t w e n t y - o n e

62 10 1

Both boys felt guilty for not seeing each other that lunchtime and both began to blame themselves for the situation. Friday quickly rolled around, the lunch period had already ended and despite the fact Youngjae had barely payed attention in his classes, he was already planning to call an end to the day and go home. As if by chance- or maybe fate- Jaebeom caught sight of the other heading out towards the back of the school to leave and instinctively ran towards him in attempts to gain his attention.

"Youngjae no," Jaebeom objected.

Youngjae stopped in his tracks and whipped his head around, his eyes surprised and almost thankful to see the elder.

"I'm not letting you skip again."

Youngjae felt a strange feeling in his stomach. He felt bad for making Jaebeom worry, for leaving all the time. Suddenly an idea popped into his head.

"Then come with me," he said with a small hopeful smile.

It had been a long time since Jaebeom had seen the latter's smile. It was small, but it still made his heart flutter in a way he didn't know how to describe.

"I can't .." he replied reluctantly, himself knowing that he was already doing so well trying to keep up with school work and make a change.

The smile disappeared quickly from Youngjae's face, he pouted, "Then don't."

The boy turned away causing Jaebeom to feel a sudden attraction to get him back. After a few moments Jaebeom let out a sigh and gave into this strange feeling in his heart.


The boy in question turned back around.

"I'll come."



"What've you been doing all this time when you skip?" Jaebeom asked as he walked alongside the ray of sunshine that now acted like a grade A bad boy.


Youngjae had taken Jaebeom to his house. Something he decided to do without a second thought yet something he had never done with any of his friends before. Jaebeom was definitely taken aback at being there. Even more taken back knowing he could be the first too- since even Jinyoung had admitted to not seeing it from the inside.

Youngjae's room was messy, clothes across the floor and posters filling up the space on the walls. By the door was a desk splayed with all sorts of stationery and books. Across the room a keyboard was placed by the window and a small Bluetooth speaker was on the floor next to it. Youngjae headed to open the curtains, carelessly throwing his bag down in the process. Jaebeom took some time to take the surroundings in, the aura in the room distinctively Youngjae's.

"What's this?"

He leaned over to a stack of papers on the desk. Youngjae turned, and in seeing this his cheeks heated up and his eyes widened. He ran over and tried to stop the elder, tripping over his own bag as he did.


Jaebeom turned around at the noise, suddenly seeing Youngjae as a blur.

"Youngjae? -"

The boys landed with a crash onto the floor, the papers in Jaebeom's hand flying up in the air and scattering around them. Youngjae was laying on top of the other with his head pressed against Jaebeom's chest. Slowly he lifted his head up, his cheeks quickly heating up at the sight of the other. Jaebeom's heart was beating fast.

"I'm so s-sorry!" Youngjae exclaimed.

Jaebeom winced a little feeling the air get knock out of his lungs. Was it the impact? Or was it the fact Youngjae was on top of him. In all honestly Jaebeom wasn't sure. They stayed frozen in position for a moment, their faces close and their breaths synching up in the process. They got lost in each others eyes, both not realising just how much they were staring in awe.

His lips were so close..

"Youngjae.." Jaebeom let out with a slight rasp in his voice after he had finally broke out of his own swooned haze.

"Hmm..." Youngjae said without pulling his eyes away.

"You're still on top of me.."

If at all possible Youngjae got even redder. He quickly scrambled up and ran his fingers through his hair in embarrassment. Finally lending a hand to help the other up. Jaebeom took it and stood up too.

"Sorry.. I guess I was just embarrassed about you seeing these. I haven't shown my songs to anybody before-"


Their eyes met again and Jaebeom gave a knowing look as if to ask for permission. Youngjae nodded, and the latter gathered the papers and began to read though.

Of course, since Youngjae had never shown anybody his music he was cautious about exposing this side of himself. But to Jaebeom he felt like he didn't need to worry. He felt safe.

"Youngjae.. these lyrics are really good."


Jaebeom nodded, not being able to take his eyes away from Youngjae's genuine handwriting or his even more powerful lyrics.

"I never knew you wrote songs, but this.. it's amazing-"

Youngjae wasn't responding. Jaebeom began to worry that he had said something wrong or that he was invading too much of Youngjae's personal space, but after looking up all his worries seemed to evaporate in an instant.

A big smile covered the face of the younger, his eyes seemed to squint and sparkle in a way that Jaebeom never saw before and it all made his heart beat fast again.
They continued to talk about the songs Youngjae was writing for the rest of the time until the elder had to go home. Jaebeom was utterly and totally infatuated and Youngjae felt overjoyed talking about something that he was so passionate about.

What Jaebeom didn't know was that Youngjae still had 1 page held tightly in his hands and hidden behind his back.
In actuality, this was the song he was afraid of Jaebeom seeing.

The song that Youngjae had written about him.




The notification light blinked on Jaebeom's phone as the owner was busy sorting though his notes in an attempt to stay organised. Surprised to see he had actually gotten a text, Jaebeom looked to see who it was from.



Thank you for today

I think it's made me the happiest that I have been in a long time


Jaebeom took a moment to think about what to reply. All evening he had been thinking about their time together; Youngjae's songs, how deep and pure his feelings were in his writing, how Youngjae had ended up on top of him...
But even out of all of that there was one thing that Jaebeom remembered the most.


I missed seeing you smile

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