Stop keeping Secrets

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*Beyonce P.O.V.**

Three weeks later:

I sat at my desk trying to concentrate but again I felt like hell. My stomach was in a damn knot, I was picking through my food, I could hardly sleep at night with Onika getting up fifty damn times a night to do God knows what. I had a headache from cursing out Megan who decided to show up to my office announced teasing me about being weak for going back to Onika. Lauren came in with my lunch and the smell of it made me gag. She stopped and quickly took my lunch out and put it on the cart outside before coming back in.

"Damn Diablo, you're the one who ordered spare ribs from the Chinese place."

"It smells gross just get me some soup or something."

"Bey, you're about to leave soon. Onika left a message for you to come home early."

"Uggh, tell her to meet me here."

"Pick up your phone and tell her. Or just go home. We're done for today and you need to get ready for fashion show in two days."

"Pull me and Onika some looks. Let's do black or purple this year. Also let's start planning Ally's party today."

"Already started. I sent an email. Want some ginger-ale to settle your stomach?"

"Yes please, I've been sick on and off for weeks. No fever or cough just nausea and insomnia. It's annoying."

"Take a test and make sure you're not pregnant." Lauren laughed.

"Ha-ha smart ass bitch."

"Hmm. Well blame couvade syndrome."

"What's that?"

"Google is your friend Diablo."

Lauren left my office and I typed in couvade syndrome into my browser. What came up was odd as it meant that I was having pregnancy symptoms I started to think before I called Onika via Facetime. She answered the phone and I immediately saw Ally in the backseat sleep and Onika's arm moving back and forth barely in the screen. Before I could say anything I heard my Mom's voice in the background as she got in the car.

"Where ya'll going?" I ask with my little country twang coming through.

Onika jumped and my Mom put her face in the camera.

"Bey, what do you want?"

"Damn, I just called to talk to my Wife. I was wondering how she was."

"She's fine. Worry about yourself." My Mom said quickly.

She ended the call and I rolled my eyes and looked at Onika's location and stood. She was in the area. I grabbed my purse and jacket and left the office. Julius met me downstairs and the driver followed my directions before we pulled up to Onika's doctor's office. I got out and walked over to her car to see my Mom sitting in the car playing a game on her phone while Ally was still sleep.

"What you doing Tina?"

"Minding my business Hoe."

"You play, Onika okay?"

"Go see for yourself."

I nod and walk into the building. I walk up to reception and she took me back to Onika's room where she was sitting on the table as the Doctor took her blood pressure. She looked like she saw a ghost when I came in and closed the door. The Doctor looked at me and took the cuff off her arm.

The Doctor left the room and I spoke.


"Yes." Onika replied quietly.

"Since when?" I ask getting upset.

"Since Thanksgiving, I found out just before you came into the bathroom."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to treat me differently because I was pregnant. I knew you'd just treat me right until I had the baby."

"Not true. I want to treat you right because I love you."

Onika nodded as the Doctor came back in. She had Onika lay back and lifted her shirt. Onika had a pudge that I had noticed but just chalked it up to hormones and being home with Ally snacking. The Doctor started an ultrasound before showing us the screen. Soon our baby was on the screen and the Doctor moved the wand and showed us the other! Onika gasped and my heart stopped.

"Other? Like more than one?" I ask moving forward.

"Yes, twins. Explains why you've been feeling extra sick and light headed these past 11 weeks Onika." The Doctor said moving the wand around. "They look healthy, perfect size and everything looks good. Just focus on what I told you. Rest, Hydration, Eating better, and taking your medication.

"Yes M'am."

The Doctor finished up and we left. In the elevator down I rubbed Onika's stomach.

"I'm happy but I'm mad at you Onika, you hid my baby from me. Twice. You did the same thing with Ally. That's mad childish."

"Be mad another day Beyonce, I'm trying to figure out how I'm about to take care of three kids."

"Nothing to figure out, we'll get a nanny or something. We have 6 months to get things together. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I told you why."

"...They mine?"

"The fuck! I swear you are insane!"

"No I'm not, why you hiding it if they not mine? Huh? Who hides a pregnancy not once but twice from their spouse? So hell yeah I just asked if the twins are for me."

Before Onika could reply the doors of the elevator opened and we saw Megan on the other side.


Excuse all errors!



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