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*Beyonce P.o.v.*

I let out a huge sigh before turning around and walking back in the bedroom. I saw Onika on the floor and my heart sank. I called for Julius and he called 911. Luckily Onika woke up and was able to talk to me and the paramedics. I was trying to hold back the tears and as I carried Ally down with Onika who was on a stretcher talking with a paramedic. At the hospital, Ally clutched me for dear life as they took Onika to be seen. Luckily it didn't take long and I was praying that she was still pregnant. When I finally was able to see Onika, Ally ran from my hand and joined Onika on the bed holding her tightly. Onika returned the hug and for a few moments we all kind of took a deep breath and relaxed. Soon a Doctor came in.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Gabrielle, I have to go over everything with you in two parts." Dr. Gabrielle said sitting in a chair.

I sat on the end of Onika's bed and started to rub her leg and Ally softly snored on Onika's chest.

"One, you are going to be fine. Spotting is common in early pregnancy and yours was for the most part light compared to others. Now I'm okay with letting you go home with a list of instructions and an appointment to come back to see me only. Now looking at your chart, I noticed that your OBGYN is new to you?"

"Yes Doctor, my old one retired. Should I be worried?" Onika asked.

"Yes, she's under investigation and at risk of losing her license for patient conduct and some other things. But I need to break some bad news to you."

I looked at Onika and quickly grabbed her hand. I mouthed to her that it was 'Okay' and she nodded.

"So while you are pregnant, it's not with twins. Just one baby this go 'round."

"But we saw two babies on the screen." Onika said quickly.

"It wasn't a second baby, it was a cyst and what we think contributed to the bleeding. This is why you need to see me. I specialize in managing pregnancies that have this happen in it."

"So there wasn't two babies?" Onika asked tearfully.

"No honey, I am sorry. But the baby you are pregnant with is doing well and even measuring ahead a week which is good considering the cyst."

"Will it get bigger?" I ask thinking ahead.

"Now that's the key, it could get bigger, shrink, cross fingers, or stay the same. But we will worry about that when we have to for now we need to take care of Mama and that means low stress, more rest, and just taking care of ourselves. I know it's hard with a toddler but you have to take of yourself. Now, I want to speak to Beyonce alone for a moment and you can get dressed and the Nurse will bring you in some water and disconnect you from the IV."

Onika and I nod in unison and I lean forward and kissed her tear stained cheek. I wanted the old Doctor's head! I was truly was excited for my wife to have my babies and had been doing everything I could do to make sure I had all the funds in place to make sure she and the kids were taken care of. I know I had been distant and not wanting sex but I just had things in action and wanted to get it done quickly. Onika deserved to be comfortable and I wanted Alexandria to have all she ever wanted that I could give. Onika rubbed my shoulder and I looked back.

"It's okay, go to the Fashion show I know that you have to be there."

"No, you are more important. I need to be here with you Mamas."

I got up and gave Onika a quick peck on the lips and walked out with the Doctor.

"Mrs. Knowles, I am sorry that this happened. But Onika can still have a healthy pregnancy, I want you try to deviate some of her daily chores, I'm sure you have a house staff that can take over chores for her, family to help with Alexandria?"

"Yes, but Onika is stubborn but I will make life at home easier for her."

"Good, I know you'll take care of her at home and I'll take care of her here. I'm so sorry about the idea of having twins but I'll make sure this baby gets here safe and sound. Now, let me finish her paper work and I'll see her in two weeks."

Dr. Gabrielle left and I sighed deeply. I turned and walked in the room and saw Onika holding Ally who was up singing to her. It was nice to see Ally close to Onika again. I walked over and sat next to them and hugged them both. Onika urged me to go to the fashion show but I shook my head. I told her that it was 'Okay' and that I wanted to spend time with her. After Onika was discharged we went home and we all climbed into bed. Ally was glued to Onika's side and I ordered dinner for us all. Onika excused herself and went to the bathroom. She was gone for a while before coming back fresh from a shower. She grabbed some clothes and got dressed before getting in bed. Ally looked at me before standing.

"I'm ready for my bath Papi! Bubbles and lavender please."

"Okay Ladybug, go to the room and get ready."

Ally happily left and I turned to Onika and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry Mamas, we were lied too but you're okay and that's all that matters. I want you to start taking better care of yourself and I think it's time we look for a permanent house. This was cute for a rental but I want our own house again. This time, we'll look together. I also want us to have an condo in the city. It'll be easy for when I have work but want to be able to have lunches together and help with the kids."

"That's a nice thought Bey."

"I know I've been distant Mamas but I just want things to be good for you, Ladybug and my Son-son." I cheese making Onika smile.

"Stop, it's probably another girl knowing my luck." Onika pouted crossing her arms.

"Nope, I know it's a boy this time. But if it's a girl, it's cool too. I just want you both to be healthy and safe."

"Me too."

I kiss Onika and before getting up to give Ladybug a bath. After a bath, I lotioned Ally down and put her in Cinderella pajamas and she got into her other bed that was in the Master suite with us. She was down quickly leaving time for Onika and I to sit together. I was surprised when Lauren called via Zoom and let me address everyone at the show and watch it. Onika and I enjoyed it and I was so happy it came together. I was happy that I was able to collaborate with Rob and happy that she was able to hold it down without me. I gave Onika a back massage that put her to sleep before sitting up and praying for a moment and writing in my journal. Therapy had gotten me into it and I needed to keep it up. I couldn't keep grabbing on my wife like that she'd been through too much already. I started to write down the changes I wanted to happen as soon as the sun came up again.


Something short. Happy Hoildays!



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