f o r t y - e i g h t

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"Get off of me! Don't fucking touch Youngjae!" 

"You're still trying.." Daewon muttered, ignoring Jaebeom's threat.

Minjun sighed and watched Youngjae try to get up, quickly pushing his foot against Youngjae's shoulder to knock him back down. Youngjae felt the world spinning, debating whether or not his lunch would reappear from within his stomach.

"Don't move," the boy above him said, a sadistic sort of smile coating his lips. 

Youngjae wasn't being restrained nearly as much as Jaebeom was, but he was weaker and more nervous and either way he wouldn't have been able to move. Jaebeom was left squirming under Daewon's foot but with every turn he felt himself being pushed further into the gravel beneath him.

"I'm so SICK of seeing you two. I thought it was pathetic enough when you were both moping around but seeing you together makes me even more mad," Minjun continued. He turned back to Jaebeom momentarily and laughed at the sight. The sound ripped through the air and sent the skies turning dark.

"We should have done this the first time Daewon ah.. Then this worthless excuse for a person wouldn't have hit me."

Daewon nodded, "We'll just have to make up for it then won't we."

Their tones were brighter than they should have been. Youngjae felt dizzy as he watched Minjun refocus onto him, leaning in close and letting the cold breath and bitter words hit his ears.

"Your face doesn't look like it gets hit," he pointed to the bruise on his cheek and snarled wolfishly, "Your boyfriend did this to me you know. How about I share the love—"

He lunged forward and slammed his knee into Youngjae's chest, forcing his weight onto the body beneath him whilst both hands scrambled to grip Youngjae's shirt. The younger wheezed, coughed and spluttered at the sudden pressure. He tried to avoid eye contact and caught a glimpse of Jaebeom looking more and more broken as the seconds went by.

"YA! You BASTARD!" Jaebeom yelled as loud as he could. Daewon swirled his foot and stomped harder, the sound coming from Jaebeom's mouth quickly diminishing. The other grabbed at Youngjae's face to force the attention back to him.

"How many days have I had to see you two like this huh? I'll give you that many bruises. I'm your hyung Youngjae ah, listen to your hyung. I'm going to give you all of these bruises and your boyfriend gets to watch."

He curled his fist back, eyes darkening and lips drawn out tensely. Youngjae squeezed his eyes shut, blood pulsing in his ears as he braced himself for impact and tried to tune out everything else around him. The laughs, the wind rustling around them, the sound of Jaebeom yelling at them to stop; the last one was especially painful. He tried to block it out, the world around him turning black.


Youngjae snapped his eyes open. The pair laying on the ground both looked over at the voice, the perpetrators doing the same— and for a split second time itself seem to stop.

Mr Alesto and another teacher that neither Youngjae nor Jaebeom could recognise were standing a few feet away looking red-faced and rage-filled. Swiftly, they stormed over. Mr Alesto grabbed both second-years by the shoulders, his whitened knuckles producing a death-like grip, and pulled them harshly away. They struggled under his hold momentarily before the storm of the next teacher quickly silenced them.

"What on EARTH do you think you're DOING?" the second teacher yelled, chest puffed and rising quickly. His stature was tall, broad, eclipsing the light as he stood between the sun and the students. Daewon opened his mouth to say something but the attempt was quickly cut short.

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