s e v e n t e e n

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The boy turned around and was surprised to see Jaebeom in his path. He smiled politely.

"Hi Jaebeom, what are you doing here?"

Jaebeom had never seen Jinyoung around his neighbourhood before. He never knew anybody from school came to where his neighbourhood was.

"Oh, I just live around here.. I was going out to get some groceries."

Jinyoung nodded as he put his hands into his pockets.

"Then what are you doing here?" Jaebeom asked after some awkward silence.

A humble smile appeared on the latter's face.

"I was going to try visit Youngjae."

He noticed a hopeful look in the eye of the other at just the mention of Youngjae's name, "He lives around here too. I'm guessing you never noticed."

The elder shook his head. Youngjae lived near here? How did he never notice? He felt like a fool for being so blind to something so obvious.
Jinyoung began to feel a small connection with the other and could tell Jaebeom was just as worried about their friend as he was. He thought carefully about his next move.

"Do you... Want to come with me?"



Youngjae hadn't come back to school for the rest of the week since his outburst. Lots of people claimed he had gotten really sick and that was why he was away for so long. Hearing this made Jaebeom worry.
He hoped Youngjae wasn't sick.
He hoped Youngjae would come back soon.

Jaebeom walked alongside Jinyoung feeling a lot calmer than he has expected to. He wasn't as loud or chaotic as some of Youngjae's other friends.
Although Jinyoung was confused about the latter's sudden change in spirits across the past few weeks, he realised that taking to him now was much more refreshing that he first thought it would be. The boys made small talk about school and other things and enjoyed the brief time they spent in each others company.

"Can I ask you a question.. " Jaebeom asked after a slow silence had settled between them.

"Of course, go ahead."

"How are you so smart?" he blurted out suddenly.

Jinyoung was flattered and taken aback that Jaebeom had asked. He didn't like to show off or brag but he knew that he worked hard.

"Just a lot of practice, why do you ask?"

"No particular reason. I think I wish I was as smart as you or Youngjae."

Just like everyone else, Jinyoung had noticed how Jaebeom was trying so much to work hard, to smile and to talk to people more. He didn't think that Jaebeom would ever need his approval— but if he did Jinyoung would say he was proud of him.

Confused. But proud.

"I could tutor you if you want—"

"It's okay Youngjae's my tutor— well.. He's supposed to be anyway."

He felt a little sad at how quickly Jaebeom has dismissed his suggestion, but soon brushed this thought aside. He stopped in his tracks causing Jaebeom to do the same.

"It's here."

The boys walked up to a regular looking house, one that Jaebeom saw every so often when walking and one that he never payed attention too.
But this was Youngjae's house.
It was important.

"I've never been in," Jinyoung said as if reading the other's mind, "I've only ever dropped Youngjae off or watched him go inside."

Jaebeom felt a little sick.

"I can't go," Jaebeom abruptly said, overwhelmed at whatever indescribable feeling he was feeling.

Jinyoung turned to him with a confused look, "Huh? Why not?"

Jaebeom took a step back. The other sighed loudly.

"Fine. I'll go myself," he gave in seeing how reluctant the latter was.

Jaebeom watched him walked slowly towards the door and knock. The boy turned around to look at Jaebeom as he waited.

Jinyoung wished he could read the mind of the other. Strange, he thought. The infamous bad guy was supposedly nervous.
Soon the door opened to reveal a woman with dark hair and a kind looking smile.




It was too soon. Jinyoung was already heading back towards the elder with a disappointed expression on his face. Jaebeom knew it was bad news.

"He's too sick to see anybody," he said, shaking his head.

Jaebeom didn't know what to say. He felt a deep feeling in his heart that he didn't understand the cause of or what exactly it was. The only think he knew was that he worried about Youngjae.

"I guess I made you walk here for nothing," Jinyoung continued as they began to make their way out of the road Youngjae's house was on.

"It's okay," Jaebeom said.

But it wasn't okay.
Youngjae wasn't okay.

Jinyoung hummed, himself feeling low and solem at the outcome.

"I'll see you around Jaebeom," Jinyoung said more hopefully as they reached the main road and parted ways, "And you should come eat lunch with us some time too."

Jaebeom gave a small wave as he watched the other leave empty handed.




Jaebeom didn't know what had suddenly overcome him, but right now as the sky began to darken and the street lights shone a soft amber glow he stood at Youngjae's front door. He took some deep breaths to calm himself, building the courage he needed to just knock on the door.

Do it Jaebeom.
For Youngjae.

His knuckles tapped the door lightly, himself even debating if he had knocked hard enough. He could hear some mumering from inside and footsteps drawing nearer.

The door opened to see the same woman who has greeted Jinyoung, a warm light emitted from behind her and the shadow of a person passed by.

"Oh, hello," the woman said sweetly.

Jaebeom felt nervous.

"Sorry, I'm Jaebeom.. Youngjae's... friend."

A slightly confused but endearing look appeared.

"Oh! Youngjae hasn't told me anything about you. You're so handsome! But oh.. what happened to your arm?"

"It's just a sprained wrist so hopefully it'll heal soon."

Jaebeom anticipated the bad news to hit him again.

"I'm really sorry but Youngjae said he felt too unwell to see anybody, but it was very sweet of you to come by."

"It's okay, do you mind... giving him this for me?" Jaebeom held out his hand to give her a strawberry milk carton.

"Of course!" Mrs Choi replied, "I'll tell him you came by."

"Thank you," Jaebeom thanked again, bowing to Ms Choi and saying a short goodbye before the door closed.

Jaebeom looked up at the windows of the house and wondered which one could belong to Youngjae. He hoped at least that he would like the drink.

Jaebeom turned away and walked back home.

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