Versace Ball 2

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*Beyonce's P.O.V**

It was the last night of fashion week and it was Dontella's show at lunch time and the Versace Ball tonight. I was still trying to track Diamonte to get more information and had Wayne on it. Onika and I were enjoying the shows and it was all positive press with me hugged up with her rubbing on her baby bump and holding Ally who the paparazzi was eating up. The fashion show was amazing and Ally was a good girl and sat with me and watched without having a tantrum. Onika enjoyed the show even though she had to keep getting up for the bathroom. I recorded the show so she could watch it later. After the show, we left and went to get something eat with everyone. It was a fun lunch date and luckily Onika was too busy eating, feeding Ally, or going pee that she didn't notice Rob and Carol picking with each other. Back at compound I put Ally down for a nap and Onika and I went into our room. She took off her pink sundress and rubbed her belly.

"I feel so swollen. I think I've eaten too much salty food."

"Probably retaining water like me, the heat does it."

Onika sighed and looked at the bathroom.

"Take a shower with me?"

"Nope, because you just want some sex and we told Dr. Gabrielle we were going to be good."

"She's okay...if we don't do too much."

"No Mamas, I don't want to chance something happening with us being so far away from home. Besides, we don't have time. We need to get ready for the ball and hair and makeup are coming in soon."

Onika groaned and crossed her arms pouting. I smirk getting up and walking over to her putting my hands on her hips.

"You big mad huh? Zaddy promise to lick and dick you down real good when I can okay? I'll even take one of those pills from the gas station and two shots of Henny and fuck you real good." I reply pulling her close and placing a kiss on her neck.

"I hate you...that's my spot." Onika whined.

"I know, take a cold shower."

Onika went to shower and I lay on the bed and take a nap.

*Onika's P.o.v.*

After a long shower I got dried off and walked back in the room to see Bey passed out on the bed. I put on underwear and a bra before putting on my robe. I checked on Ally before going into the hair and makeup room. In the room I got my makeup done and was almost done getting my hair curled when Mom and Robyn walked in. I noticed Rob's hand on her ass until she moved it. They both looked at me and I gave it back. I know damn well Robyn isn't fucking my Mom when she has a whole girlfriend in Dejah. Mmm...she didn't invite Dejah to Rome. Fuck! They both back fucking. I thought.

"Hi Nicki, you hair looks nice."

"Thanks Mom."

"Hair up or down Rob?"

" I can pull it later." Rob said in low tone but I still managed to hear it.

I gagged. I for damn sure didn't have a desire to get fucked now. I close my eyes and rubbed my small baby bump and took a deep breath.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." I mumble to my Mom.

I heard a kissing sound as my eyes were closed and gagged.

"Can you stop?" I reply agitated as fuck.

"Stop what?" Robyn asked.

"Nothing." I grumble.

"The baby's got you in your act. You probably need to eat." Rob said with a grin.

"Or you can leave me the fuck alone. Don't worry about what act I'm in!" I yell causing the whole room to be quiet.

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