Kitchen Confessions

773 61 18

*Trigger Warning*

*Onika's P.o.v.**

I was started to sweat with the heat coming off of Robyn's hand that was wrapped around my neck. She pulled me into the kitchen and had my back pressed against the hard marble counter's edge. She was staring at me seething. She was like an animal in heat but also starving in hunger. Her green eyes never left mine and her left knee was placed between my thighs keeping them apart. The bottom of my dress had been bunched up around my hips and my cotton panties were exposed. Robyn pressed her thigh up against my center and held it there. In a matter of moments my panties were soaked and so was the skin of her thigh. I wasn't turned on by this. I promise. This was just my body reacting I told myself.

"I loved you Nicki but you didn't love me enough to leave someone who didn't love you. How many times did she have to show you? I would have been everything for you, you wouldn't have had to worry about me stepping out on you. I would have given you anything you ever wanted and all you had to do was be mine."

Robyn said now thrusting her knee and thigh under my pussy roughly. I was beginning to leave a trail of juices on it like I was a snail.

"We could have been happy a long time ago. You want to know something? I thought of you every time I went deep in Carol. That's how bad I wanted to be close to you Nicki. I wanted some part of you."

"Robyn....please....don't." I lightly said.

I was getting close to having an orgasm and I didn't want too. I didn't want her to have this control over me nor to take it as a sign that I wanted her in any way.

"Cum for me." Robyn commanded.

I shook my head in defiance. She grunted and let me go. I almost tipped forward but she pushed me back and as we locked eyes again I saw some silver and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh my God." I breathe out.

"You made me do this!"

"No!" I scream.

I instantly wrap my hand around the carver knife's center that was pressed against her neck. The pain in my hand had to be ignored as it was the only thing keeping the blade from her jugular.

"Get off of me! Let me do it!"

"No Robyn! No! Stop this please!" I scream.

Grabbing it tighter slicing deeper into my palm as she tried to move it again. We struggled for two minutes before she let the knife go. I immediately threw into the next room watching it pierce the couch and stay there. Looking down at my hand that was cut and oozing blood I felt the pain. It was horrible but also felt numbness as adrenaline took over. Looking at Robyn I saw her covered in my blood and... her blood. 'What the fuck?' I thought. I looked into her opposite hand and saw that she had sliced her arm. Before she or I could move or even speak her 'Alexa' in the corner chimed and said that her dinner would be on its way.

"Alexa call an ambulance!" I screamed as I reached over and grabbed the second knife from Robyn's hand.

"Don't stop me Nicki, if I can't have you, I don't want to live."

Robyn slashed against her body again pulling a hidden knife from behind her back. This time slashing her other arm. 'Oh wow, that's a lot of blood, she hit something that time. She'll bleed out.' I thought before grabbing a nearby kitchen hand towel. Rob was sitting on the floor now and was calm almost out of it. I wrapped the towel around the deep cut and pressed it closed and held it. I grabbed another towel and doubled it. My heart was racing and the smell of fresh blood was making me want to vomit. It something out of a horror film and baby boy kicking in my stomach was making it worse.

"Nicki, why are you doing this?" Robyn asked in a blasé tone.

"Because I don't want you to die, not like this." I reply trying not to focus on all the blood around me.

My hand was also still bleeding and I was feeling weak and I was fighting the urge to vomit.

"Leave me."


"Leave me Nicki."


"Then answer me this...what would have made you leave her?"

"...Nothing. Bey would have to kill me and even in death I would probably still by her side."

"Why? And don't say love. You can't love another person that hard unless it's your Mother or Father and I took your Mother away from you and you still stayed with Beyonce. I took Beyonce away from you and you stayed loyal to her. Why?"

"Because I do. I love that woman so much it hurts. She's all I think about and all I ever wanted. I love my daughter even more because she gave her to me and my son. I'm sorry Robyn maybe after this is over you can find someone too but I love Beyonce Giselle, with her dog ass bitch self with my whole heart." I say tears streaming down my cheeks.

"You're a damn fool. You love that woman to the ends of the earth and she'll fuck every bitch you throw in her path. She gave you a baby and a year later was on her bullshit leaving you to take care of Alexandria alone. She only came around because Chris was beating your ass and Tate was ready to steal you away. Beyonce doesn't love you, she owns you. She owns your whole being and your too stupid to see it. You're going to wish you died here in this moment when she destroys your relationship again. Beyonce is a monster and cannot be tamed. No amount of therapy is going to stop her fucking on another bitch. I've known her almost her whole life and I can attest to that. You are a fucking idiot Onika Tanya and I'm sorry for what the future holds for you."

My literal soul was shaking hearing Rob say that to me. I couldn't hardly process it but I heard every word and inflection. My heart was skipping beats and I was feeling dizzy.

"She's going to be in her act again and this time if you don't let her do what she wants, she'll leave you and take your children. You think your poor ass is getting custody? Beyonce will use her power and influence and take Ally and Jr. far away, you'll be lucky if you get a Christmas card. You're a foolish girl in love with someone who will never reciprocate it back."

The door opened and paramedic, police, and firemen came in. I was in and out of it. I remember turning though and vomiting on the floor beside us. I remember the ride to the hospital in short glimmers. I remember Dr. Gabrielle taking over my care along with a hand specialist before it went dark.


Ya'll want another part? get the comments popping! :)

Thoughts/ Comments?

Excuse all errors.


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