Breathe for Papi

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Two hours passed and labor was in full swing for Onika. Her contractions were coming every few minutes and I was trying to think of what I could do to get Megan to let us go to a hospital. But her crazy ass had put a dog shock collar around my neck and was shocking me every time she felt like I was trying to be sneaky. Megan pulled me out of the room and into the nursery.

"This is nice Bey, we could have had this. Two cribs huh? ...Twins!"

"Yeah." I reply lowly.

"Hmmm, so I have a choice on taking your daughter or your son. Exciting."

"Megan, I'm sorry I hurt you but you need to let Onika go to the hospital. She needs to be in the hospital to have the twins."

"She's good, I'll cut my baby out of I have too. You should have let me have my baby Bey."

"Megan, you're a gorgeous woman, just have a baby with another man."

"I should huh?" Megan said with a smirk.

Onika groaning in pain made us both look towards the other room. Megan and I left and I went in the room and took a chance to hug Onika and hold her.

"It's okay Mamas, I'm so sorry that you're hurting. Please try to hang onto PapaBear and Princess a little while longer."

I kissed Onika's head that was hot and got nervous as I saw more water and Onika had another contraction. I picked her up and put her on the bed.

"Don't get cute Bey." Megan warned.

"I'm not. I just need to get some towels."

I walked over to the bathroom and grab some towels and wet a hand towel for Onika's forehead and put some towels under her. My phone rang once and I felt a little relief, it wouldn't be long now. Meg licked her lips and walked over and unbuttoned my pants. She undressed and I knew what she wanted. I hated that I was going to do this but this was the opening I needed. I needed her totally off guard and distracted. Megan and I went to the head of the bed and I put her on her back and stroked myself getting hard. I reached into my night table and quickly put on a condom and slid myself into her. 'Fuck she always feels good, but I don't care, I need to bide time.' I thought.

I started to fuck the life out of Megan, I wanted her ass to feel this shit deep. This was a hate fuck if one ever existed. Her crazy ass liked it rough so even though I was attempting to knock her uterus out of place, she didn't care. I glanced at Onika through my sweat covered brow and saw she had closed her eyes and seemed to be sleeping but she took a deep breath and looked at me and turned her head. Megan's body shaking as she had an orgasm made me cum. It wasn't intentional by no means. I pulled out and went to the bathroom and cleaned up. I looked at my watch and saw that I got a text, '5 minutes, taking out the guards.'. I quietly sighed in relief before Onika screamed out in pain. I ran back in to see her on her back holding her belly with her knees pulled up. Megan had put on her clothes and was standing in front of Onika's splayed legs with a wicked smile.

"My baby is coming! I can see it's head. Finally, I'll get my piece of you Beyonce."

"Shit! Onika...Mamas..." I reply rushing over to Megan's side almost pushing her out of the way.

Megan flashed her gun at me and gave me a scowl.

"Keep it cute out I'll send one right down her center."

I bit my tongue and my rage. I got closer to Onika and put my hands on her knees. One of the twins was indeed crowing and I was nervous. We talked in length to Dr. Gabrielle about how labor would go for the twins and I knew what to do as I watched every thing from when Ally was born but having to apply the knowledge was going to be another thing.

"I can't...I'm not pushing." Onika strained quietly as tears streamed her cheeks.

"I know, I know Mamas. But don't fight your body." I reply anxiously as more black hair was emerging from the small circle that was beginning to enlarge.

"No, go head on and push out my baby, your holding back could be cutting off their oxygen or something."

Onika gasped shaken with fear and I rubbed her thigh. Onika started to push and more and more of the first baby's head started to emerge. A loud bang went off in the next room and I fell on top of Onika holding her as the door opened. Gun fire went off as my Dad and the police came in Megan screamed holding her shoulder and the police quickly grabbed her and took her out. Lucky bitch missed that head shot my Dad was going to deliver. I got up as my Mom came in with the Doctor. Onika was immediately relieved but still in a great deal of pain and was still hot. Dr. Gabrielle, her Nurse Stella and my Mom came in. I ran off to the bathroom and turned on the water. The bathtub filled in a matter of moments and I picked up Onika from the bed and put her in the warm water. My Mom helped me take off her dress and the Doctor pulled out all her tools. I closed the door to the noise of the police and other people.

"I have to go to the hospital, the baby's lungs..." Onika sniffled looking at us.

"She's going to be fine and so is this. We're going to have these babies and it's going to be okay." Dr. Gabrielle said getting her things together.

My Mom stood off the side and recorded as Onika gave birth. PapaBear was the first to come out and he was as big as Ally was if not bigger. I cut the cord as Dr. Gabrielle placed him on Onika's chest. Stella rubbed him with a towel to warm him and I gave Onika a quick peck on the lips. I was amazed, Ally looked like me so seeing PapaBear and seeing he had Onika's whole face was wild. He was so cute and his little cry was loud. The door opened and Carol came in along with Solange and Lauren.

"What are you two doing here? You're supposed to be on your honeymoon." Onika said between contractions.

            "We weren't missing this; now just pretend we aren't here for a moment." Solange said moving out of the way with Lauren.

I smiled at their cute matching T-shirts and jeans before Onika taking a deep breath making me put my attention back on her. Stella had taken Papabear and was looking at him on the side. Soon Princesses head slid out and soon shoulders and the rest of her. It was like I was looking at Ally all over again with Onika's eye shape. She didn't start crying so I reached over and held her hand as Dr. Gabrielle suctioned her nose and mouth.

"Hey Tinkerbell, you going to cry for Papi?"

I felt myself get nervous as Onika grabbed my arm and sat up a little. Dr. Gabrielle cut the cord and moved the baby to the floor as Stella handed PapaBear to my Mom as she got up and ran out of the room and came back with the paramedics. It was blur at that point because they were moving fast as hell. They got an IV and breathing apparatuses hooked up to Tinkerbell and she was gone. I didn't want to leave Onika but she all but pushed me to the door to go with Tinkerbell. I left to go to the hospital as my Dad hopped in the ambulance with me at the last minute. I sigh as my heart was in two different places.


excuse all errors!



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