A Perfect Thanksgiving: Part 1

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

 I ignored my phone until I could look at it alone. I knew it was probably something dumb so I just focused on Ally. Going inside I made Ally a plate of the takeout that came and she ate with my Mom while I went upstairs to check on Onika. Onika was asleep and I was relieved. I really didn't know what to say to her if she was awake. I took off my shirt and pants putting them in a dry cleaning hamper. I got into bed with Onika and wrapped my arms around her. Nuzzling into her warm body made my body relax and I fell asleep.

-3 1/2 weeks later-

*Onika's P.o.v.*

I was sitting at the computer trying to finalize my Black friday shopping list. Even though I didn't have to worry about money, a sale was a sale and I was keeping an eye on some of the 'hot' toys that Ally wanted. I sent my list to my phone and closed my laptop down before getting up. My ribs felt sore from passing out turkeys yesterday at the Club with Tate to the homeless. I had Lauren do a can drive and grocery gift card donation at the office over the past two weeks to go to the club so we can add that with the turkeys. It was big turn out and very successful. I was getting ready for the meal tomorrow and I wanted everything to be perfect. This was one of the first Thanksgiving's since Ally was a baby that Bey and I were truly together and celebrating with our family. Both our Mom's were coming, Solange, Micaiah, Juelz, Robyn, Lauren, Normani had RSVP'd as well. Mommy and Tina were bringing the ham and lamb chops so I only needed to deal with frying the chicken and making the sides. I walked into the kitchen to see Bey on her work laptop holding Ally who was in her lap sleeping. Ally was loving having Bey home every day since the 'incident'  and would sit up with her when she worked which gave me time to do some projects I had been putting off. Bey looked good in a black tank top and joggers with her hair pulled up into a messy bun. 

"Want me to put her in her bed?" I ask walking over.

"No, I don't want you lifting her. Besides she just fell asleep so I'll wait and take her up in a few moments." Bey said not looking up from her screen.

"Okay." I say quietly turning around to go in the kitchen.

"Wait, give me some sugar Mamas." Bey said in a low tone.

I smile inside quickly turning back around and leaning over and kissing Bey on the lips. I pulled away and went into the kitchen to start the sides for tomorrow's meal. I got macaroni pie done,  made plantains, potato salad with egg and a two pans of brownies. I was tired after all that and made Bey a turkey club with chips for dinner. She walked in from putting Ally in her room and took her plate. I was going to say something but I saw she was on the phone via her ear piece. She gave me a 'Thank you' kiss before leaving the kitchen. I cleaned up and got some ice and went up to the master suite. Sitting on the bed, I was settling in to watch a movie when I got a text.

*Tate (Cell)-

Hello Nicki, I wanted to say Thank you again for helping with the donation drive. I love giving back and that was a great drive. I want to plan the Christmas one with toys for the kids.

*Nicki Baby-

Hi Boss Man, I'm so glad! I love helping the community. I already started planning with Lauren for the Christmas drive. We set up boxes at the building to collect toys, pajamas, and gift cards. So just tell me that date of the drive and I'll be there with my Santa hat on.

*Tate (Cell)-

Aww, you are so giving Baby. I love that about you. You always try to make things better for people. How is Allybear?

*Nicki Baby-

Spoiled as always. She enjoyed todays quick little warm up and was out in her little playground all day. Can you believe she asked to go swimming?

*Tate (Cell)-

Yes! Allybear is such a driven little firecracker. LOL like her Mama. Did you let her?

*Nicki Baby-

No, but I did fill her water table and let her play with that for awhile. She still managed to get soaking wet though. LOL.

*Tate (Cell)-

What did you do today Baby?

*Nicki Baby-

Cleaning up for tomorrow, just got done making the sides, tomorrow I'll fry the chicken, we decided to eat a little early this year so we are doing more of lunch time thing. What are you doing tomorrow?

*Tate- (Cell)-

Yum, I'll be having DoorDash LOL. My family decided to go out of town for the hoilday and I just didn't feel like traveling this year but I'l see them on Christmas.

*Nicki Baby-

Oh, Tate, I'm sorry. Come over and get a plate from me. You can kick it with us. We'll more than enough food to go around.

*Tate (Cell)-

Oh Word? That's what's up. I'll bring some of the good liquor over.

*Nicki Baby-

Just 1 bottle, I don't want to be babysitting anyone.

*Tate (Cell)-

No problem Baby, I'll be there. Thank you for the invite.

*Nicki Baby-

You're welcome, I'll see you tomorrow at 1. Good night.

* Tate (Cell)-

Have a good night pretty girl. Kiss Ally for me. XO

I put  my phone up and texted everyone that I'd see them at 1 and that I wanted them all gone by 5 because I planned on having Bey 'stuff' me later. I put my phone up and finished my ice before needing to get up and check on Ally. Ally was up playing with her Barbies.

"Hey Baby, What do you want for dinner?"

"I ate with Papi, we had a sandwich and I had 2 pickles!"

"Oh, she shared her dinner with you huh?"

"Yes! It was tasty."

"I'm glad. I see your in your jammies, ready for bed?"

"NO!" Ally said yawning.

"How about a story Baby?"

"Mmmm...I want Papi to read it."

"Wow, you've be so attached to Papi, You're normally a 'Mommy's girl'."

Beyonce coming up to the door made my nose twitch. She had came back from smoking a blunt and even though it was faint, I could still smell it. She walked into the room and sat next to Ally and started to play with her. I sat and tried to join in but Ally really wasn't playing with me. I was feeling upset and didn't want to ruin the moment so I just got up and walked back to the bedroom. I was sad but tiredness  over me quick and I went to sleep.


Excuse all errors!



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