o n e

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It was as clear as night and day how different these two boys were. Ironically, the seating plan meant that for almost every one of their lessons they were seated together. Teachers did this because of the slightest hope that Youngjae's bright personality would be a good influence to motivate the latter.

As expected, these plans had never worked out so well.

Currently, they were sitting in maths, Jaebeom with earbuds in while Youngjae was diligently completing the exercises given. Mr Alesto paced around the classroom before clearing his throat and calling the class to his attention.

"Alright. We're having our test now," some moans around the class persisted, "Take out some paper and put your notes away. I know I said we'd have the test on Monday but if we do it today I can mark it over the weekend."

Ah yes. A maths test on a Friday afternoon, just what everyone needed.

Youngjae closed his notepad and tapped his pen against the page, waiting for the cue to begin.

"Hey Youngjae," a boy next to him whispered, "Can I borrow a pen?"

"Of course!" and without hesitation, he handed over the pen he was currently holding, "Oh and good luck Bam!"

Bambam threw a quick thumbs-up before fumbling around with his calculator.

"Oh, and before you begin," Mr Alesto interrupted, "If you don't get a pass on this test you'll have to have an academic meeting with me after school."

Academic meetings were another thing that the school did to 'reform' the problem students and push them towards the right path.

"Lim Jaebeom. Earphones out."

The solemn boy didn't react.

"Lim Jaebeom. Earth to Jaebeom–"


The teen looked up and glared harshly. Mr Alesto gestured his hand out for the phone to be handed over.
Usually, Jaebeom would have retaliated but today he was too tired to even bother. After a few cold moments, he handed the device over.
Mr Alesto didn't show it, but he was relieved at how easily the usual menace had given in.

"OK, you have until the end of the lesson to complete the test. Best of luck everybody."



Youngjae walked through the corridor, smiling and waving at the people he knew (which was nearly everybody in the corridor). He strolled up to the lockers and tapped a tall guy on the shoulders.


The boy shut his locker, his bag slung upon his left shoulder.

"Hey what took you so long?"

Youngjae sighed, although a slight smile remained on his countenance as it normally did, "We had a maths test and it over-ran– sorry gyeom–"

"Nah it's fine but Markson got bored and headed out to the gate already."

"I'm going to head straight home if that's alright. I'm really tired."

"Oh. Sure OK just uh, see you on Monday then."

"Of course! Have a great weekend!"

Youngjae playfully punched Yugyeom on the arm before walking away to get his own things. He speed-walked down the hall and abruptly turned a corner, bumping into the one and only Jaebeom himself. His books dropped to the ground with the sound of a glorious thud and everyone withing hearing distance turned around to spectate.

"God Jaebeom I'm so sorry let me help pick these up," the guilty boy quickly hurried to the ground to scavenge the textbooks and loose papers splayed across the floor.

Jaebeom almost always radiated negative energy. Everyone knew that he wouldn't hesitate to beat up anybody who tested him. And with fear came hate. Nobody liked him, nobody liked his harsh attitude or his mean demeanour.

Youngjae liked him though. Admired him slightly for not having a care in the world.
Youngjae liked everyone. 

The elder sighed loudly and snatched the books off Youngjae once he had organised them.

"Choi Youngjae," Jaebeom said in his usual bitter tone.

"Yeah?" the latter replied innocently.

They exchanged nothing but stares for the next couple of seconds. Jaebeom then sighed loudly once more, although sounding more defeated than angry before storming away.

Youngjae was left to stand alone, in confusion over the staring contest that had just occurred.

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