Love Bites and Waffles

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*Beyonce's P.o.v.**

"Okay, she'll leave Mamas."

"I don't think she will. Let's see what she wants."

"Fine. I'll go. Stay here."

I got off the bed and went into the closet and grabbed my robe. I put it on and walked down to the front door. I opened it a little and peaked at Robyn through the crack.

"Bruh, I told you to give her space."

"Come on Bey, Don't shut me out. I really want to apologize to Nicki."

"Robyn, No, Go home. I'm just trying to relax her and- "

"And fuck, ya dick is out. Just give me five minutes Bey and you can get back to fucking ya' wife."

Robyn pushed in and Onika appeared at the top of the steps in a white spaghetti strap shirt and pink yoga pants with her hair pulled up into an adorable ponytail. She came down and looked at me then Rob and spoke.

"Ummm...Hi Robyn. How are you?"

"Can we talk alone?"

"Hell no." I reply quickly to Rob.

"Bey, be nice." Onika said softly.

I sighed and looked at Robyn.

"Come up with me right quick while I get some clothes on. Mamas, wait for us in the den."

"I'm going to get snack actually." Onika replied rubbing her belly.

"Oh! Good, do that." I say encouragingly knowing that she needed to put something in her stomach.

Onika walked away and I looked at Rob and nodded.

Rob nodded back and walked with me upstairs. I looked in at Ally before going to the Master suite and into my closet. In my closet, I quickly hemmed up Rob.

"The fuck?"

"Robyn, you are on thin ice. I don't want Onika to get upset at all. She's tired, emotional, and I just want her to relax." I reply before letting her go.

"You act like I came here to fuck her!"

"Did you? Don't play with me Robyn." I reply taking off my robe.

I grabbed a black shirt and underwear before grabbing some gray sweatpants.

Look Bey, I just wanted to apologize to Nicki."

"Fine since you seem to be on mission please keep it cute and keep it short."

"Whatever. If she talks to me all night, I'm going to let her."

"Rob, you shouldn't want her too. Onika needs her rest. Bruh, if you came here to start drama I am going to beat your ass."

"Please I let you win that fight, where's the next one going to be? Waffle House parking lot? I-hop?"

"Rob...." I grumble leaving the closet.

Rob and I walked back downstairs and into the dining room where Onika sat eating some cereal and looking at her phone that was playing a movie. She paused it and Rob looked at me.


"Alone mi ass! This my house." I yelled.

"Bey, it's okay. Can you take this back to the kitchen?" Onika asked giving me her cereal bowl that had blue tinted milk in it.

"I got you Baby girl." I reply leaning over and kissing her and taking the bowl.

I walked past Rob and whispered 'Five minutes' in her ear before leaving the room. In the kitchen I washed Onika's bowl and sat quietly hoping to over hear their conversation.

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