Waiting Game

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Beyonce P.O.V

I sat with Onika in Dr. Gabrielle's office. A two weeks had passed from the last appointment and she was now 37 weeks. After being disappointed at the last appointment I was hoping she'd give Onika some good news. Dr. Gabrielle came in and smiled before sitting.

"Can I please be put out of my misery?"

"I would Onika but tests show that baby girl's lungs aren't fully ready yet. I would give you a steroid shot to speed things along, but I don't want to risk it. I know it's uncomfortable, but they have to stay in a little longer."

Onika whimpered and closed her eyes tightly. I stood and wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I know it's tuff but I want you going home with both babies not just one. I'll see you next week."

We left Dr. Gabrielle's office and I felt so bad for Onika. She'd been looking forward to getting the ball rolling on having the babies. I hugged her in the elevator and spoke quietly.

"Hey, What was the prayer we said when we found out the cyst?"

"That we didn't want it to get any bigger and that we just want the baby here safely."

"Yes, and then we prayed for both babies to be safe, right?"


"Well Mamas, we have to stick to that. It would be sad to have to leave one of the babies in the NICU because we were moving our pace verses hers? If she's not ready we should leave her in. Considering Papabear is 7.5 pounds all on his own and she's only 5, she needs the extra time in."

"I know, I just want feel like if they were here, it would be better for them." Onika said wiping her eyes.

We stepped off the elevator and walked out of the hospital and into the hot July heat. I pulled Onika to the side and we sat on a metal bench.

"I know. But right now, they are where they need to be."

Onika nodded and I rubbed her belly earning a kick from Papabear. I stood and helped Onika up and we got in my truck. Julius got in the back and I started off home. At home, Onika and I went to the kitchen. I got us some water as my Mom came in.

"Hey, how did it go Babies?"

"We're on the babies time, right?" I say smiling at Onika.

Onika bit her lip nodding. My Mom hugged her and she left to go upstairs.

"I feel bad for Onika."

"I know, pull out next time."

"Mom! You don't want grandbabies?"

"I do, but I hate seeing her in pain, the last weeks of pregnancy can suck so I can't imagine being pregnant with twins. Take you dog ass upstairs and rub her poor feet. Get her to nap before the rehearsal dinner tonight."

"Fine, I was really hoping that Onika would had the babies before the wedding. I'm worried that she'll go into labor or something over the weekend and we miss it."

"Lauren and Solange would understand plus, I'd have someone video call you so you two could watch. I would want to be there with you two when Onika had the babies."

"Aww. That's nice Mom. Ally still with Carol?"

"Yep, down at the beach. I'm about to go out there. I just happened to come in for popsicles. Leave her clothes out for her."

"Okay, Thank you two for giving Ally your time. I've really been trying to give Onika enough attention, so she'll stay up beat. I know she had postpartum depression with Ally and me running around didn't help that."

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now