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After Youngjae had abruptly left Jaebeom suddenly realised that he should have asked for his number. But after eyeing all the students in the hallway he was nowhere to be seen.

A tall boy with poofy hair stuck out in the crowd of students like a bean stalk.

"Hey!" Jaebeom called out to get the maknae's attention, sounding harsher than he would have liked. The boy in question looked abruptly shaken and his eyes widened at the gloomy shadow of Lim Jaebeom that was heading straight towards him.

"You're Yugyeom right?" The elder asked trying to sound more sincere.

Yugyeom nodded quickly.

"Give me Youngjae's number," Jaebeom paused quickly before meekly adding,


Even whilst being taller Yugyeom felt intimidated, "What for?" he managed to muster up after clearing his throat. The confusion in him growing as to why the 'infamous Jaebeom' was asking him for something.

"He's supposed to be tutoring me but ran off when I tried to talk to him."


"Oh what?" Jaebeom clapped back after hearing the falling tone of the other's voice.

"Nothing, I... I'll just give you it now then," he jumped in to avoid any conflict.

And so he pulled out his phone and the exchange was complete. Yugyeom had to scroll for a long distance to find Youngjae's number; Jaebeom didn't have many existing contacts to begin with.

Jaebeom entered the contact name:

They stood in front of eachother in more silence.

"Thanks Yugyeom.." Jaebeom muttered quietly.

The mentioned nodded respectfully and quickly looked around before walking off.



Jaebeom was tired. Trying to be more social and 'out there' was already taking a toll on his energy. He headed out of the school to the large open area where students would gather during lunch.

"I texted him but I guess he isn't coming to lunch."

"We should have waited for him after school yesterday-"

"I'm not sure where he is now though. He just left me on read. Do we.. do we just go get lunch?"

Jaebeom looked over his shoulder to see two boys standing to the side by a tall tree. He recognized them as Mark and Jackson, two of Youngjae's best friends. And it must have been Youngjae they were talking about.

But he shrugged the thoughts off and headed to a more secluded area away from the crowds. Not many people noticed but to the left most side of the bushes and trees was a small opening to a hidden area Jaebeom often retreated to so he could have some piece of mind. In the centre was a circle of more flowers with a bench sitting to the side out of sight of anybody else.
He sat himself on the bench and put his earbuds in to immerse himself fully in his secret realm of isolation.

He let his time pass until he glanced at the clock on his phone and realised he should probably head to the library.

When he walked in he did a quick scan of the area with no Youngjae to be found, he debated waiting outside and peered his head out the door one more time to decide on just taking a seat and waiting until he came in.
He threw his bag onto a desk at the back, causing a multitude of harsh glares to be thrown his way at making the noise. After locking eyes with Jaebeom those harsh glares quickly turned away to mind their own buisness. Jaebeom probably didn't need tutoring,

He needed motivation.

He needed to care.

Minutes past with no sign of said tutor, with the memory of the contact on his phone he quickly tried to message him.

Youngjae read them almost instantly.

No reply.

Jaebeom was frustrated. He had already tried to put aside how he'd been spoken to that morning in hopes of making up for that awful first impression with this whole study.. thing..
Did Youngjae hate him or something? He wouldn't have been surprised if that was the answer.

And it's not like Youngjae has a lesson or anything since we both have chemisty next.

He sighed and half heartedly tried flicking through his notebook to grasp any knowledge available— although he hadn't take notes thoroughly enough to let him do this properly.
He didn't bother trying to reach out to Younjae again, his own stubbornness of wanting to shut people out coming though as quickly as this tutoring opportunity arose. He was bitter. For the rest of his free period he did his best to concentrate.

But the only thing he could think about was him

What's with you Choi Youngjae?

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