Boardwalk Nights

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

The air at the beach felt delicious as Onika and I walked down the boardwalk. Onika had on heels again even after I protested and pleaded but she worked the planks of wood with ease and the dress she was wearing.

 Onika had on heels again even after I protested and pleaded but she worked the planks of wood with ease and the dress she was wearing

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It was gorgeous and flowed effortlessly on and around her body showing of her thick ass thighs and healthy legs. Damn she fine. Screw dinner, I'm ready to eat now. I thought. I was adjusting myself when we finally got to the table in the partially covered pavilion. Julius made sure to secure it and closed the entrance and sat the twenty feet outside requested by me.

Inside I put the picnic basket I brought along on the table and took in the view from the one place where the panels weren't closed. The ocean looked amazing and so was Onika looking at it.

I paid to have the beach for Ally's birthday tomorrow and they let me have it for tonight too so I had Lauren set up a little something for my 'Big baby girl' and something for my 'Little Baby girl' who wanted a Bluey themed beach party. I wrapped my arms around Onika's waist and clasped them against her baby bump. I started to kiss Onika's neck before starting to give her a hickie. She giggled and squirmed in my arms and I loved it. I was truly happy and was glad my Mom helped me see the light. 'I'm a dog ass bitch'. I thought. I finished up and smirked at my work before Onika turned around and spoke.

"Can we eat now? I'm hungry.'

"We had dinner at the house."

"You had dinner at the house. I was too busy cleaning up that damn glitter bomb that someone brought our daughter."

"Mamas..." I drag. "I didn't think it was going to do all that. I thought it was just like a glitter ball."

"Bey, it literally said bath bomb and slime!" Onika yelled.

"I'm sorry, I did bring snacks but not food food. What do you want?"

"Red Lobster shrimp with all the sauces and biscuits."

"I'll send Wayne for you Mamas." I reply pulling out my phone and texting him.

Thirty minutes later Onika was eating her ass off and I was kind of shocked. Lately she hadn't been have morning sickness which means I haven't been having morning sickness so she wasn't playing. She looked at me dipping her shrimp and spoke.

"You want some Bey?"

"I'm good Mamas; I just want you and the baby to eat. He's getting big."

"Don't play Bey, you know it's probably a girl."

"Make a bet on it?"

"No, I'm good."

"Well, what's the nickname?"

"Papa Bear for a boy." Onika said with a bright face and big smile.

"Awww...that's cute. He's going to fly, I can see it now. Little outfits and some fire kicks."

Onika had me ready to have a baby boy. I swear if the baby was a boy I was buying out the sneaker store with Rob. She always wanted a son. Onika finished eating and cleaned her hands and left to go to the bathroom real quick. I took the time to check on Rob. She'd been kind of busy lately and I felt a weird pull back from her. Rob answered face time and I noticed she was at Carol's house. Onika's not going to like this, good thing she's gone. I thought.

"Hey Fenty, you didn't RSVP to the party."

"I doubt Nicki wants me there. I'm not dealing with her attitude."

"Come on Rob, she's chilled from that. Besides Alexandria will miss you not being there. Carol's coming."

"No, she isn't either."

"Come on ya'll really going to miss Ally's fourth birthday party. We didn't even have it today so it wouldn't interfere with anyone Valentine's Day plans."

"Yes, speaking of..."

"Robyn, be real, you in the long haul with Carol?"

"We are doing us and we tired of the drama. Plus I don't want to be wrapped up in death threats and such. I don't know why you're even having something now, you need to wait."

"Wait for what? Chris is gone and Megan is out of the picture, we're all safe."

"I'm sure but I don't want Carol around Onika right now."

"So fuck my child and her special day?"

"Bey, I have to go. We're about to eat."

Robyn hung up and my trigger finger was itching. I was ready to unload the clip on her ass. She had a lot of nerve to pull this and even though I know Onika and her Mom weren't really speaking fo'real, Alexandria was going to notice when Robyn and Carol didn't show up. I thought about Onika's baby shower and sighed. Onika came in back and walked over to me. I instantly grabbed her into a hug and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her down onto my lap. She smelled like the mint mouthwash in our bathroom as she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. She rested her head on my shoulder and I held her tighter. I needed to calm down. I could hear Onika breathing and I followed the pattern until we were breathing in sync. It was cool and reminded me of the Lamaze breathing that we tried to do when Ally was born. It was cute for ten minutes until Onika started feeling pain and asked for the drugs. I was in my own head when Onika spoke.

"Bey, Can I ask you a question?"


"When we were at the Fortress and were having sex in the dark room was Chris watching us?"

"Uh....yeah, I tied him up and gagged him before you came in."

"That's why I thought I kept hearing moans. You're childish for that."

"Well, he hurt you, he deserved to see how you body should have been treated. Still amazed we were able to go at it for so long. I think he cried when he saw you deep throating my meat."

Onika laughed and I laughed. I needed it. I flipped Onika on the couch and spread her legs and kissed her down to her wet thong. I started to tease her clit through the wet fabric and slid my finger into her pussy before adding another and started to stroke it. I licked her clit in short quick motions and sped up my fingers. Onika covered her moans as she coated my fingers in her wetness.

After an hour of amazing sex Onika was about to fall asleep and I was tired and annoyed by Rob and Carol. We walked back to the house and showered and we changed into pajamas and I went to check on Ally. She had came back while we were gone via Lauren and was in bed asleep. I gave her a big kiss and cuddled her for a moment. I still was shaken up about that 'hit' thing and was kind of spoiling Ally more than normal. Since Onika started to really show Ally had calmed down a little and I was sad that she wouldn't be the baby anymore. I picked Ally up and carried her back to me and Onika's room. I put her in the bed with us and covered her with her little pink blanket. Onika kissed Ally's head and turned the TV down and we settled in for bed. I knew this was the calm before the storm because when Onika finds out Carol and Rob weren't coming tomorrow, it was going to a lot of broken glasses in all three of our kitchens.


Excuse all errors!


House pix will be on next chpt.


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