t w e n t y - f i v e

69 10 7

"You're worthless.. I regret ever knowing you.."

The worlds left Youngjae's blood running cold, his face going pale in an instant.

The look on Jaebeom face carved deeply into his mind. A look of hatred and disgust.
Youngjae did his best to hold in his tears but the attempt was futile. The elder shoved past him and harshly knocked Youngjae to the ground.

Youngjae sat and watched Jaebeom turn his back, walk away and give up on him completely.



Youngjae gasped for air as he shot up in bed, sweat beading at his forehead and his hands clutching tightly onto the duvet. Noticing tears at his eyes he tried to wipe them away, his breath uneasy and his head feeling like it was being banged with a hammer. Youngjae looked around quickly, confused at his surrounding before remembering the reality of the previous hours.

Without any hesitation he got up and huddled over to the spot on the floor where the elder was peacefully sleeping. His hair covered his face in a messy but endearing way. Youngjae couldn't admire him for long before he gently shook his shoulder.

A groan escaped the lips of the other as he resisted being awoken.


The sleeping boy didn't move.

"Jaebeom..." Youngjae pleaded more desperately, his head still pounding from the headache.

As he recognised the voice Jaebeom looked up too see Youngjae's face in an upset pout.

"Youngjae ah..? What's wrong?"

"I had a bad dream.."

Hearing this Jaebeom reached his hand up to run his fingers through Youngjae's hair. The gesture made the latter blush and look away.

"Are you okay?" he asked with worry in a deep voice.

Youngjae nodded slowly still feeling the heat in his cheeks and his swirl of emotions.

Jaebeom shuffled from where he laid and opened up the duvet as a signal for Youngjae to join him. Without thinking too much Youngjae got in, feeling the warmth from the other and feeling his cheeks heat up even more. Jaebeom had already rolled over to face the other way leaving Youngjae staring at his broad shoulders. This alone was already helping to calm Youngjae's senses, the pressure in his head slowly soothing as he recognised Jaebeom's familiar scent.

"Jaebeom.." Youngjae asked quietly after some hesitation.

"Hmm?" he replied sleepily.

"You don't hate me right..?"

There was silence for a few moment. Jaebeom was still drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Of course not."

"You don't think I'm worthless right.. After I told you everything.. You don't see me differently now right..?"

All of a sudden Jaebeom rolled back over. With his eyes still closed he wrapped his leg around the other and pulled him close into a tight embrace with his arm.

Still half asleep and not truly realising what he was doing Jaebeom said with a raspy voice, "You're perfect Youngjae. I could never hate you."

Youngjae's heart began beating faster than ever before.

He admired the moles by Jaebeom's eye and how peaceful he looked when he was asleep. By this point Youngjae had completely forgotten about the nightmare, cherishing the moment he was in as much as he could while it lasted.
He never wanted this to end.
After finally being able to calm himself and accept the situation Youngjae snuggled up closer into the elder's chest and fell asleep.




The morning arrived with the boys entangled in each others arms. Jaebeom securely held Youngjae by the waist and Youngjae was nuzzling into the crook of Jaebeom's neck.

Jaebeom was the first to wake up, suddenly feeling aware at what position he was in and feeling his heart go on overdrive.
Youngjae smelled sweet, like peaches and vanilla and rays of golden sun.

To be completely honest Jaebeom thought that the events of last night were just a wishful dream. But boy was he happy it was reality.

The younger began to shift and Jaebeom quickly shut his eyes to pretend to still be asleep.

Youngjae slowly lifted his head. His eyes beginning to focus and he let out a small audible gasp as he remembered what was happening. Youngjae was flustered beyond compared, by this point their faces were only inches apart if even that. Youngjae tried to move away but he felt Jaebeom's arms around him hold him tighter- bringing them closer than before.

His lips looked perfectly airbrushed. All he could think about was kissing him.

Jaebeom opened his eyes and caught Youngjae staring, causing the younger to take in a quick breath of air and look shocked and embarrassed.

"Good morning sunshine."


Jaebeom looked up at the window with Youngjae's eyes following. A golden ray of light was streaming into the room, perfectly landing on the cuddling pair.

"Sunshine," Jaebeom repeated to tease the other, himself knowing that the true sunshine was already in his arms.

"Ahhh.. Of course.. The sunshine.." Youngjae replied with a small laugh, his eyes squinting cutely. He felt embarrassed at assuming that Jaebeom was talking about him-

But he wouldn't have minded being Jaebeom's sunshine.

"This is comfortable, no?" Jaebeom asked, to which the younger nodded his head quickly.

Jaebeom took so time to watch how flustered the younger was getting. It made him smile and feel warm inside, meanwhile Youngjae felt like he could explode from embarrassment any minute.

"Are you feeling better from the nightmare?" He asked in a serious tone, locking eyes with the other.

Youngjae agreed, feeling better knowing that his nightmare was far from the reality he knew to be now.

Despite them both wanting to stay in each others arms, Jaebeom got up from the floor head over to his wardrobe.

"I'm going to take a shower- unless you want to go first?"

"N-no it's okay! You go.." Youngjae stuttered, feeling flustered at the idea of imagining Jaebeom showering.

Jaebeom smiled at how adorable the other was but tried his best to hide this, "You can help yourself to breakfast but if you want I can make something for you after."

Youngjae nodded and watched Jaebeom leave, gently closing the door behind him.

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