Bridal Shower

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At Lauren and Solange's bridal shower that was being thrown at Tate's club, it was a whole party. Everyone one was dancing and drinking and I just put on a fake front and made myself busy supervising the floor. I still was free to work at the club whenever I wanted and was there normally on Saturday nights as of late when I wasn't laying up or gone with Bey somewhere. Tate was doing well and it was as if nothing ever happened to him. He came over to me with a smile and took my hand.

"You doing okay Baby?"

"I'm fine, I'm glad everyone is having a nice time."

"They better, Lauren was on my ass." Tate laughed and I gave him a weak smile in response.

"Hey...come here."

Tate pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me as the song switched to a slow song.  The club lights went down and he started to slow dance with me.

"What's the matter Baby? You seem so unhappy."

"Just dumb shit. My Dad's fault but mine for trying to cover for him." I reply getting upset.

"Don't cry Baby, don't you let a single tear drop from those pretty eyes. I'm sure you had your reasons and if someone doesn't agree then shame on them. You're an honest woman, you never had a reason to lie, so why start now?"

"I know, like how you get mad at me because I don't want too discuss something when you feel like I should? Like, it's not fair. I'm pregnant and stressed out and I don't deserve that."

"I know Baby, you've been through so much. You just need to come home and have someone take the stress away, not add it."

"I do. I've been through so much. I still have nightmares."

"Poor Baby, you should be home resting."

"No, I want to be here for Lolo and Solo." I grin lightly.

"Nicki, you need to rest. You are tense all over. Come here."

Tate let me go and walked me up to his office. In Tate's office, he had me sit on the sofa and he sat next to me and put my feet in his lap after taking off my shoes. He started to massage them and it was heaven. I had been on my feet a lot and they were just constantly swollen as of late. Having Tate rub my feet made me emotional because  through out this whole pregnancy I asked Bey to and she always made an excuse not too. I got that she hated touching feet but it was the one thing I really wanted her to do and she wouldn't do it unless she was balls deep in my pussy and my legs were in the air. I felt my face get wet with tears and Tate handed me his handkerchief.

"Just relax."

"I should go...I'm sure my Mom is probably looking for me."

"If you want. I think you need to lie down for a while and elevate your feet. You can have my office to do so for as long as you need. I'll send Katie in with some water and food okay?"

Tate put my feet on two stacked throw pillows and left out. I sigh and try calling Bey again. I luckily had stopped having contractions, but I really didn't like the idea that I couldn't get in touch with her if I needed too. I was sent to voicemail. I was texting her when I happened to look up at the club cameras and saw her on the floor with Solange and Lauren. She was leading a dance line and had changed into something really cute. 'Guess she went by the house. Sure she packed a bag.' I thought.

I watched Bey dance and sing with everyone and I'm sure my absence was not noted

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I watched Bey dance and sing with everyone and I'm sure my absence was not noted. She didn't even attempt to look for me. 'This is your fault Onika, this is her getting back at you for not being straight with her. Let it go, this is Lauren's Day too.' I thought.

Katie came in with some appetizers and a bottle of Core water. I had something to eat watching everyone dance. My feet were feeling better after an hour and I was ready to go home and gon to bed. I got up and straightened Tate's office. I was getting keys out when I noticed Bey on the side by the bathrooms in the monitor. I saw some thot in front of her talking her up before I saw them both go in the bathroom. My adrenaline spiked and I walked out of the office quickly. I walked to the floor but was blocked the party. I slowed up a little because I didn't want to draw attention to myself. I got to the bathroom and stood at the door for a second even debating if I wanted to go in. I knocked on the door just to see what would come from the other side.

"Occupied." Bey giggled out.

I pushed into the door and charged into the bathroom. Inside Bey was sitting on the counter texting while the chick stood on the other side of the bathroom throwing up. The smell was atrocious and made me want to vomit. I walked out and took a few deep breathes. Soon another chick who looked like the other walked up to me.

"Hey, is my sister in here?"

"Yeah, she's sick. I'll have someone clean it."

"I'm sorry, she shouldn't have drank tonight."

The girl went in and Bey came out and looked at me.

"Why you run in like that? Thought I was going to have her in there sucking me up or something?"

"Honestly 'Yes'. I don't want to think of that but I know you."

"You know the old me. The old me would be banging down her and her sisters walls. I for sure would have done more than push you back this morning and beg you to tell me who hurt you."

"Bey, we need to talk."

"I wanted to talk earlier, I'm not talking now. We're at my sister bridal shower.'" She said mockingly.

"You can be such a bitch, Bey."

"Yeah and you can keep secrets from me. I know you were hugged up on Tate. I bet he kissed your ass and told you that you did nothing wrong. You're the one being sneaking and keeping secrets."

"I didn't want to tell you my Dad hurt me and my Mom because it wasn't something I wanted to deal with this morning, you didn't even give me the chance to tell you when I got my fucking feelings situated with it. You pry and push people to do what you want."

"Whatever, I knew your Dad probably did something. Gps bracelet? I knew as soon as you left the damn house. But you coming in and lying is a fucking problem for me. What happened to our fresh start? I've been making all these big changes and you don't want to meet in the middle but you won't open up to me."

"You don't make it easy."

"Wow it's easy to tell me a lie? You big tripping."

"I hate that you are so black and white with this."

"I hate that you lie to me about small shit. So we're even. Now go home, you're annoying right now." Bey said taking a glass of champagne from a passing server.

"Sorry to be a bother to you." I mutter leaving her.

At home, I checked on Ally and sat in her room with her for a while before taking a shower and getting changed for bed falling into what was sure to be an unrestful sleep.


Excuse all errors!

Bey's big mad, what ya'll think?

Comment Boos.


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