No Sleep Overs

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Trigger warning for this book, Abusive situations and some wild ass stuff. You have been warned.*

*Onika's P.O.V*

I woke up needing to pee and felt my shirt was soaking wet on my stomach. I looked down and pulled off a warmed ice pack. I looked over and saw Ally and Beyonce cuddled up asleep. My heart jumped realizing that I fell asleep. I carefully got up and grabbed my purse and left. I put on my shoes at the door and almost jumped out of my body as Julius' brother came up behind me. He let me out and I ran over to my car and got in. I drove back to Chris' house where I supposed to be spending the night. Out of respect for Beyonce and Ally I didn't live with Chris and I didn't have him around Ally at all, Outside of him seeing us in public at parks or the grocery store.  Chris had two cousins posted at the door playing cards and smoking. The smell of weed smoke was heavy in the midnight air. I held my breath walking through the stinging fog and into the house. Inside, I walked up the stairs to his bedroom and closed the door. He was lying in bed watching TV and drinking a beer. He looked at me and then turn his attention back to the TV.

"Strip." He said coldly.

"Huh?" I say still exhausted.

"I know you fucked her, take you clothes off and let me see your body."

"Wha- Chris, No, I didn't have sex with her. I just fell asleep putting Ally to sleep."

Chris jumping up off the bed and crossing the room in two moves scared me. His hands went around my neck and he slammed me to the door. He slid his hand up my skirt and rubbed my dry panties before pulling them to the side and slamming two fingers inside of me.

"Aaah!" I scream at the sudden intrusion into my pussy.

"Shut the fuck up!" Chris said through gritted teeth. "I know you fucked her! I said 'No sleep overs with that bitch!"

Chris started to wiggle his fingers around and trying to feel like my walls had been spread.

"I've been calling and texting you so if you weren't fucking your ex-bitch what were you doing?" Chris asked moving his hand.

"Sleeping." I squeak out.

Chris twisted his lips before pulling me away from the door and to the bed. He pushed me on it and ripped my clothes off me which wasn't a hard feat as I had on a older shirt and my jean skirt was a slip on. Chris got over me and looked at me, looking for anything of my betrayal, a hickie, a bite mark, or piece of hair. Chris pulled off my underwear and spread my legs.

"Don't move." He grunted getting up and turning on the light.

Chris looked at my pussy and over my body again before turning off the light. He rubbed my thighs as he got between them and I felt his hard through his boxers. He pulled me closer and slid his boxers down and rubbing his dick along my slit.

"Tell me this my pussy, Baby."

"It's yours." I barely whisper knowing it was a lie.

"You're lying. You can't even look at me and say that shit."

I gulped. This was not good.

"It's okay Baby, I'm going to make it mine." Chris growled before slamming into me.

My back left the bed as Chris entered me and I was not aroused.

"Lucky girl that your pussy stay wet, even when you don't want dick." Chris laughed. "If you didn't want it, you wouldn't drip for me. That's why you can never say I took this pussy, it wants me."

Chris held my thighs like a vice as he began to thrust hard and fast. It hurt like hell, he was hitting my cervix with every fucking thrust. My thighs were shaking against Chris' hips and I praying it would be over soon but if I knew anything this night was far from over. Chris spilling his seed in my broke me out of my thoughts. Chris smiled at me biting his lips. I thought he would pull out but he didn't he stood there dick pulsating. I instantly got nervous and started to count in my head. I needed to get a Plan B in the morning as soon as the sun hit the horizon. He saw I wasn't paying him attention and punched me in the stomach. I curled up pulling away from in trying to catch my breath again. It hurt so bad. I was silently crying when the air around me cracked and a belt made contact with the back of my thighs. Chris lit my damn body up and I could barely move after. His cousin coming upstairs to get him for 'work' was the only thing that saved this from being worse than it usually is. I waited a few moments to make sure he was gone before I got up and put on a t-shirt and basketball shorts from him. I grabbed my things and left quickly. I drove over to my townhouse and parked in the garage. I said a small prayer that Chris knew nothing of this place as my feet crossed the threshold. I locked the door and went upstairs to my bedroom. I got undressed and took a hot bath until my body stopped throbbing as hard as it was. I got dried off and changed into a pink night gown. I went into my drawer and found an emergency Plan B that I brought last time Chris came in me and took it. Swallowing the pill hard with no water. I went into my purse and pulled out the water that Beyonce had left for me on my night table at her house. I had it before getting into bed. Looking at the picture of the three of us on my night stand brought tears to my eyes. I loved Beyonce with my whole heart and didn't understand why I wasn't enough for her. She always wanted more and her settling into fucking Megan was upsetting to me to say the least. She was the old Beyonce and I swore that I wouldn't be hurt but now I was getting hurt and there was nothing anyone could do about it. I just wanted my family back and was hoping Beyonce would fight for me but apparently she didn't want or care too.


Excuse all errors!

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