Confessions of a Dog Ass B*tch

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Beyonce P.o.v.

Pulling up to the house alone as Ally wanted to spend the night with my Mom I was looking forward to seeing if Onika wanted to watch a movie together before bed. I walked into the house and took off my shoes. I had some water before grabbing two bottles and going up to the Master bedroom. I pushed the door open to see Megan sitting on the edge of my bed and Onika dressed in a black maxi dress laying on the floor on the opposite side of the room.

"The fuck?"

"Come in, we're having a chat." Megan said waving her silver gun.

My heart stopped as I tried to assess the situation. Onika looked like she was in pain and obviously scared. I walked over and tried to go in her direction, but Megan pointed at a chair across from both of them. I sat and held my hands up as Megan checked me for a weapon. She sat back on the end of the bed and cleared her throat.

"So, this is the end of all of the bullshit. We're all going to talk."

"What about Megan?" I ask.

"About you Beyonce, all about you."

"Okay, we can talk but can Onika leave?"

"No, she stays, she's a part of this. Now, I want you to confess your sins Ms. Knowles."

Megan pulled her phone from her pocket and casted to the TV. Soon a video of one our first threesomes played. Of course she recorded shit. I thought. I looked at Onika and mouthed the I was sorry and Megan turned up the TV. She stood and walked over to Onika and pulled her up against the wall so she was looking at the TV screen as well.

"Now Bey, tell Onika how you felt at this moment." Megan said stopping the video on me deep inside of her while we were wrapped up in each other's arms as Onika sat by the bed post watching.

I got a lump in my throat knowing that we just went through a bunch of feelings in therapy and this was going to be a huge step backward in reliving this shit. I looked at Onika who was wiping away a tear and looking at her belly.

"Megan, we don't have to do this."

Megan looked at me and pointed her gun and Onika and let off a round piercing the wall a meer five inches away from her head. Onika gasped for air as shock went through her body and the air left all my lungs.

"Hesitate again and I won't miss next time. Now, tell me what you were feeling!" Megan yelled.

"I was feeling good! Okay! I had my cake and was eating it too. I was fucking you and got to fuck Onika at the same time. I didn't feel constricted to just one woman and I loved it." I yell getting angry.

Megan smirked and turned to video after video of us fucking soon it was just us in the videos. True to my old dog ass ways I was fucking her and not caring if Onika was in the room or not. I even had the audacity to tell Megan I 'loved' her. Megan soon turned off the TV and spoke.

"You lied Beyonce, you never loved me. Why?"

"I did love you Megan when we were together as children, when I was out being a hoe and when I first started messing with Onika I loved you and you knew that."

"So what changed?" Megan asked looking straight ahead at our closets.

"We lost contact, I lost myself in hoes, I fought my feelings for my assistant and pushed her away saying it was just sex and nothing more for almost 8 years before realized that I couldn't let you hold me back any more."

"And you started to be more serious with Onika?" Megan asked.

"Yes." I reply quietly looking at Onika who was back to lying on the floor holding her belly.

Entanglements II : A BeyNika Story (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now