Having my Baby

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We decided to stop at a toy store to get something for Ally and the twins. I was standing looking at some dolls when I felt Bey rub me with something. I looked back and saw her holding a stuffed whale.

"I fucking hate you Giraffe!" I reply turning around as she erupted into laughter.

"Come on Mamas, it's cute and it matches the black and white theme you have in the nursery."

"Whatever, help me pick a doll for Ally."

"I ordered her one to replace the old one that got messed up."


"Just buy her some doll clothes."

I walk over and grab a few cute outfits before joining Bey at the register. She paid and we left the store. We were close to my Mom's so I asked her to stop over. We went to my Mom's and I saw my Dad's truck in the driveway. I looked at Bey who looked nervous.


"Nothing. Want to call and tell her to come out?"

"No, I'll go in. I need to pee."

I got out of the truck and Bey and Julius followed. I used my key and went inside and smelled that my Mom was making chicken and some other things. I went to the bathroom and walked to her bedroom to see her sitting there holding a ice pack to her face. I got hot immediately and looked around for my Dad.

"I knew he was in here acting a ass! I knew it!"

"What are you talking about Onika?" My Mom said looking up.

"He hit you!"

"No he didn't Onika. I walked into the door."

"Walked into the door my ass! Where is he? Robert! Robert!"

"He's not here child!"

"His truck outside."

"He left it for me to drive. He went to Trinidad to visit your Uncle J, he had a heart attack."

"Oh my God, he okay?"


I sigh feeling Bey rubbing my shoulders.

"Calm down Baby girl, you on '10'.' Bey said quietly.

I sigh rubbing my temples and walked over to my Mom. She shook her head and put her hands on my belly.

"Baby me and your Dad aren't together anymore, we're just friends. We only tried one more time before we decided to give up for good. So calm yourself thinking you're going to come in and fight with all this baby in your belly."

"She's been a little hyper lately. I'm going to check your food."

"No, I'll do it Bey. Come get some chicken Onika, my grandson is hungry."

"No he's nottt!" I whine.

Mom, Bey and I went back downstairs and Mom finished her food and Bey helped her clean up as I had some chicken wings and rice. Bey had something to eat before my Mom said she'd be over later.

We left and went home. Ally was waiting for us and so was Mama Tina who was sitting outside with Ally. We hugged them and showed the pictures but Bey withheld us having twins. I was feeling tired so I went upstairs. After a nap, I felt better and sat up looking at an extra crib and extra things for Baby 'B'.

Solo surprised me by coming in and sitting on the bed with me rubbing my belly.

"I can't wait to do this with Lauren."

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now