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*Onika's P.o.v.*

Two days had passed and I was feeling antsy. I wanted to do something with Beyonce but she was busy at work. I was going to plan for something tonight but she was working late to get ready for the damn fashion show that got rescheduled for tomorrow night. After taking Ally to Target this morning and going to the Mall for some new pants, I was really missing Beyonce's company by the time I got in. Luckily for me Tina had came over to see Ally so I decided to take Bey some dinner and eat with her. I needed to change so I went upstairs and took a shower and got a cute idea. I got dried off and made sure I was smooth in all areas before putting on a cute set and my almost floor length Burberry trench coat.

 I got dried off and made sure I was smooth in all areas before putting on a cute set and my almost floor length Burberry trench coat

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I slipped on my heels and fixed my makeup. I grabbed my essentials, keys, phone, wallet and hoe bag. I kissed Ally goodbye as she sat with Tina watching TV. Wayne was waiting in the car for me. He drove me over to get Beyonce and I's pickup order and then to her office. He walked me in and I locked the door behind me and waved at Julius before going into Bey's office. In Bey's office, she was sitting at her desk looking at her screen with an ear piece in. I could hardly get all the stuff in my hands down before I felt my pussy tingle at the thought of getting filled. I bit my lip and she looked at me before looking back at her screen. I crossed my arms before taking off my jacket and placing it across one of her white leather sofas. . She looked at me and bit her lip for a second before putting her eyes back to the screen. I thought meeting but she wasn't saying anything and there wasn't any noise coming from her computer. I walked and stood behind her computer and did a sexy turn before gesturing for her to come to me. She ignored all of it looking at her screen before making eyes for me to move. I frowned and turned and flashed my ass to her. I turned and ran my hands down my body over and over again and started to touch myself all over. Bey looked at me with a grin before touching the computer. Catcalls, jeers, and whistling sounds soon erupted from her computer. I was stuck. Bey got up and walked over to me and pulled me to the outside of the computer.

"My lovely wife, unicorn club. Apparently, she needs attention so I will chat with you all in two weeks. Have a good night. Sparkles to you all."

Bey clicked off her Zoom meeting and shut down her computer. She looked at me and walked over to the bags of food I brought and pulled out her plate. She opened it and started to eat while looking at me still standing behind her desk with a hot red face.

"So...I have a meeting in about fifty minutes and Lauren is handling a last minute task for me. Can you email and call back the list of people I put on her desk? I'm sure you remember how to do that right?"

I nod.

"Okay. Well get moving. Cover up."

Bey continued eating as I walked out of the office, she barely looked at my ass and I was conflicted. I went into my old office and did what was asked and soon was back in my routine and did the rest of the Lauren needed to do for tomorrow. Lauren texted that she appreciated it and I looked at the time, 10 p.m. Ally was for sure in bed and I was still craving Beyonce's attention. I texted Mama Tina about spending the night and she agreed and told me that Ally had went to sleep at 8. I got up and walked over to Bey's office where she was writing something. She quickly shoved the papers in the drawer and looked up.

"I'm done for today, let's go home. Thank you for dinner."

"Bey...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you on the group chat."

"It's cool. I guess you have been gone too long if you willingly walk in front of my webcam almost naked knowing that I take many meetings over the computer from Italy and Paris and my web cam is almost always on."

I looked at Bey wanting to go off but I held it. She was right. That could have been big investors on the line and I showed them my ass and pretty much all my breasts. I put my trench on and shoes and looked at my dinner that I didn't eat still sitting on the table. I put it in Bey's personal fridge and grabbed my bag. Bey and I left and got in the elevator with Julius. In the elevator and the whole ride home Bey was on her phone and didn't speak to me. It was weird as hell. We were doing so good and all of a sudden she was pushing me away and being cold. I was biting my tongue on wanting to yell about it since I knew she was under stress from the show and this was her typical mood before something big happened with the company. At home, I went to the kitchen and had something to eat before going up the bedroom and changing into a shirt and pajama pants. I put my hair up and got into bed. Bey soon followed. I was hoping for a 'Good night' hug and kiss but I didn't get either. I fell asleep looking out the window. The next morning I woke up with my stomach ready to turn over. I had nightmares all night about Bey cheating or leaving me or hurting us. My morning sickness hadn't slowed down at all so this on top of it was not a good combo. I got up and went to the bathroom and saw Bey brushing her teeth. I got my toothbrush and started to brush mine when the taste of the peppermint forced my stomach to upturn. I slumped over in front of the sink and threw up. I heard Bey gag beside me before moving to the toilet. We were sick for a few minutes and it reminded me of when we were younger and got wasted on some drinks at Rob's house and it was puke fest. She recovered quickly and came back to the dual sink to wash her face and mouth out. I stopped vomiting and was justing holding my stomach watching the water running down the drain in my sink. Bey's phone rang and she jogged out of the bathroom to get it. I turned the water off the sink and washed my face before cleaning up and starting back into the bedroom. I stopped short when I heard Beyonce growl in frustration.

"I wish she would take that medication the Doctor gave her to control the vomiting. I'm tired of having sympathy morning sickness with Onika. God didn't want me to have a baby Rob, so he fixed that for us. It's irritating. At first I was 'Oh were so in tune that's cool but now it's old.' It's aggravating my throat and making me lose the cute little few pounds I picked up in the hips."

Seeing Bey on the phone and hearing her say that hurt but she was right. It wasn't fair to be sick when she wasn't pregnant but it wasn't my fault, I don't even know how she was having morning sickness to be truthful. I was debating whether to walk in when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked down and saw blood droplets on the floor leading from the shower to the door where I was standing. I looked down and saw that I had spots on my towel and on my thighs. Before I could say anything Bey yelled out to me.

"I'm gone Onika! I'll be back to get ready. Please make sure your dressed I don't have time for you to be on C.P. time."

"Be..Beyonce." I barely get out as I just felt helpless looking at the floor. My mind was racing and going into dark places quickly.

"I'm not arguing with you this morning Onika just do what I said please. Also let's keep our clothes on tonight. I'm still mad about last night."

"Beyonce please!" I say again feeling sick on the stomach and light headed.

I pushed through the door as she left the room and fell to my knees as my vision was blurring. I was going to faint. I quickly put my head to the floor as it all went black.


Missed me? Sorry for the cliffhanger this time. Just busy.

-What do ya'll think is up with Bey?

Excuse all errors!

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