I DO....

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The next morning, I had to do my 'best man' duties so I was needing to be out of the door by 9 but the new Nanny 'Chloe' was here to help. I took a moment to show her to her new room and run her through her routine with Ally. We went to Ally's room and she was gone. We went over to the master and told Chloe to wait as I went in. I closed the door behind me and saw Onika and Ally in the closet. Onika was on her knees in front of Ally who was dressed and was talking excitedly. I stood back for a moment and watched them talk and Ally finished getting ready in her gorgeous flower girl dress. Ally ran to the back of the closet and I walked in. Onika looked back and I smiled.

"Good Morning, my lovely wife. You're up early, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, You look nice."

"Thank you. You dressed under the robe?"

"Yes, I managed to find a coral blouse to go with my gray dress pants."

Ally came back and there was knock on the door.

"Whose is that? Your Mom?"

"No, The Nanny."

"The Nanny?"

"Baby, I hired a nanny to help us with Ally and the twins. I don't want you struggling with them when I'm not here."

"Beyonce, we said no strangers in the house."

"I know Mamas but I checked her out. She's good, let's just give her a try."

Onika was nodded quickly before leaving the closet with me and Ally. I introduced her to Chloe and it was okay. Ally seemed to be okay with her and I was interested to see what the relationship would be like. I dismissed Chloe for the day and Onika and I finished getting ready for the wedding. We left went to the venue and I got swept up in my 'best man' duties after we all had breakfast together with the rest of the bridal party.

*Onika's P.o.v.*

The wedding was beautiful. If I wasn't in so much pain on and off I would have enjoyed it. Ally did good with her flower girl duties and Bey looked nice up there with Solange. Lauren looked amazing in her ball gown and I was excited for the reception to kick off because I was going to slip away and go home. After some pictures we went to the reception space. It was an old drive in movie lot and there were videos of Solange and Lauren playing on the screen after their first dance I was ready to go. I managed to find Bey and pull her off to the side.

"Hey, I'm going to go, I'm tired."

"Sure Mamas, I'll grab Ally and we'll go."

"No, Don't leave Solange's wedding. You'll be missed plus Ally would pitch a fit if she didn't get to have cake or see the fireworks."

"I know...alright. But call me as soon as you get home and I won't stay long after the fireworks."

Bey and I hugged and she was pulled away to do her speech. I was watching for a moment before leaving with Wayne. Wayne took me home and I started to feel worse and decided that I needed to go to the hospital. But first, I wanted a shower and to change. After a hot shower, the pain picked up and I wanted to call Bey but decided to wait until I was back in the car. I changed into a black cotton maxi dress with my slides. I pulled my hair up and took off all my jewelry including my wedding ring that was almost stuck on my swollen finger. I grabbed my hospital bag and had a few grapes before grabbing my water bottle and leaving. Wayne put my things in the trunk while I suffered through a contraction. I was slowly shuffling to the side of my car when I heard a faint pop sound. I looked down thinking that my water broke or I stepped on something. Wayne ran over and pushed me down into the backseat of the car making pain shoot up my back from the sudden drop. Soon two guns shots fired off and I covered my scream. Wayne didn't move again and I soon realized why when I saw blood running down his arm and shoulder. I covered my scream as the other side of the car door opened and I saw the gleam of a silver pistol. I closed my eyes waiting for it but felt Wayne being pulled off of me and me being pulled up to my feet. On my feet, I was face to face with a familiar face.

"Megan? What...are you doing?"

"Hey Fren... Keep it cute or Bey will find your body in this drive up. I'm tired of the bull shit and we're settling this shit once and for all."


Short, sorry!



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