Adult Time

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.*

I woke up in bed alone and after calling out for Onika and getting no answer and not seeing her in Ally's room I got up. I took the elevator down to the main floor and heard Onika yelling. I picked up the pace and saw Onika falling back into Aubrey who quickly grabbed her up. I saw Rob move from the wall confused.

"What the hell?" She said quickly.

"I gave her a sedative. I didn't want her to freaking out any further." Aubrey answered.

"Bruh, you can't just be knocking out my wife all willy nilly! How long will she be out?"

"Two hours max, it depends on how fast her liver metabolizes but lucky for Robyn, she won't remember this."

"Whatever, she just needs to get over it." Rob said leaving us.

"So...the wife is a little handful huh?" Aubrey said laughing. "She was 'on go' when she saw Rob."

"Yeah, she's been in a mood lately. She wound up, ya know?"

"Bey, two words, vacation sex."


"Vacation sex would make her relax. She looks like she been it and then some. Take your wife for a weekend and do what ya'll."

"How am I going to do that with a price on her head?"

"Umm..." Aubrey cleared his throat uncomfortably.


"It wasn't on her head truly, it was on Alexandria."

"The fuck!"

"Mixed messages but Megan originally said it was for Ally but them fools she sent thought she meant Nicki. Because you know who would put a hit out on a child unless you crazy."

"On my Baby girl? My fucking three year old? Oh bitches is sick! I want that hoe head!"

"Chill Bey, it's not worth getting upset about. I put out a code to pretty much anybody that if they do that shit it's going to be hell on earth but I also hit some protection people so anyone who could do that won't."

"God...How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing, we're family Bey and no one fucks with us. Now the streets are calm with that botched attempt and I heard Megan is scrambling and trying to lie low. But Chris was the main thing that was a threat and we got him so give me maybe a week and we'll get Megan too."

"Thank you Aubrey."

"I'll take Nicki up for you. I feel bad she didn't get a chance to eat that snack she wanted. I slaved and made a grilled sandwich with onions."

"Onions! Yuck!"

"Hey not me, that's her pregnancy cravings. Mama Tina told me that she was eating onions with everything."

"Yes, that's new, she didn't do that with Ally. It was just random food that pregnancy."

"Well, let me know if you want any special food, I'll have it brought in. Ally has requested more Oreos and Apple juice."

I chuckle. Ofcourse Ally did.

Aubrey took Onika back up to bed and I checked on Ally before picking her up and carrying her to our room. I put her between us and couldn't help but drop a few tears. I could have lost my daughter, wife, and unborn child because of Megan and it was my fault because I pulled into my bed.

"I'm a dog ass bitch." I mumble.

"Yes, you are. Now go to bed." My Mom said faintly.

I jumped up trying to figure out where she was. I looked between me and Ally and saw my phone had called her by accident.

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now