Baby Pains

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* Beyonce P.O.V*

After an restful few more days in Trinidad, we were home. At home, Onika and I were in our condo and I was on my lunch break. I really didn't want Onika going back and forth twice today so I just let her ride with me into the city and I went to my office. I was really trying to get all my loose ends done so I can take my paternity leave with my Baby girl. We had an appointment with Dr. Gabrielle after my next meeting and she was nervous. Lauren was off for the rest of the day and took Ally with her to get a pedicure so we could be kid free at the appointment. I had brought over lunch and was trying to get Onika to eat but again she had a few bites and stopped. She actually got sick and that worried me and also made me stop eating. Luckily I had all but finished my burrito. I cleaned up and joined Onika on the couch. PapaBear was up and kicking and she looked so tired.

"You never told me how you slept last night. I know I felt you get up a little but how did you sleep?"

"I didn't, I couldn't. He was all over the place and it hurt."

I saw Onika bite the inside of her cheek trying to stop herself from getting worked up. I hated this. I don't remember it being this way when she was pregnant with Ally but I was also acting a plum fool so I wouldn't remember this. But Ally's pregnancy seem different, it was like PapaBear was draining the life out of her. I stood and helped Onika to her swollen little feet. I wrapped my arms around her and started to gently sway with her.

"What are you doing?" Onika whined.

"Dancing with my wife, plus it'll put PapaBear to sleep. I know he's been busy."

Onika sighed and hugged me back putting her head on my chest and linking her fingers behind me lightly. I continued to dance us around until I felt PapaBear settle and Onika relax. She yawned and I told her to try to nap and that I'd be back for our appointment. I left to the office and sat through the meeting that included Robyn. I was still pissed at her for that knife shit consider Onika finally felt comfortable not to keep wearing a band-aid on it to hide the scars on her palm. Robyn had healed up so nice you'd never know what happened. The meeting ended and I got everything together to leave the office for the week and work from home. I was locking up my office when Rob came over to me.

"Bey can we talk?"

"Not right now Rob, I have somewhere to be."

"I understand but please let me see Nicki, I want to say sorry."

"No, not right now Rob, she has a lot of things on her plate right now and I think you've played with her head enough."

"That's not fair, I wasn't in a good head space."

"I understand that but you have medication that you need to take and you didn't. Besides, she doesn't want company or even people over fo'real. She's heavy with my son and I need it to stay that way for another 8 weeks and then you can talk to her."

"I'm not going to stress her out Bey, that's not fair."

"I didn't say it was but look, I need her calm for the next two months, if she's still a friend to you, give her space until the baby comes."

Rob nodded and I walked out of the office. I went back to the condo and saw Onika sitting on the couch drying her eyes. I dropped my suitcase and ran over.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, just hormones." Onika said quietly.

I kiss Onika's forehead and helped her up. She went to the bathroom before coming back to the front. I got the trash and Onika put on her fuzzy UGG slides and we left. In the car, Onika was quiet and had her head on my shoulder. I was gently rubbing on PapaBear, At the Doctor's office, Onika sat on the table getting poked and prodded for a while. She got blood taken a few times, had her sugar levels checked, and urine. The Nurse gave Onika a packet of graham crackers and a apple juice box so we could coax PapaBear to move around for the scan. Onika ate and drank before laying back. I moved in closer and started to rub her cheek with my finger. Soon Dr. Gabrielle was in and PapaBear was up. It was his 'walk' time and he was kicking Onika so hard her stomach was jumping and I know I saw his feet a few times. Onika was holding herself together barely as the scan was being done. The cyst had started to grow a little and I know she was nervous. Hell, so was I but Dr. Gabrielle said that it was still small compared to what it used to be like. PapaBear was head down and wiggling all over the place. Dr. Gabrielle moved the wand down to look at his head and Onika gasped and pressed her thighs together.

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