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*Onika's P.o.v.**

Bey has been like a warden the last week and a some change and I understand why but she was annoying. I was looking forward to tomorrow to see if I can finally get off bed rest. I was able to get Dr. Gabrielle to see me a little earlier so I could get this crazy giraffe off my back. I love Bey dearly but her over protectiveness was a lot. She was not like this when I pregnant with Ally probably because we were fighting all the damn time and apart. The Warden had me on a schedule and between her and Mama Tina they were feeding me like crazy. I never had a chance to be hungry. PapaBear for sure gained like 2 pounds because he felt so huge in my stomach and looked it. I almost hated seeing myself naked because I again was not this big with Ally. So either stress was keeping me small during that pregnancy or I wasn't eating because I was freaking huge this time around.

I got up from the bed while Bey was occupied with Ally and took a shower. I made sure not to look in the mirror because it made me upset. I got dried off and changed into a gray Calvin Klein sports bra and panties before slipping on a pair of Bey's joggers that bunched at the ankles from her being so damn tall. I pulled my wet hair out my towel and combed through it to detangle it before beginning to run the blow dryer through it. The door opened and Bey ran over the took the dryer from my hand, turning it off.

"What are you doing?"

"My hair, the hell it look like?" I snap.

"Oh you in your act huh?" Bey cooed with a smirk.

"Go away!" I whine.

"Onika, Call Tae and tell him to come over, you shouldn't be drying your own hair."

"Tae is on vacation and I can do my own hair."

"Naw that's too much Baby girl, I'll dry it."

"You don't even wash and dry your own hair."

"I do when I have too. I wash Ladybug's hair and dry it."

"Ladybug's head take three seconds to dry, I have too much hair for you to be playing in it."

"Uggh, Mom!!!"

"Leave Tina alone, she tired of you Giraffe."

Mama Tina walked in and grinned.

"Need some help Baby?"

"Yes, please help her Mom. I'm going to get you snack Onika."

"I'm not hungry!"

Bey bounced out and I rolled my eyes and Mama Tina started to dry my hair.

"She's driving me nuts."

"She's keeping your busy butt still, we all know you'd be all over the place if she didn't."

"Beyonce is annoying, she's on my ass worst than Carol was when I was a teen."

"Didn't you get pregnant as a teen?" Mama Tina said with a smirk.

"Mama T...why you read me like that?" I whine.

"She just wants you to take care of yourself. I think she is doing better. The training has done her wonders." Mama Tina said with a grin.

I sigh as Mama Tina finished my hair and Bey came back and left with a cut up banana and peanut butter. I put it to the side still feeling full from breakfast and not wanting anything. Mama Tina flat ironed my hair for me and curled it for me before pinning it up.

I thanked her and went downstairs with her. I went to the backyard and sat on my yoga mat. I always tried to get a few moments of meditation and deep breathing in each day. I was enjoying the sun on my belly and feeling PapaBear being still for once and being out of my back. I swear this boy loved my back and my hips. I always felt like I was carrying two loads of laundry when I walked. I was feeling sleepy when I felt someone's arms go around me. I looked back and saw Bey. She stretched her legs out beside me holding me in between them as she had me rest my back against her.

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now