Dark to Light

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*Beyonce' P.o.v.**

"Mamas, you down here?" I call out walking into the basement.

I'd been looking for Onika all over the house and figured she went somewhere to be alone. I circled the basement and didn't see her at all. I pulled out my phone and looked for her GPS bracelet seeing it location at Robyn's house. I sigh before going back to the first floor. I asked Lana to look out for Ally who was asleep and grabbed Julius and got into my truck. I drove over to Robyn just as two ambulances were driving off. I stopped in the street and ran over to an officer.

"Hey, is everything okay? This is my friends house, my wife was here with her."

"I can't give much detail but just go to the hospital and check in with lead officer Dailey. Your wife saved her."

My heart was beating out of chest as Julius took over and drove me to the hospital. There I had to fill out a bunch of forms as I waited to get back there. Whatever happened at Robyn's house was bloody as the Nurse gave me Onika's Fenty purse that was blood stained. I transferred the contents to my Gucci book bag and tossed the purse. Dr. Gabrielle rounding the corner made me nervous as she saw me and came right over.

"Hey Beyonce, she's okay. Mainly damage to her left hand, we brought in a hand specialist who stitched and repaired the damage but she's looking at weeks of therapy once it's healed and a course antibiotics. Robyn is alright as well, but since she inflicted self harm she's going to be on a 'hold' and restarted on certain medications she had stopped taking."

I nod. I knew this part all too well but Onika being involved was new. Robyn knew to call me and didn't, now Onika's hurt as well from her rash actions.

"You can come see her, She'll be discharged in the morning. Robyn can also have a short visit too. She might still be out of it though."

"Thank you Dr. Gabrielle."

I walked with her to Onika's room and saw her lying in the bed asleep with a monitor across her belly tracking my baby boy's heart beat. I quietly walked over and kissed her on the forehead and ran my hand along the bandages on her hand. 'God Rob, why didn't you call me? Why did you do this with Onika?' I thought.

I turned leaving the room and went over to Robyn's. I waited for the Nurse to leave her and snuck in. Seeing Rob lying in the bed with bandages on her arms I felt bad but not as bad I normally did considering Onika was involved and got hurt. I walked over and she opened her eyes.


"Yes, it's me. Rob."

"I told her to leave."

"You know that wasn't going to happen, Onika wasn't going to let you hurt yourself. You should have call me Robyn, Alexa knows the 'code word'."

"I'll be fine, go look after Nicki, tell her I'm sorry. I only wanted the best for her."

"The best for her?"

Robyn closed her eyes and the Nurse came in.

"She can't have visitors M'am, you need to leave."

I complied with the Nurses orders and left. I went back to Onika's room where she was sitting up looking at her bandaged hand. I walked over and joined her on the bed.

"Is she alive?" Onika whispered.

"Yes, she's fine. You were brave for staying with her but I wished you would have called me. I've handled Robyn before when she gets like that. I know what to say to bring her out of it and to stop it before it gets too that point."

"She does that all the time? Be that cold and calculating?"

"Yes, it's her dark Pisces energy. She can read someone for their life and the next. It's almost like a super power. What did she do to you?"

"She pinned me to the counter and tried to get me off but when I didn't give in she grabbed the knives. I only went over to ask why she stopped coming around and she told me how she really felt."

"Which was?" I ask holding back the rage that was building.

"I need to tell you something. I slept with Robyn back in our third year. I was drunk and upset and I had venting to her for a month and I just hated you so much and wanted to feel like someone wanted me. I'm so sorry Beyonce."

"Hey, hey, calm down. I know that you had sex with Robyn. She told me. I honestly didn't care; we had Robyn in our bedroom before even if she never penetrated you at that point so I knew it was bound to happen. I didn't know that it was something that you thought you had to hide from me. Don't feel guilty for living your life while I was acting like a hoe."

"So you won't leave me and take the kids?"

"No I would never if anything I'd give you custody and I'd take the visitation. Baby girl, did Robyn tell you that?"

Onika bit her lip before telling me about what Robyn said and did. It took everything out of me not to end that bitch's life myself. She's been mean but that was enough to give my wife a psychotic break and was unwarranted. I managed to calm Onika down and put her to sleep. Rob fucked up big time and would have to get with me when everyone was all healed up.


Ten weeks later, I was sitting on the beach in Trinidad holding my wife in my arms. Her 30 week baby bump was nestled between us as I showered her neck in kisses. We had been down here for a week and only had a few more days before we had to go home. We made it a small group trip with us, Ally, my Mom, Richard, Solange and Lauren. However, I asked everyone to leave us alone so we could have time together so we only saw them when we did check ins or in the resort rooms. Onika had been doing better with things and for the first time in a long time she was happy. Onika sweetly pecked me on the lips and spoke.

"What's got you distracted Zaddy?"

"Nothing, just enjoying the quiet and the fact that Ally's slime song is finally out of my head." I chuckle.

Onika grinned and baby boy started to kick her and me hard.

"Looks like he's ready for his walk."

"Very, he's demanding. Ally was a calm baby for the most part."

"Yeah Papa Bear wants what he wants. I'll help you up Mamas."

I stood brushing some of the sand from my hands before reaching down and helping Onika up to her feet. She cradled her belly and I grinned and looked away before wiped away a tear.

"What's wrong? Sharing my hormones again?"

"No, I'm happy and I'm sorry it took all this for us to get here when if I would have done right from Day 1 and didn't let outside influences or my bull shit ways mess up what we had."

"Growing pains but it's okay. What's any relationship without ups and downs? Let's get moving, Papa Bear is still kicking me."

Onika and I started walking the beach line enjoying the waves crashing against our feet. We walked back to our resort house and got cleaned up for dinner. Onika wanted to take a nap before dinner so she went to bed. I wanted to grab some more liquor to take back with me to Cali. I changed into a Nike fit and pulled my hair up into ponytail and left with Julius to the shops. I went to the candy store and got some candy for Onika and Ally before going over to the liquor to get some candy for Zaddy. I got what I wanted and decided to get a snack and quick drink before going back. I was sitting at the bar eating crab and dumplings while enjoying some Rebellion Spiced Rum. Julius had something to eat before giving me some space. I was waiting for my check when the manager started yelling at the back at a waitress. A door opened and I gripped the counter. 'Somebody's getting fired.' I sung in my head as Megan walked into the bar space.



Excuse all errors!


I'm a Pisces, I can do us. :) thank you.


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