walk away.

The latter felt a strange feeling rising in their stomach and before they knew it they had already called out the elder's name.


He turned back and stood to fully face the other. Youngjae took a deep breath and made sure to look Jaebeom in the eyes.

"I don't hate you."

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